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Monday. Goals Setup teams and production roles. Highlight working routines and immediate goals. Introduce game idea. Start production. Teams and production roles. The production roles can be seen here...

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Monday

  2. Goals Setup teams and production roles. Highlight working routines and immediate goals. Introduce game idea. Start production.

  3. Teams and production roles. The production roles can be seen here... http://games.wiki.staffs.ac.uk/Projects/Boot_Camp%3a-_Monsters_Rising/Contact_Details You will have a team leader/s who will designate work and run meetings during the camp.

  4. Teams and production roles. Team members are expected to save all work regularly using iterative saves. Please lend constructive criticism to others throughout the camp. Do not slam work. People WHO have a bad attitude will get a ticket for the train...

  5. Working routines LABS will operate 9-5. You may work from home in the evenings if you wish. The first day will be block out time. As a team we must create as much basic geometry and craft the level play space.

  6. Working routines I have given out rough daily requirements of what we need to do. Please make use of the support resources. People are allowed to take breaks at their own call. However going on a 9 hour break to the pub /vodka Tardis is not a good idea.

  7. Working routines Team leaders are to meet in the motion capture studio at 12.00 and 4.00 daily to discuss progress. At the end of the day work needs to be given to the MEEEEEEEEE and saved in E6.

  8. Game idea So what are we making... We have a rough game idea. You may alter set pieces of the idea to put your own spin. The game base however must remain mostly the same. The concepts for characters and levels may be altered.

  9. Game idea. Game Name is ... Monsters Rising Game Objective ... Smash anything that moves in a timely manner...

  10. Game idea. Our game is going to be designed for the iPad / iDevices.

  11. Game idea. Also if it doesn’t suck we will publish the game as free demo. HUZZAH!

  12. Starting production... What you need to do is to have a group meeting decide your initial tasks. To begin with most folks will either be modelling assets or blocking out a level. So model and design your pants off.

  13. Resources http://Gameswiki.wiki.staffs.ac.uk http://forums.epicgames.com/forums/396-iOS-Development http://www.polycount.com/forum/ STAFF

  14. Game Theme / Story The narrative is... Aliens have kidnapped earths mightiest monsters. The tricksy Aliens are releasing monsters in populated areas to clear out the humans so they can invade.

  15. What's in the game? + =

  16. What's in the game? • Cities... • Soft Vibrant colour scheme • Think Pixar / the Sims • Isometric / 3rd person viewpoint. Big bold large shapes.

  17. What's in the game? Monsters You will play as a towering beast. Your priorities are punching and eating, in either order.

  18. What's in the game? The Enemy

  19. What's in the game? The Enemy The more mess you make the harder they will fight...

  20. Inspiration

  21. Inspiration

  22. Inspiration

  23. Inspiration

  24. Inspiration

  25. Inspiration

  26. Inspiration

  27. Competition Not played Rampage, Godzilla or Deathworm? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOlG0r7MiOQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cp1Vqu47mlI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbJbvPwYT_I http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVQVIiRBSjM

  28. Enjoy

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