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ESEA Application/EOY Training. This presentation is intended to provide updates to the 2008-09 ESEA Consolidated Application and 2007-08 End-of-Year Report, and also to serve as a reminder of some items that need emphasis. ESEA 101 is a PowerPoint overview of all the ESEA programs covered in the c
1. Updates and Reminders March 2008
2. ESEA Application/EOY Training This presentation is intended to provide updates to the 2008-09 ESEA Consolidated Application and 2007-08 End-of-Year Report, and also to serve as a reminder of some items that need emphasis.
ESEA 101 is a PowerPoint overview of all the ESEA programs covered in the consolidated process.
Both presentations will be available on the ESEA website.
The ESEA 101 is currently being updated and should be available by April 2.The ESEA 101 is currently being updated and should be available by April 2.
3. Dont forget to also read the help screens associated with each of the screens in the application. These have been developed to help you know how to correctly complete the application.
4. Updates And Reminders General Information
Allocations to Districts
Important Dates
Fiscal Issues
Submission Requirements
New General Requirements for 2008-09
Updates by Title
5. Allocations
As soon as they are available, estimated allocations will be posted at:
6. Important Dates Application will be available for data entry by the end of March with district estimates of allocation amounts.
Submission allowed only after the actual allocations are available. DPI will announce by email.
The ideal due date for application submission is June 30. However, in recent years the allocation amounts have not been available from USED until July. The due date will be August 30, 2008.
7. Important Dates Last date for 2007-08 budget revisions:
June 30, 2008. Revisions that include new transfers of funds between Titles must be submitted by May 30, 2008
Last date for submission of the final claim for
2007-08: September 30, 2008 (final carryover will be posted after final claims are received). Be sure to also submit regular claims, at least quarterly.
Due date for 2007-08 End-of-Year Report:
August 30, 2008.
8. SUPPLEMENT-NOT-SUPPLANT Reminder: Funds included in the ESEA Consolidated Application must be used only to supplement (add to) services that are the responsibility of the district to offer its students. They cannot be used to take the place of state and local funds.
9. Dont Forget to Submit! When you have selected submit, one of two things will happen:
A message will tell you the submission is complete. The submit button can no longer be selected.
A list of errors or sections still needing data will appear. These issues must be resolved before the application or end-of year report can be successfully submitted.
10. Timelines for Approvals DPIs goal is to review all application submissions within 30 days. All portions of the application must be approved before final approval can be granted.
Districts are asked to address requests for revisions within 10 days of the request, if possible. Prompt attention reduces errors and allows for speedier approval of the ESEA Consolidated Application.
11. ESEA Consolidated End-of-Year Report 2006-07 End-of-Year Reports were submitted earlier than ever before!
Please keep up the good work so we can have complete and accurate information for our required reports to the USED.
12. General Application Updates for 2008-09
New items added to Checklist
Additions to menu choices
Links to training
Customer satisfaction survey
Program Plan changes
13. Checklist Changes
Section 6 c. added and limited English speaking students
Section 7 added c. The LEA has a process in place to communicate in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, in a language that parents can understand.
14. New Main Menu Links ESEA Consolidated Application Training Informationto provide easier access to training.
ESEA Application Follow-Up Customer Service Survey. The feedback from this new survey will help us determine if we are meeting your needs.
17. Program Plan Improvements The program plan has been revised to make it a more useful planning tool for districts as they look at their needs assessments and determine what supplemental activities and strategies to fund with ESEA entitlement allocations.
22. Program Plan Improvements The program plan will now display the allocations for each Title so the district can see a running total of how much they are planning to use from the different supplemental ESEA funds for each strategy, action, or program.
Displaying the $ amounts is a tool only. A warning will be displayed when the planned amount of expenditures exceeds the available funds, but will not prevent submission of the application.
If the district works on the application before the final allocations are posted in the application, the district will need to enter estimated amounts in each program budget. These amounts will then appear in the program plan.
24. Program Plan Improvements The district will complete the program plan each year based on current needs assessments and current allocations instead of simply uploading entries from previous years.
Be sure to continue to check that all actions in the program plan and the expenditures in the budget align.
25. Program Plans Reminders Program plans should be based on needs assessments and the planning that takes place before the school year starts. Plans should include appropriate actions to meet ESEA goals and identify funding sources.
26. Program Plans Reminders Use active verbs.
Reflect services to private schools, homeless, etc.
Identify actions as supplementary to district responsibilities.
Indicate funds used only in eligible/served schools for eligible students.
27. Updates and Remindersby Title Title I-A: Improving Basic Programs
Title I-C: Education of Migratory Children
Title I-D, Subpart 2: Neglected & Delinquent
Title II-A: Teacher & Principal Training & Recruiting
Title II-D: Enhancing Education Through Technology
Title III-A, Subpart 1: English Language Acquisition
Title IV-A, Subpart 1: Safe & Drug-Free Schools & Communities
Title V-A: Innovative Programs
Both changes to the application process and areas of concern in each Title will be addressed.
