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RIVERS OF THE WORLd AND INDIA. Title page: title : rivers of the world and india author : a. srikanth publisher : victory publishers publishing place : vijayawada publishing year : 2008. Cost of book : rs. 36 number of pages : 79 issue date : 19-7-2012 due date : 2-8-2012 account number : 638.
Title page:title : rivers of the world and india author : a. srikanthpublisher : victory publisherspublishing place : vijayawadapublishing year : 2008
Cost of book :rs.36number of pages : 79issue date : 19-7-2012due date : 2-8-2012account number : 638
Summary :River is a natural waterway that transits water through a land scape from higher to lower elevation. It is an integral component of the water cycle. A river may have its source in a spring, take from damp, boggy landscape where the soil is water logged from surface run off a precipitation.
The worlds longest river is the Nile river in Africa, which flows for 6695 kilometers. The next longest river is the Amazon river in South America which is about 6437 kilometers long. The Amazon carries more water than any other river and more water than the Nile, the Mississippi river in the U.S.A and the Gangtze river in China combined.
A river with a steep gradient that has very few tributaries and flows quickly and its channels erode deepen than rather than widen is called Youthful rivers. A mature river is a river with a gradient that is less steeper than those youthful river and flows more slowly than youthful rivers. The rivers of India can be classified on the basis of origin, the rivers of india can be divided into Himalayan rivers and Peninsular rivers.
OVER ALL IMPRESSION : This book, The Rivers Of The World And India tells much about the rivers of the world including India. A good number of facts including while describing the rivers. Rivers of India are especially treated as a particular item. The language used in this book is simple and lucid. The matter is very useful and interesting for all those who wish to know something more about rivers.
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