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Health eProcurement: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegion ICT, economical, and organitational issues for e-health integration in the enlarged Europe University of Trieste & University of Primorska Spring School in Koper, May 22 & 23, 2014
Health eProcurement: Cross-border eCollaboration in the eRegion ICT, economical, and organitational issues for e-health integration in the enlarged Europe University of Trieste & University of Primorska Spring School in Koper, May 22 & 23, 2014 Jože GričarProfessor Emeritus of the University of MariborGricar@FOV.Uni-Mb.si Program Coordinator http://eLivingLab.org/CrossBordereRegion/InterMunicipality
eRegionIn the eRegion business & government organizations, as well as individuals, extensively use eTechnologiesin order to support their work
eRegion - various perspectivesFrom a small business perspective, eRegion is an area of about 100 kilometers around the company’s location. From a large company’s perspective, eRegion is an area of some 200-500 kilometers around the company’s location.From the Knowledge Village perspective, eRegion is the area of about 5 hours air-flight to/fromDubai, Arab Emirates. .
EU Strategy for the Danube Regionhttp://Danube-Region.eu Priorities of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region http://Danube-Region.eu/pages/priorities
Slovenia’s competitive advantage: Location Location Location
Inter-Municipality Initiative in Slovenia: Cross-border eCollaboration in the Danube eRegionhttp://elivinglab.org/CrossBordereRegion/InterMunicipality%20./#Participants(as per May 2014) • Town Municipalities • Neighboring Municipalities • Tourist Organizations • Regional Chambers of Commerce & Craft and Small Business • Development Centres • Companies • Health Institutions • Prehospital Emergency Medical Services • Insurance • Organizers of Major International Events • IT Providers • Supporters – National Administrations • National Assembly Deputies • Organizations of Slovenes Abroad • National Self-governing Communities • Diplomats • Institutes • Universities
Objectives of eSolutions and eServices for a Cross-border eCollaboration • Innovativeness • User-centricity • Open innovation • Simplicity • Low-cost accessibility • Web sites connectivity • Multi lingual eSolutions & eServices • Openness to the organizations in Slovenia and other countries • eServices engagement (cloud computing) • Prototyping - Experimenting in the Living Lab Environment
A missing link in innovation Phase 2 Prototype Phase 0 Research Phase 1 Solutionproposal Phase 4 Commercial product/service Phase 3 Pre-commercial product/service Innovation “no man’s land” Research push Market pull Presented by Veli-Pekka Niitamo, NOKIA & ENoLL, Bled eConference June 5, 2007
Prototype A prototype is an early sample or model built to test a concept or process or to act as a thing to be replicated or learned from. Wikipedia A prototype is a basis for a development of a pilot.
Prototype Types • Technology prototype – a new operational eSolution or eService. • Organizational prototype – a new operational eSolution or eService in an organizational setting, or an already proven eSolution or eService in a new organizational setting. A basis of a prototype development is a problem for which the stakeholders have interest in solving it.
Open Innovation Open innovation is a paradigm that assumes that firms can and should use external ideas as well as internal ideas, and internal and external paths to market, as the firms look to advance their technology. The boundaries between a firm and its environment have become more permeable; innovations can easily transfer inward and outward. The central idea behind open innovation is that in a world of widely distributed knowledge, companies cannot afford to rely entirely on their own research, but should instead buy or license processes or inventions (i.e. patents) from other companies. Wikipedia
Living Lab A Living Lab is an environment in which researchers, developers and users cooperate with the common objective of delivering a tested product, solution or service respecting the users’ requirements in a shortest time possible. The environment may be a city, a region within a country, an industry, a supply chain or a whole country.
eHealthPrototypeProposalsItaly-Slovenia Cross-border eCollaboration Workshop, April 17, 2013http://elivinglab.org/CrossBordereRegion/InterMunicipality/Prototypes_17.%20April%202013.htm Regional Cross-Border Exchange of eInvoices in Healthcare Dr. Christian Kittl, Managing Director, Evolarisnext level GmbH & Mobile Living Lab, Austriae-collaborationagainstrheumaticdiseases Mag. Katja Oven, Project Manager, Geodetic Institute ofSlovenia A system of geospatial health indicators for health care managementDr. Dalibor Radovan, Manager of Development sector, Geodetic Institute ofSlovenia Real time insight into free healthcare capacity of cross-border hospitals in a case of epidemic disease outbreak or a major disaster Mag. EgonMilanič, Project Manager, Ineor Ltd., Ljubljana, Slovenia Cross Border EHR (Electronic Health Record) AlbertoSteindler, CEO, InsielMercatoSpA, Trieste,Italy Telerehabilitationusingmultimediaeducationalcontents Dr. Drago Rudel, Director, MKS ElectronicSystemsLtd., Ljubljana, Slovenia Managementof drug relatedproblems Jani Recer, AssistantDirectorforInformatics, UniversityMedical Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia
