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BAND TRANSFORMATIONS. CHAPTER 10. Principal Components. A. Dermanis. Principal Components. A two-dimensional illustration of the principal component transformation. A. Dermanis. Principal Components. The principal components transformation (a three-dimensional illustration). A. Dermanis.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BAND TRANSFORMATIONS CHAPTER 10 Principal Components A. Dermanis

  2. Principal Components A two-dimensional illustration of the principal component transformation A. Dermanis

  3. Principal Components The principal components transformation (a three-dimensional illustration) A. Dermanis

  4. The original bands of a Landsat Thematic Mapper Image before applying the principal components transformation TM1 TM2 TM3 TM4 TM5 TM7 TM6 A. Dermanis

  5. The new bands resulting from the principal components transformation PC1–PC2–PC3 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7 PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6 PC7 σj2 2543.73 192.64 68.11 9.61 5.12 3.25 1.08 σj 50.44 13.88 8.26 3.10 2.26 1.80 1.04 A. Dermanis

  6. A color composite presentation of the three first principal component bands (R=1, G=2, B=3), containing a significant part of the original image information It presents a type of classification of the image PC1 PC2 PC3 A. Dermanis

  7. The original bands of a SPOT 4 image Correlation matrix: standard deviations and variances: σiσi2 8583 736752 3615 130652 3513 123444 2622 68765 A. Dermanis

  8. The resultingl bands from the principal components transformation PC1 PC2 correlation matrix = = identity matrix (R = I) standard deviations and variances: σiσi2 97.94 9592.71 29.79 887.23 9.79 95.90 4.51 20.30 PC3 PC4 A. Dermanis

  9. A color composite of the first three principal components (R=1, G=3, B=2) where colors correspond to land cover classes. Blue and green represent water and vegetation, while red corresponds to dry soil. In particular the part of the forest destroyed by a recent fire is clearly outlined in the dark red area north-east of the city PC1 PC2 PC3 A. Dermanis

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