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Language Etiquette: Identifying Word Crimes

Explore the concept of "word crimes" and discuss language etiquette in this engaging session. Dive deep into the syllabus and share any concerns via the exit slip. Remember to turn in the bell-ringer handout!

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Language Etiquette: Identifying Word Crimes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. English IV August 8, 2014

  2. Bell-Ringer • What would you consider a “word crime?” • Since today is Friday, be sure you turn in the bell-ringer handout before you leave class today.

  3. “Word Crimes” • Watch and discuss this video: • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Gv0H-vPoDc

  4. Today’s Learning Target • I can understand the syllabus.

  5. Today’s Agenda • Syllabus • Parent Letter • Exit Slip

  6. Exit Slip • List any concerns about the syllabus.

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