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Small Business Resource Power Point Series

Small Business Resource Power Point Series. Publicity. Prepare A Publicity Kit. Your publicity kit should include: a cover letter in your publicity kit (especially useful for occasions you are never prepared for) photographs of yourself and products and successes in your publicity kit.

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Small Business Resource Power Point Series

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  1. Small Business Resource Power Point Series Publicity

  2. Prepare A Publicity Kit Your publicity kit should include: a cover letter in your publicity kit (especially useful for occasions you are never prepared for) photographs of yourself and products and successes in your publicity kit. professional and personal information in your publicity kit.

  3. Prepare A Publicity Kit Cont maintain a biographical file especially quality testimonials and media coverage promotional material in your publicity kit. up to date press releases in your publicity kit. (have more than one version to suit the circumstances) and keep everything UP to DATE

  4. Press Releases Your press release must sound like news and be timely. Keep it under a page in length. Write an attention-getting headline – A.I.D.A Attention / Interest / Desire / Action. Even create a publicity stunt to make your own news.

  5. Press Releases Cont Relate your press release to current news or happenings. Don't make your press release sound like a sales ad. Check grammar and spelling All your statements should be true and credible.

  6. Press Releases Cont Have all your contact information on your press release. If you don't have the time, hire a professional to write your press release. Remember, a successful press release can reach a very wide audience at a low cost

  7. Publishing Advice Start by compiling a list of resources to submit your press release. If publishing on line do not spam your press release as this is not advisable. Publish your press release and full publicity kit on your Web site or e-mail newsletter.

  8. Where to Publish – Online? Publish your press release and full publicity kit on your Web site or e-mail newsletter. Submit your press release to targeted e-zines. Submit your press release to targeted web sites. Submit your press release to targeted newsgroups.

  9. Where to Publish – Online? Submit your press release to targeted online forums. Submit your press release to targeted email discussion groups. Submit your press release to internet radio stations.

  10. Where to Publish – Offline? Submit your press release to targeted print newsletters. Submit your press release to targeted print newspapers. Submit your press release to targeted print magazines.

  11. Where to Publish – Offline? Submit your video press release to targeted TV stations. Submit your audio press release to targeted radio stations. Or get interviewed on the above media.

  12. What to Publish???? Announce new or unusual services in your press release. Announce new store or office relocations in your press release. Announce store or office expansions in your press release

  13. What to Publish???? Announce new low prices in your press release. Announce a new seminar you are promoting in your press release. Announce special employee accomplishments in your press release.

  14. What to Publish???? Announce your memberships in clubs, associations, and business groups in your press release. Announce your attendance at conferences, expos, and tradeshows in your press release. Announce special business accomplishments in your press release. Announce awards your business has won in your press release.

  15. What to Publish???? Announce new or unusual features on your Web site in your press release Announce contributions you've made to your community in your press release. Announce unusual or special events in your press release.

  16. What to Publish???? Announce new services or products you’re offering in your press release. Announce new partnerships, alliances, and contracts won. Announce annual reports, financial statements, and case histories in your press release.

  17. Don’t Forget Contact the person in charge and ask them the criteria for submitting a press release to them. Always do a follow-up call with the person in charge after sending your press release. And keep records for future opportunities.

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