The next part of the presentation will focus on all the covered Titles, one at a time.
Both changes to the application process and areas of concern in each Title will be addressed.
Both changes to the application process and areas of concern in each Title will be addressed.
The next part of the presentation will focus on all the covered Titles, one at a time.
Both changes to the application process and areas of concern in each Title will be addressed.
28. Federal Monitoring of Title I The US Education Department will monitor Wisconsins state and local compliance with Title I accountability, instructional and fiduciary requirements, state system of school support, and Schoolwide and Targeted Assistance programs in April 2008.
The monitoring team typically chooses several districts to monitor as well as DPI.
29. Title I-A Changes There are no major changes to the Title I portion of the ESEA Consolidated Application for 08-09.
A self-check screen has been added to the validation process to assist districts in reviewing their work before it is submitted to DPI.
30. Changes to Set Asides/Reservations Screen It is no longer required to set aside at least 5% of the district Title I allocation to help all Title I teachers and paraprofessionals become highly qualified. The field has been removed.
It is allowable to help Title I teachers and paraprofessionals maintain their highly qualified status through Title I professional development.
32. Self-Check When the Title I budget has been completed, and you click on validate, a new screen will appear. This is a self-check to help you review your work for accuracy before submitting the budget. The purpose is to reduce errors and thus reduce approval time for your Title I budget.
34. Title I EOY Changes Questions have been added to collect information on the amount of funds that have been used for school choice and supplemental services in those districts that must offer these services.
35. Title I Reminders The program plan must clearly articulate how the funds are used for Title I schools.
In a Targeted Assistance program, Title I must be used to provide additional, supplemental support for students identified as most at risk of failing to meet state academic standards.
36. Title I Reminders The program plan should identify which activities, strategies, or programs are implemented in Schoolwide programs based on the comprehensive needs assessment.
Remember that Title I is in addition to state and local funds for both Targeted Assistance and Schoolwide programs.
37. Title I Reminders A PI-9551 Assurances and Narrative form found at dpi.wi.gov/forms/doc/f9551.doc
must be on file at DPI for all Schoolwide programs by April 15 of the planning year.
Enrollment numbers are only for students at least 5 and less than 18 years old at the time of the count (usually January count).
A New Schoolwide service code should not be used in the application until the school actually becomes a SWP
A New Schoolwide service code should not be used in the application until the school actually becomes a SWP
38. Title I Reminders Dont forget to set aside funds to serve homeless students attending non-Title I schools!
Professional development for district-wide Title I purposes it should be taken as a reservation. It is subject to equitable participation for eligible private school teachers. The amount on the reservations should match the total for professional development in the budget details.
The district has the responsibility of providing Title I services to their homeless students wherever they attend school. District should reserve some funds for serving homeless students in non-Title I schools. The help screens associated with the reservations screen include information on how to determine the amount of money to reserve for this purpose.
The district has the responsibility of providing Title I services to their homeless students wherever they attend school. District should reserve some funds for serving homeless students in non-Title I schools. The help screens associated with the reservations screen include information on how to determine the amount of money to reserve for this purpose.
39. Reservations/Set-Asides and Budget Details Items on the Reservations screen should also be entered in the budget details.
CESA Title I services should be identified as Administrative services, professional development, parent involvement, etc. Administrative services must be entered on the administrative screens. Other CESA Title I services will generally need to be on both the reservations and budget detail screens. If you arent sure ask your Title I consultant.
40. Comparability Reminder Districts must determine comparability each year, and keep the results in the district files. They will be reviewed during the monitoring process.
The comparability form also must be submitted to DPI every other year. The 2008-09 form is due at DPI by December 1, 2008.
Comparability information and forms are at dpi.wi.gov/titleone/pdf/comparability.pdf
41. Title I-A Guidance For more information on Title I-A
Federal Legislation
US Department of Education on Title I-A
Designing Schoolwide Programs (federal guidance)
Wisconsin Title I Guidelines
42. Title I-C and I-D There are no changes for Title I-C or
Title I-D.
46. Title II-D Funds All spending must relate to Technology
The law requires 25% of each allocation to be used for professional development
Other allowable uses can be found at
To have a budget approved, the district applying must have a certified technology plan
47. NEW in Title II-D!!! Districts will be required to report the number of eighth graders that are technologically literate and the number that are not. The DPI will start collecting this data on the District Technology Survey in June/July 2008 and report it to the USDE as part of the compulsory EDEN collection.
This will show that the district is in compliance with the assurances.
48. Title III-A All identified English language learners assessed for English language proficiency (ELP) with the ACCESS for ELLs TM , with all 4 domains (Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening), and scored with a composite score of less than 6, will generate allocations for Title III-A.
