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Study Skills. Technology Resources for Students Adapted by: Alyssa McGarigal Counseling Intern. Parras Middle School has a great website that can help you: - Look up homework or missing assignments - Find out your grades - Stay up-dated on events at school
Study Skills Technology Resources for Students Adapted by: Alyssa McGarigal Counseling Intern
Parras Middle School has a great website that can help you: - Look up homework or missing assignments - Find out your grades - Stay up-dated on events at school - Track your absences and tardies - Contact teachers by e-mail or phone - Learn more about your classes by viewing the teachers Websites Log on to:parrasmiddle.org
Teacher’s Websites The teacher websites offer students a chance to see homework assignments for the week, up-coming projects, tests, and quizzes. Here is how to find your teachers’ websites: Step 1: Log on to www.parrasmiddle.org Step 2: Located on the left hand side is a blue box labeled Teacher Websites & Info. Click on it. Step 3: The page will show a list of all the teachers at Parras. Click on the name of the teacher who’s website you want to view.
Teacher Websites Step 4: Now that you are on the teacher’s webpage, you can view notes left by the teacher regarding what was done in class that day or view homework and due dates.
Counselor Resources Visit www.parrasmiddle.org, click on Counseling, then click on Academic Resources on the left hand side. • Study Skills • Test Taking Skills • Tutoring • How to use the portal/website • Organization
Free Tutoring Services Available Tutorial Period Tutorial is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11:40 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. *Extra help at “Closed Tutorials” if your agenda is stamped with “TUTORIAL REQUIRED” *Extra help at open tutorials *Extra time for homework at Study Hall You must stay in the tutorial you go to.
Welcome to the Redondo Beach Public Library The library is located at: 303 N. Pacific Coast Hwy Redondo Beach, CA (310) 318-0675 Hours: M.-Th. 10:00 a.m.- 8:00 p.m. Fri. 10:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. Sat. 9:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.
Redondo Beach Library HOMEWORK GOT YOU STRESSED??!!Let a Tutor.com tutor help you for free!Live tutors are available every day from 1pm to 10pm.All you need is your Redondo Beach Library Card.
Student/Parent Portal The Portal gives students and parents information on grades, missing assignments, and attendance history. Here is how to gain access: Step 1: Log on to www.parrasmiddle.org Step 2: Located on the left-hand side is a blue box labeled Parent Portal, Click on it.
Student/Parent Portal Step 3: Sign in The username is student’sSchool IDex. 102351 The password is student’s Birthdayex. 021499 (Feb 14,1997) OR a student’s first Initial of first name, first Initial of last name, and six digit birthday ex: RA021499
Student/Parent Portal Step 4: To view your grades and assignments, Click on Schedule located on the left-hand side.
Student/Parent Portal Step 5: Pick the class in which you would like to view your grades.
Student/Parent Portal Step 6: You will be able to view your grades and assignments from Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4, depending on what quarter you’re in.
Student/Parent Portal Taking a closer look at your grades and assignments. This snapshot of a Parras Middle School student’s grades gives more understanding to their final grade. Assignments NameDue DateAssignedDatePts Poss Score% Comments Chapter 1 Health Packet 02/05/2010 02/01/2010 20 16 80 UV Lab 02/09/2010 02/09/2010 10 6 60 Reading a Chart Index 02/10/2010 02/09/2010 3 *Missing0 Chapter 2 Health Packet 02/12/2010 02/08/2010 20 18 90 Extra Credit Puzzles 02/22/2010 02/12/2010 0 0 0 Owning the Problem 02/24/2010 02/23/2010 3 *Missing0 Extra Credit - Chapter 3 02/25/2010 02/15/2010 0 0 0 Workbook Chapter 3 03/09/2010 03/02/2010 3 0 0 Workbook pages 69-71 03/10/2010 03/09/2010 3 2*Late 66.7 Term Q3 MS QuarterTotals: 368.7 259.15 70.29% C-
Student/Parent Portal When you’re looking over your grades online make sure: -The points and grades are correct. -You write down your missing assignment and talk to the teacher about possibly making it up. If you’re not happy with your grades talk to your teachers, parents, and/or counselor about helping you become a more successful student.
Student/Parent Portal Step 7: To view your absences and tardies, click on Attendance, located on the left-hand side.
A-absent, T-tardy, UNX- unexcused tardy, 30TD- 30 minslate, UNA- unexcused absence, ACT- activity,ILL- out sick, ILL- sick, excused absence, FPN- family personal necessityHow is your attendance/tardies affecting your grades?
How is your Attendance affecting your Citizenship grade? O outstanding - No truant absences - 1 tardy per quarter S satisfactory - No truant absences - 2 tardies/CABs per quarter
How is your Attendance affecting your Citizenship grade? N needs improvement - 1 truant absence per quarter - 3 tardies per quarter U unsatisfactory - 2 truant absences - 4 or more tardies per quarter
Student/Parent Portal Step 8: To view your assignments on a specific day click on Calendar located on the left-hand side.
Student/Parent Portal By checking the portal daily or weekly it will keep you up to date on your grades and assignments. It gives YOU, the student, the power to take responsibility for your academic success.
Redondo Beach Union High School Get familiar with Redondo Beach Union High School by logging on to their website at www.redondounion.org You can find out: - What classes RUHS offers, including sports. - What are RUHS graduation requirements. - What activities and clubs are at RUHS. And much more!!!!!