eHealthPrototypeProposalsCont.Italy-Slovenia Cross-border eCollaboration Workshop, April 17, 2013http://elivinglab.org/CrossBordereRegion/InterMunicipality/Prototypes_17.%20April%202013.htm Multitouch open sourceradiologicalstationA DICOM archive (PACS, Picture Archiving & Communication in Medicine) foranotomopathologyimages Andrea Poli, CEO, O3 Enterprise, Trieste, Italy Cross-border e-DischargeLetterCross-borderePrescription Dr. Brane Leskošek, AssistantProfessor, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics Informationsystemforexperthelpwiththeresearchproposalsinvolvingliveorganisms Dr. Jure Dimec, AssistantProfessor, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics Regionalarthroplasty register Dr. Ingrid Milošev, Directorassistantforscientificresearchandeducationalarea, Valdoltra OrthopaedicHospital&HeadoftheDepartmentofPhysicalandOrganicChemistry, Institute "Jozef Stefan" Ljubljana, Slovenia
eHealthPrototypeProposalsCont.3rd Danube eRegion Conference – DeRC 2013: Cross-border eSolutions & eServices Prototypes Developmenthttp://elivinglab.org/CrossBordereRegion/DeRC2013/Prototypes.htm Real time insight into healthcare capacity key resources EgonMilanič, Project Director, Ineord.o.o., Slovenia Up-to-date ICT supported holistic assessment of initial and program-based progress tracking of health readiness AlenkaRibič, Project Office Manager, RC-IKTS SavinjaŽalec, Slovenia TeleMed System: Better quality of Life at lower cost Grazianode’ Petris, Head & Research Unit in Telemedicine, University Hospital Trieste, Italy Drug EventReportingwithMobileInformationSolutions – DERMIS Dr. Christian Kittl, ManagingDirector, evolarisnextlevel, Graz, Austria & MobileLiving Lab Regionalarthroplasty register Ingrid Milošev, AssistantDirector, Valdoltra OrthopedicHospital, Slovenia
Innovation take-up in Europe is too slow It is important to note that Europe is traditionally strongerin research output and weaker in innovation take-up (i.e.,adoption). To improve adoption rates, the new EU Horizon2O2O programme stresses a more holistic perspective forResearch, Development, and Innovation (RD&I) and this isanother step in the right direction. This programme should encourage more Europeans to take measured risks and reapthe benefits of new higher-expectation businesses. Curley& Salmelin (2013) Open Innovation 2.0: A New Paradigm
Related Conferences in the Danube Region Danube Region Business Forum 2013: ICT – New Developments in Information and Communication Technology Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Vienna, November 14 & 15 http://b2match.eu/danuberegionbusinessforum2013 4th Danube eRegion Conference – DeRC 2014: Cross-border eSolutions & eServices Prototypes Development Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Ljubljana, September 22-23, 2014, http://eLivingLab.org/CrossBordereRegion/DeRC2014
The Ambassadors of Austria, Hungary, Serbia and Slovakia Sharing Interest in a Cross-border eCollaboration in the Danube eRegion3rd Danube eRegion Conference – DeRC2013, September 23http://elivinglab.org/CrossBordereRegion/DeRC2013/DeRC2013%20Ambassadors%20Panel.pdf • The EU Strategy for the Danube Region (http://Danube-Region.eu) has opened many interesting opportunities for the intensified cooperation of the countries in the region. • The e-government development has provided a solid basis for numerous services to the administration and to the citizens. • Awareness creation and preconditions provision of eCollaboration by building bridges between academia and the government are needed for in-time EU project proposals submission. • The municipalities have major interest in a cross-border collaboration, for example in the areas of tourism and culture.
The Ambassadors of Austria, Hungary, Serbia and Slovakia Sharing Interest in a Cross-border eCollaboration in the Danube eRegion3rd Danube eRegion Conference – DeRC 2013, September 23cont. • The eGovernment efforts have to re-focus from being administration oriented to being population oriented (user-demand driven systems). • Regions development (B2B, G2C, G2G) has to be accelerated. • The digital divide, although still noticeable, is not an obstacle. • There are too many protocols not “talking” to each other (single-window approach needed). • Numerous websites accessible are in national language only (various language requirements have to be accommodated based on a common basis in English).
Refences OECD Council Recommendation on Principles for Internet Policy Making (2011). Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. 13 December 2011, pp 10, http://www.oecd.org/sti/ieconomy/49258588.pdf Curley, Martin & Salmelin, Bror (2013): Open Innovation 2.0: A New Paradigm. OISPG – Open Innovation Strategy and Policy Group, pp 12, http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/news/open-innovation-20-%E2%80%93-new-paradigm-and-foundation-sustainable-europe Digital Economy, Innovation and Services. Conclusions. European Council. Brussels, October 25, 2013, http://www.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_data/docs/pressdata/en/ec/139197.pdf
Opportunities in Open Innovation Experience Sharing in the eRegions • Which components, solutions, or operations successful in one eRegion could be copied, which could be followed, and which are not applicable at all in another eRegion? • Can some guidelines for successful copying be defined and generalized for better understanding of the potential of the open innovationas a concept and as a practice in an eRegion? • How relevant are the outstanding business, government, and academic leaders to the eRegions awareness creation, policy making, or solutions implementation?
Invitationto a Cross-bordereCollaboration • eMunicipalities without borders eCollaboration • Inter-eRegions eCollaboration • eMobility • eBusiness for SMEs • Cross-border supply chains • eInvoicing & eProcurement • eHealth & eInclusion • eTourism & eHeritage • eParticipation & eDemocracy • eResponse in Disaster • eGeografic Applications • eCrime