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Learn about UNIFE's role in promoting European rail supply industry growth, market insights, and strategic recommendations for enhanced global competitiveness. Discover how the European Parliament resolution supports a thriving rail sector through innovation, market access, and investment opportunities.
Competitiveness of the European rail supply industry: Reinforcing European Leadership of the World Market Philippe Citroën Director General of UNIFE Railway PRO Investment Summit Bucharest – 11 October 2016
About UNIFE • UNIFE represents the European Rail Supply Industry (rolling stock, infrastructure, sub-systems and signalling) • UNIFE is a trusted partner of European and international institutions in all matters related to rail transport and industrial competitiveness • Over 85 full members of the largest and small and medium-sized companies in the rail supply sector and 16 associated members including 14 National Associations, representing almost 1000 suppliers of railway equipment World leaders: UNIFE Members have a 84% market share in Europe and supply 46% of the worldwide rail production
A strategic industry for the European economy 400 000 JOBS IN EUROPE! INNOVATIVE WORLD LEADER & EXPORTER
Major opportunities to seize on the world rail market • Publication of the new World Rail Market Study (by Roland Berger) with forecasts 2016-2021 • Megatrends: growing urbanisation, energy scarcity, climate change and digitalisation 3.1% 2.8% 0.9% 2.2% CIS Western Europe Eastern Europe 2.6% 2.6% NAFTA 3.0% 2.3% World railsupply market AsiaPacific Latin America Africa/Middle East Compounded annual growth rate of total market 2019-2021 vs. 2013-2015 Source: UNIFE WRMS 2016
A growing challenge: international market access • Only 63% of the total market is truly accessible to European suppliers • Increasing difficulties on some markets (China, Japan, etc.) Source: UNIFE WRMS 2016
Increasingly fierce competition with Asian companies The case of China
Key factors for the world competitiveness of the EU RSI Strengthen the offer Improve the EU and International business environment Research and Innovation Stimulate demand in the EU and worldwide Skills and Training Quality (IRIS) Internal Market & Public Procurement Technical harmonisation & Interoperability Internationalisation and Market access Business environment for SMEs Public grants for rail projects Mobilising development banks and private investment Rail-friendly Transport policy 8
European Parliament Resolution on the Competitiveness of the European RSI • Unanimous adoption by the European Parliament 9 June 2016 of a Resolution on the Competitiveness of the European Rail Supply Industry • Crucial for the future of the strongly-rooted Romanian rail supply industry • Key role of Rapporteur MEP Martina Werner who has initiated, drafted the Resolution and continues to fight for its timely implementation
European Parliament Resolution on the Competitiveness of the European RSI (2) • An ambitious EU industrial strategy with concrete recommendations on all EU policies impacting the world leadership of EU rail suppliers • Specific nature and strategic relevance of the European Rail Supply Industry for a European Industrial Renaissance • Maintaining global leadership of the European Rail Supply Industry • A renewed European rail industry innovation agenda • Getting the right skills for a future-proof rail supply industry • Supporting SMEs • Improving the European market environment for suppliers and encouraging the demand for sustainable products • Boosting investment in rail projects • Strengthening the global competitiveness of the rail supply industry • Improving strategic political support for the sector
Key EP recommendations fully supported by UNIFE (1) • Research and Innovation • “Swift and timely implementation of all Shift2Rail R&D activities as soon as possible” • European Commission to “explore and exploit additional sources of financing for Shift2Rail” • European Commission to “exploit additional EU funding instruments for rail technology outside of Shift2Rail (e.g. dedicated rail research calls in Horizon 2020 outside of Shift2Rail, InnovFin, CEF, Structural Funds, EFSI)” • Commission and the Member States to “increase their support for innovation projects developed by rail clusters and other initiatives that bring together SMEs, larger companies and research institutes at local, regional, national and European level” • “One focus of research activities should be digitalisation” Crucial to foster the participation of Romanian and Central and Eastern European players in European R&D initiatives (cf. Shift2Rail Open Calls)
Key EP recommendations fully supported by UNIFE (2) • Technical harmonisation & Interoperability • “Speedy implementation of the Technical Pillar of the Fourth Railway Package as key enabler for a real single market for rail products” • Increased interoperability and a stronger role for the European Agency (EUAR) […] with sufficient human and financial resources to realise its new extended tasks” • “Further European standardisation in the railway sector driven by stakeholders (including the European RSI) under the leadership of CEN/CENELEC”
Key EP recommendations fully supported by UNIFE (3) • Internal Market and Public Procurement • “Swift implementation of the 2014 EU public procurement directives [which] oblige contracting authorities to base tendering decisions on the most economically advantageous tender (MEAT) principle, focusing on life-cycle costs and environmentally and socially sustainable products” • Commission to “monitor non-European rail investment in EU Member States and to guarantee compliance with European public procurement legislation, for example the legislation on abnormally low tenders and unfair competition” • Commission and Member States to “remind contracting authorities of the existence of a provision […] which makes it possible to reject bids if more than 50 % of the value is added outside the EU (Article 85 of Directive 2014/25/EU)”
Key EP recommendations fully supported by UNIFE (4) • Internationalisation and Market access • “Need for a fair and level-playing field in global competition and reciprocal market access” • European Commission to “ensure that future trade agreements – including the ongoing negotiations with Japan, China and the USA – and the revisions of existing trade agreements include specific provisions which significantly improve market access for the European rail supply industry” → NB: EU-Canada Trade Treaty (CETA) to be approved soon • European Commission to “strive to lift the major non-tariff barriers impeding access by the European rail industry to foreign markets, including barriers to investment, and discrimination and lack of transparency in public procurement procedures (particularly increasingly onerous requirements concerning local content)” • European Institutions to “reach a swift agreement on the International Procurement Instrument (IPI)”
Key EP recommendations fully supported by UNIFE (5) • Boosting investment in rail projects • “Existing EU funding instruments (e.g. CEF, Structural Funds) to be used to the full so that demand is stimulated for rail projects” → crucial for Romania’s rail development • “Member States and public authorities to invest significantly in their mainline and urban railway systems and, where possible, to increase absorption rates of cohesion funds for rail projects” • Commission to “help with further harmonised deployment of ERTMS” • “Importance of a successful implementation of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) as one tool to mobilise private capital for the rail sector” • Commission and the EIB to “intensify advisory support to rail projects through the newly established European Advisory Hub under EFSI” → will Romania take advantage of EFSI?
Concluding remarks • Thanking the Romanian Government for its continuous support on all the previously-mentioned topics (Transport / Industry / Trade) • Thanking the Romanian Minister for Economy and Trade for signing the JointWarsaw Declaration of the Friends of Industry (22 April 2016) which recognises the rail supply industry as one of the most strategic manufacturing industries in Europe • Looking forward to working with the Romanian rail supply industry and the Romanian Authorities on the implementation of the EP Resolution on the Competitiveness of the European Rail Supply Industry Thank you for your attention