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d istributed e nergy s torage l ocal systems integration and system balancing S imon Daniel, CEO Moixa Technology

d istributed e nergy s torage l ocal systems integration and system balancing S imon Daniel, CEO Moixa Technology. Learning thermostat. l ocal mesh sensor. https://www.google.com/patents/US8620841. e nergy storage helps. Fuel Poverty. Integration. Upgrade Costs. Outages.

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d istributed e nergy s torage l ocal systems integration and system balancing S imon Daniel, CEO Moixa Technology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. distributed energy storage local systems integration and system balancing Simon Daniel, CEO Moixa Technology

  2. Learning thermostat local mesh sensor https://www.google.com/patents/US8620841

  3. energy storage helps Fuel Poverty Integration Upgrade Costs Outages “Grid-scale storage market $114bn by 2017“ (Lux Research) e.g. California “1.3GWh ‘PO’ for grid & distributed storage by 2020”

  4. storage – long tail ? (daily charge) 2020 x ? x ? IoT x 10? 2 GWh 0.1 Hydro Grid Pr. EV’s Home EbikesRobotics Laptop Phone mobility

  5. 50cm

  6. power & control: lighting & electronics dc ac

  7. maslow: control & aggregation platform

  8. maslow: localised aggregate

  9. maslow: example – southend on sea

  10. maslow. aggregate storage value

  11. maslow. example profile / shift

  12. maslow. hierarchy of network benefits

  13. maslow. impact 300 homes, 0.5mwh network balancing resilience, night / pv self consumption urban solar make renewables work pv from 0.5m to 2m UK urban homes +30% over AC, avoiding conversion DC aggregate +50% over bulk by user/network benefit

  14. s2442 meetmaslow.com

  15. meetmaslow.com distributed energy storage local systems integration and system balancing Simon Daniel, CEO : simon@moixaenergy.com moixatechnology.com

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