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This learning outcome: l ists ways in which moving machinery can cause injuries

Learn about hazards, risks, and safety measures when working with plant and machinery in construction environments. Understand the importance of keeping a safe distance and using method statements for safe operations.

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This learning outcome: l ists ways in which moving machinery can cause injuries

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  1. BTEC Level 1 Award Health and Safety in a Construction EnvironmentLearning Outcome 5: WORKING SAFELY AROUND PLANT AND EQUIPMENT • This learning outcome: • lists ways in which moving machinery can cause injuries • states hazards of working with plant and equipment • describes why it is important to keep a safe distance from plant and equipment • describes how method statements can help safe working • near moving plant • states how to reduce and control the hazards and risks • describes the warning signs and symbols used around • moving plant and equipment

  2. BTEC Level 1 Award Health and Safety in a Construction EnvironmentLearning Outcome 5: WORKING SAFELY AROUND PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Typical items of plant and machinery Pneumatic Drill Grinder Digger Crane Cement mixer Road roller

  3. BTEC Level 1 Award Health and Safety in a Construction EnvironmentLearning Outcome 5: WORKING SAFELY AROUND PLANT AND EQUIPMENT • 5.1 and 5.2 Hazards, risks and injuries from moving machinery (1) • Hazard – • Risk – • Example: • Hazard – a dumper truck travelling close to the edge of a trench • Risk – • Hazards, risks and methods for controlling them are dealt with in risk assessments something that could cause an accident the chance of the hazard causing an accident edge of trench collapses and the dumper falls in, injuring the driver and anyone working in that part of the trench

  4. 5.1 and 5.2 BTEC Level 1 Award Health and Safety in a Construction EnvironmentLearning Outcome 5: WORKING SAFELY PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Impact Becoming trapped Broken bonesInternal injury Moving blades Flying fragments Sparks Cuts Eye injury Burns Broken bonesInternal injury Crushing Becoming trapped Broken bones Internal injury Head injury Crushing Objects falling Falling from height Cuts Eye injury Burns Moving blades Flying fragments High pressure air Bruising, Internal injuries Air embolism Burns Eye injuries Electric shock Sparks Heat Bright light

  5. BTEC Level 1 Award Health and Safety in a Construction EnvironmentLearning Outcome 5: WORKING SAFELY AROUND PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 5.1 and 5.2 Hazards, risks and injuries from equipment and moving machinery (3) • Arc eye • A particular injury you can get when working on a construction site • Arc welding is electric welding • Bright light is produced – can damage the eyes • If you get arc eye: • sore eyes • redness • feels as if there is sand in your eyes • NEVER LOOK DIRECTLY INTO A WELDING ARC Note bright light from the arc PPE for welding

  6. BTEC Level 1 Award Health and Safety in a Construction EnvironmentLearning Outcome 5: WORKING SAFELY AROUND PLANT AND EQUIPMENT • 5.3 and 5.5 Reduce the risks • There are a number of methods for reducing the risk posed by plant and equipment: • Keep Your Distance • Where possible, you keep your distance from working plant and equipment until the operator knows you are there. • Other ways of reducing the risks: • Hi-vis jackets and other PPE • Reflective strips – • Banks persons – • Audible alarms – • Physical barriers – • Limiting stops on plant – reflects light and shines, can be attached to clothing trained and authorised to direct traffic around the site for example, ‘This vehicle is reversing’ to stop vehicles or pedestrians entering certain areas the machine will stop when it reaches a certain position or on contact with another object, e.g. a lift door

  7. BTEC Level 1 Award Health and Safety in a Construction EnvironmentLearning Outcome 5: WORKING SAFELY AROUND PLANT AND EQUIPMENT • 5.4 Writing a method statement (1) • A method statement is a detailed description of how a task or operation can be carried out safely and effectively. • In relation to moving plant it should include: • Designated pedestrian routes • if possible, create safe routes for pedestrians working on the site, so that they can move around safely without coming into contact with the traffic. • Traffic management • rules are needed for vehicles on the site, including signs. • Trained people to operate the plant • make sure that only people trained to operate various types of plant are the ones who actually operate it. If training is needed, it must be provided.

  8. BTEC Level 1 Award Health and Safety in a Construction EnvironmentLearning Outcome 5: WORKING SAFELY AROUND PLANT AND EQUIPMENT • 5.4 Writing a method statement (2) • A method statement is a detailed description of how a task or operation can be carried out safely and effectively. • What sort of plant will be used? • Specify the type of plant that is to be used, for example: • bulldozers, for clearing the site • dumper trucks, for carrying materials • road roller, for compressing soil or newly laid road surfacing. • What will the plant be used for? • Which jobs will require plant? This needs to be specific. • Safety precautions needed • What safety precautions will be put in place to protect workers from the plant? • See previous slide (7) for descriptions of these.

  9. BTEC Level 1 Award Health and Safety in a Construction EnvironmentLearning Outcome 5: WORKING SAFELY AROUND PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 5.6 Warning signs and symbols There are four types of warning sign. Warning Yellow triangle Mandatory action Blue with white symbol Prohibition Red with white symbol Information Green with white symbol or text

  10. BTEC Level 1 Award Health and Safety in a Construction EnvironmentLearning Outcome 5: WORKING SAFELY AROUND PLANT AND EQUIPMENT • 5.6 Warning signs and symbols • Typical signs are: • Danger Plant Operating • Hard Hat Area • Beware Plant Crossing • No Entry • No Access to Operatives

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