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Advanced Carbon Nanotechnology Research Findings

Explore the impact of different treatments on carbon materials in nanoscale analysis. Includes varying peptides and surface modifications for advanced study.

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Advanced Carbon Nanotechnology Research Findings

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Presentation Transcript

  1. As-Deposited Carbon After 3 hrs in 5µM GrBP2 Height (10 nm) 40 µm2 20 µm2

  2. As-Is Carbon on Si, no peptide 500 nm2 Height (5nm) Amplitude (0.10V) Phase (45°) Height (5nm) 25 µm2 Amplitude (0.1V) 2 µm2 Phase (45°)

  3. As-Is Carbon After 3 hrs in 5µM GrBP2 500 nm2 Height (5nm) Amplitude (0.10V) Phase (45°) Height (5nm) 5 µm2 Amplitude (0.10V) 2 µm2 Phase (45°) 1 µm2

  4. Annealed* Carbon After 3 hrs in 5µM GrBP2 500 nm2 Height (10nm5nm) Amplitude (0.10V) Phase (45°) Height (5nm) 20 µm2 Amplitude (0.10V) 2 µm2 Phase (45°) *anneal= 550°C for 1 hr

  5. Bare Si Substrate and After 2 hrs in 1µM/5µM GrBP2 bare silicon 2hrs, 1µM GrBP2 2hrs, 5µM GrBP2 5 µm2 Height (5nm) 500 nm2

  6. Summary Height (5nm) Height (5nm) Amplitude (0.10V) Phase (45°) As-Is 2µm2 As-Is w/Peptide Anneal w/Peptide 500 nm2

  7. Control 2-25-09 Marketa Peptide [c]=1mg/ml Peptide inc. O/N QD inc. 20 min GrBP2-dn (as-is C on Si) GrBP2-dn (annealed C on Si) 10m

  8. As-Is Carbon After FM with GrBP2-QD Height (10/5nm) Amplitude (0.10V) Phase (45°) 100 µm2 2 µm2 edge of carbon feature *sample very dirty after FM

  9. Quartz/Au Binding Peptide Project 10 µm T. Kacar 03-06-2009 Unmodified substrate HMDS-coated substrate Before experiment Before experiment After peptide and Gold NP assembly After peptide and Gold NP assembly

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