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Mid-term Presentation

Mid-term Presentation. 日文二乙 499142249 蕭芳麒. Report Process. Slogan Introduction History SWOT analysis Reference. Slogan ~ Good food,Good life. * 雀巢檸檬茶 - 自然涼快到底 *雀巢咖啡 - 再忙 , 也要和你喝杯咖啡 *雀巢咖啡 - 肯定是你 *克寧奶粉 - 我就是喝雀巢奶粉長大的啊 *克寧奶粉 - 讓你長得像大樹一樣. Good Food, Good Life.

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Mid-term Presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mid-term Presentation 日文二乙 499142249 蕭芳麒

  2. Report Process • Slogan • Introduction • History • SWOT analysis • Reference

  3. Slogan~Good food,Good life *雀巢檸檬茶- 自然涼快到底 *雀巢咖啡- 再忙,也要和你喝杯咖啡 *雀巢咖啡- 肯定是你 *克寧奶粉- 我就是喝雀巢奶粉長大的啊*克寧奶粉- 讓你長得像大樹一樣

  4. Good Food, Good Life * Nutrition, Health and Wellness is Nestlé’s strategic direction. *They want us to be able to make healthy choices about our food and beverages. *They also believe that good food sometimes means treating ourselves!

  5. Introduction

  6. Introduction • Nestle is the world's leading Nutrition, Health and Wellness company. Their mission of "Good Food, Good Life" is to provide consumers with the best tasting, most nutritious choices in a wide range of food and beverage categories and eating occasions, from morning to night.

  7. Introduction • Nestle is the world's foremost Nutrition, Health and Wellness company bringing great tasting, nutritionally superior food, beverages and services to consumers everywhere at all stages of life.   ● Founded in 1866 in Switzerland ● Employees: 276,000 ● Factories: 480 in 86 countries ● R&D Centres: 24

  8. History • Nestlé is the largest food and nutrition company in the world. • Founded and headquartered in Vevey,Switzerland. • Nestlé originated in a 1905 merger of the Anglo-Swiss Milk Company, established in 1867 by brothers George Page and Charles Page, and Farine Lactée Henri Nestlé, founded in 1866 by Henri Nestlé.

  9. History Henri Nestlé (1814 - 1890) The first Nestlé logo 1868 One of the original Nestlé chocolate adverts

  10. SWOT Analysis

  11. S-Strength *The brand Nestle is a world-wide brand. *Long-term potential is never sacrificed for short-term performance. *The Company's priority is to bring the best and most relevant products to people, wherever they are, whatever their needs, throughout their lives.

  12. W-Weaknesses *Their staff are different in their quality. *The commercial food image is better than the truth. *Their advertisements are less.

  13. O-Opportunities *Nestle's existing products grow through innovation and renovation while maintaining a balance in geographic activities and product lines * Production diversity ~Style

  14. T-Threat 1.Potential competitors Consumers can easily switch to other company’s product by little cost or consequence 2.Invariability

  15. Reference • http://www.nestle.com/CSV/Pages/CSV.aspx • http://www.nestle.com.hk/tradch/about/nestle_world/en/ • http://www.nestle.com.tw/AboutUs/History/Pages/HistoryTaiwan.aspx • http://www.nestle.com/NHW/Pages/NHW.aspx • http://www.nestle.com.tw/AboutUs/Pages/AboutUs.aspx

  16. Thank You For Your Listening !

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