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Set 8 – Miscellaneous Root Words and Combining Vowels

Set 8 – Miscellaneous Root Words and Combining Vowels. Andro – android. Man, male. Arthr, -i, -o arthritis arthropod. Arthropods are characterised by the possession of a segmented body with appendages on each segment. joint. aut, -o autobiography,autograph. self. Bio biography. life.

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Set 8 – Miscellaneous Root Words and Combining Vowels

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Set 8 – Miscellaneous Root Words and Combining Vowels

  2. Andro – android • Man, male

  3. Arthr, -i, -oarthritisarthropod Arthropods are characterised by the possession of a segmented body with appendages on each segment. • joint

  4. aut, -oautobiography,autograph • self

  5. Biobiography • life

  6. pluripotency has come to refer to a stem cell that has the potential to differentiate into any of the three germ layers: endoderm (interior stomach lining, gastrointestinal tract, the lungs), mesoderm (muscle, bone, blood, urogenital), or ectoderm (epidermal tissues and nervous system). Pluripotent stem cells can eventually specialize in any bodily tissue, but they cannot themselves develop into a human being because they cannot develop into extraembrionic tissue, such as the placenta. Blast, -i, -oblastocyte • Bud,sprout The blastocyst is formed of pluripotent cells and go on to form the developing embryo. The outside layer of cells of the blastocyst goes on to form the placenta, and the inner ball of cells forms the embryo.

  7. brachi,-obrachial artery, brachiosaurus The forelimbs were longer than the hindlimbs, which result in a steeply inclined trunk, making the overall body shape reminiscent of a modern giraffe. • arm

  8. branch,-ielasmobranch • gills Elasmobranchii is the subclass of cartilaginous fishes that includes skates, rays and sharks.

  9. bronch,-ibronchitis • Windpipe

  10. carcin,-ocarcinogen, carcinoma • cancer

  11. cardi,-a,-ocardiac arrest • heart

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