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T17: Social Media Analytics. Outline. Course Description Objectives Content Learning Outcomes Literature Examination Activities Learning Technologies Rules of Engagement. Course Description : Objectives. From Social Media to Social Business Chief Data Officer
Outline Course Description Objectives Content Learning Outcomes Literature Examination Activities Learning Technologies Rules of Engagement
Course Description: Objectives From Social Media to Social Business Chief Data Officer Chief Listening Officer Data Scientist Social Media Analyst Social Media Manager Concepts + Methods + Tools =Meaningful & Actionable Insights
CourseDescription: Learning Outcomes Characterize the social media phenomena Explain the different paradigms in and emerging trends of online marketing and their potential impact on private and public organizations Discuss the notion of criteria of effectiveness in online marketing
CourseDescription: Learning Outcomes Define social media metrics across a range of dimensions Develop social media analytics metrics for a real-world case and generate implications for social media management
Course Description: Content Social Media Descriptions and Definitions Social Media Marketing: Theory and Practice Online Marketing Search Engine Marketing Social Media Marketing (including Viral Marketing) Mobile Marketing Web Analytics Click-Through Rates, Hit Rate, Bounce Rate, Unique Visitors etc. Cost Per Mille, Cost Per Click, and Cost Per Action Tools (e.g., Google Analytics)
Course Description: Content Social Media Analytics Criteria of Effectiveness Metrics Techniques (e.g., Social Graph Analysis, Social Text Analysis) Tools (e.g., SODATO, SocialBakers, Skyttle Friends, Pagelever, Komfo) Social Media Management Social Brand and Social Enterprise Emerging Organizational Roles (e.g., Chief Data Officer, Chief Listening Officer, Social Media Analyst ) Case Studies
Course Description: Content Social Computing, Social Media, and Social Business Social Data Social Graph Analytics Social Text Analytics Different methods & tools for different social media channels Social media policy, strategies guidelines
Course Description: Literature Textbook Lovett, J. (2011). Social Media Metrics Secrets. John Wiley & Sons. Academic Articles Technical Reports Industry Reports Business Cases
Course Description: Examination: Format B6: Oral examination with production(s) but without time for preparation at the exam Five Mandatory Assignments to be eligible for the final exam External examiner, 7-point marking scale
Course Description: Examination: Grading Scale The Danish 7-point Marking Scale 12 (Excellent): For an excellent performance displaying a high level of command of all aspects of the relevant material, with no or only a few minor weaknesses. (ECTS A)10 (Very good): For a very good performance displaying a high level of command of most aspects of the relevant material, with only minor weak- nesses. (ECTS B)7 (Good): For a good performance displaying good command of the relevant material, but also some weaknesses. (ECTS C)4 (Fair): For a fair performance displaying some command of the relevant material, but also some major weaknesses. (ECTS D)02 (Adequate): For a performance meeting only the minimum requirements for acceptance. (ECTS E)00 (Inadequate): For a performance which does not meet the minimum requirements for acceptance. (ECTS Fx)-3 (Poor): For a performance which is unacceptable in all respects. (ECTS F)
Course Description: Activities Weeks 5-13 & 15-17 Mondays: 08:00-11:50 Lectures and Exercises (w/ mini-breaks) First day of classes: Monday, 28-Jan-2013 Last day of classes: Monday, 22-Apr-2013 12x2 = 24 Lectures Slide decks 11x2 = 22 Exercises Interactive exercises, discussions, tool demos, in-class presentations
Course Description: learning technologies Course Portal: http://lore.com/ T17 Code: 3372CP Class Dojo: http://www.classdojo.com/ iClassroom: http://cssl.cbs.dk/software/iclassroom/Login.aspx NEXT-TELL:(www.next-tell.eu) Register at http://sandbox.next-tell.eu/register/
Rules of Engagement ATTENDANCE is required for both lectures and exercises Five MANDATORY Assignments Be PREPARED for each class TIME COMMITMENT is essential PROJECT’s process, report, and exam are all important