49. Private School Participation and Title III Private schools receiving Title III services must establish a consistent and reasonable process for identifying and testing ELLs.
As in participating public schools, ELLs must be assessed annually in all the domains with the state approved test, ACCESS.
Local school districts, in consultation with private schools, are responsible for administering the ACCESS annually.
In addition, the LEA and the private school need to have a mechanism in place for measuring English language proficiency progress for ELLs.
50. Title III-A EOY Report Title III Data to be collected with the 2007-2008 EOY report will include:
The number of certified/licensed teachers serving eligible (i.e., students with an English language proficiency level 1-5 as determined by ACCESS for ELLs TM) students in language instruction educational programs (see Help screen for descriptions of such programs)
Methods used by the district to determine teachers language fluency in English and any target language used in instruction
51. Title III-A EOY Report (cont.) Types of professional development activities funded by Title III and the numbers of participants by role
In general: LEAs are responsible for collection of data, but data will be reported by subgrantee (i.e., by LEAs managing their own allocation and by consortia fiscal agents).
52. Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives (AMAOs): With two years of student-level data, we are now able to follow cohorts of students as required by Title III, NCLB
The ISES, based on ACCESS composite scores, will calculate AMAOs by district and by subgrantee to determine if the AMAOs related to English language acquisition have been met.
The AMAOs need to be met in the three areas:
AMAO (1): students progress from one language level to another
AMAO (2): students exit; become proficient
AMAO (3): students meet the AYP criteria
Parental notification of AMAOs status by schools need to be in place
53. For Districts serving ELLs through Bilingual Programs: Other Language = Name of the language of instruction, other than English, used in the program.
% Language of Instruction = Average percentages of English and the other language used as a language of instruction in the program.
OLOI = Other Language of Instruction used in the bilingual language instruction educational program.
54. Sample table on language use:
55. Title IV funding update FY 2007 Total Appropriation $346 Million
Administration recommended a reduction to $100 Million
Conference committee passed the bill with $300 Million
This reflects a reduction of 13% if the President signs the spending bill
56. Title IV-A Objectives All District applications (individual and consortia) must list Title IV objectives
Consortium Districts must supply fiscal agent with objectives for any rebated funds
Fiscal agent must enter the objectives into the application
57. Model Title IV-A Programs Only include a model program in the budget if the program of that name will be implemented in the district
Newly added
Follow this link to a detailed spreadsheet with the most common used model programs
58. Title IV-A Waivers Waiver programs must be evaluated every two school years to be funded through SDFSC if continuation of the waiver program is desired
DPI consultants will make two separate approvals
1) Approve evaluations results from two years previous.
2) Approve the renewed waiver, if there is a request to renew the program.
59. Title IV-A Waiver Renewal Logistics Reporting results of waiver evaluation
In the 08-09 application open any waiver dated 06-07
Answer question #5 including data on changes in student attitude, behavior, knowledge or skill
To renew, check the renew box
To make changes to the renewed waiver
Open the waiver dated 08-09 (renewed)
Modify as needed
Approval/denial will come through application feedback
60. Limitations on Use of Title IV-A Security equipment/personnel costs
Limited to 40% of entitlement - only if hiring/training of security personnel is included
20% cap for security hardware
Carryover still limited by law to 25%
Approval for excess carryover will be granted liberally
BUT requests must be made in writing before final carryover is posted by DPI
61. Program Plan Should include actual District activities that address Title IVA objectives
Consortium Districts
should include local activities that address consortium objectives and objectives for any rebated funds
May include some activities not funded by Title IVA that still address the objectives
62. Safety Plan Assurance District must have a plan for keeping schools safe and drug-free. A review of districts Safety Plan during the ESEA monitoring will confirm:
security procedures at school and while students are on the way to and from school
prevention activities
a crisis management plan for responding to violent or traumatic incidents on school grounds
a code of conduct policy for all students
63. DPI TITLE IV-A CONSULTANTS(Grants Management Assignments) Joan Lerman CESAs 5, 6, 8 and 12
Gary Sumnicht CESAs 2, 10 and 11
Ken Wagner CESAs 1, 3, 4, 7 and 9
64. Title V-A Funds There is no funding for Title V-A for 2008-09.
The Title V budget will remain available so districts can indicate how carryover funds will be utilized.
Funds can still be transferred to use for Title V purposes.
Districts that use carryover funds will need to complete the EOY report for Title V.
65. Title V-A Guidance The USDE Guidance for the Title V-A Program is located at the following website: www.ed.gov/programs/innovative/titlevguidance2002.doc
66. Questions? Send comments or questions regarding this presentation and/or the process for the ESEA Consolidated Application and End-of-Year Report your districts assigned DPI consultant. Contact information is found in the help screens of the application and at: