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Genetics IN BRIEF

Genetics IN BRIEF. Assume: large population, random mating Let: proportion of allele A = p proportion of allele a = q p + q = 1. Aa x Aa. p 2 + 2pq + q 2. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium p 2 + 2pq + q 2.

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Genetics IN BRIEF

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Genetics IN BRIEF Assume: large population, random mating Let: proportion of allele A = p proportion of allele a = q p + q = 1 Aa x Aa p2 + 2pq + q2

  2. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium p2 + 2pq + q2 Χ2 = (1787-1782.7)2/1782.7 + (3037-3045.6)2/3045.6 + (1305-1300.7)2/1300.7 = 0.04887 Probability associated with this value and 1 d.f. = 0.90

  3. Factors that cause populations to go out of HWE Drift Mutation Immigration Selection Inbreeding/asexual reproduction Founder effects Bottlenecks

  4. Inbreeding Inbreeding coefficient (I)

  5. Fst = fixation index or amount of genetic differentiation among subpopulations Hs = 2pi(1-pi) Ht=2pi(1-pi) Fst=(Ht-Hs)/Ht Fst=∑pi(1-pi)Fst/ ∑pi(1-pi) .05-.15 = moderate differentiation .15-.25 = great differentiation

  6. Other genetic terms and calculations: Average Heterozygosity Genetic Diversity Genetic Distance Relatedness

  7. Example: Trillium maculatum

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