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Mid-term project presentation

Mid-term project presentation. Group 8 Matthias Mayrhofer Karen Fernandes Gyeong Min Hong ( 홍경민 ) Ji Woo Heu ( 허지우 ). SUDI = Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy 64 deaths per year of babies under the age of 2 years that are placed to sleep in adult beds.

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Mid-term project presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mid-term project presentation Group 8 Matthias Mayrhofer Karen Fernandes Gyeong Min Hong (홍경민) Ji Woo Heu (허지우)

  2. SUDI= Sudden Unexpected Death in Infancy • 64 deaths per year of babies under the age of 2 years that are placed to sleep in adult beds. • Suffocation or from strangulation. • Parent, caregiver or sibling rolling on or against the baby. • SIDS=Sudden Infant Death Syndrome • Results of studies have shown that infants sharing a sofa with an adult during sleep is associated with a particularly high and previously unrecognized risk of the SIDS. • Sleeping on their tummies, lying in soft beddings (pillows,...), sleeping in an adult bed with somebody else. Problem: Babies sleeping with parents leads to Cot death.

  3. A protective casing where the baby can comfortably sleep. • Allows for the parent to sleep with the baby safely. • Prevents risk of suffocation and strangulation. • The baby’s sleeping position will be fixed so that it will always sleep on it’s back (the safest position). Solution: product called “P&P” “Protection and pillow.”

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