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SomePitching is a crowd-sourced online competition for new business ideas, offering validation, market analysis, and feedback from customers and professionals. Join now to validate your startup idea and win practical prizes! Visit www.somepitching.com for more info.
In Brief SomePitching is a crowsourced online competition for new business ideas The winners are selected based on the feedback of general public and an international pro jury All participants get validation, market analysis and advice from hundreds of potential customers and professionals
About SomePitching is a non-profit organization founded in 2010 by experienced entrepreneurs Next competition is already the 6th! Supported by the Finnish Ministry of Transport and Communications Aim – to support startups do market-driven business!
About SomePitching is using Innopinion’sgamified crowdsourcing platform Innopinion is alsoresponsible for thetechnologybehindthe Queen Silvia NursingAward in Sweden and severalotherinterestinginnovationchallenges and idea competitions
SomePitching A 2-week competition consisting of 3 stages: • Stage 0 (pre) – pre-registration to the competition with basic team details • Stage I (1st week) – evaluation of the ideas by general public to select the finalists • Stage II (2nd week) – the pro jury and general public together determine the winners
Stage I • Participants make a max. 60 sec video showcasing their product/service idea • SomePitching engages the public to evaluate the ideas using Innopinion’s technology • Participants are welcomed and rewarded to promote themselves through social media • The top ideas will go through to the 2nd Stage
Stage II • Finalists send a more detailed 5-slide presentation describing the idea and the team • SomePitching provides the presentation template • The slideset is confidential and provided for the jury only! • Finalists are ranked based on the evaluation of the jury (75 % weight) and the public (25 %)
Benefits Each team gets feedback and comments from the public to better understand various market-focused issues Finalists get additionally detailed feedback and analysis from the highly experienced International Pro Jury Winners get concrete, practical prizes! The report can be used to validate your business idea to investors …and you might even get real customers!
Competition no.5 Application period: 01.11 – 17.11.2013 Competition period: 25.11 – 10.12.2013 Winners and awards announced: Dec 13th 2013 Prizes, sponsors and jury announced before and during competition
Innopinion? We’vereconsideredhowideasshouldbevalidated for potential! Innopinion usesthemeans of controlled crowdsourcing and peer-evaluation to bothcollectideas, evaluatetheirpotential, as well as help developthemwithintheprocess! Peer-evaluationenablestestingtheideasanonymously for basic market potential, novelty, scalabilityand muchmore. Thespecialistsmaybeused as 2nd tier of evaluationor as expertJuryto evaluatemorecomplexaspects.
Solution Innopinion distributestheideas for evaluationone person and onetask at a time, controllingtheprocesswhogets to seewhat. Allideasareguaranteed to getequalneutralevaluationfromthepublic. Thepublic is beingrewarded for eachtasktheydo, in themeans of gamification, with bothvirtual and real life rewards. Participantsareactivatedonetask at a time, includingtasks to invitemorepeople to participate and promotethecompetition at social media.
The Queen Silvia NursingAward Target: To raiseawarenessof elderlycare and the Queen Silvia NursingAward, to engagenursingstudentsto innovatenewelderlycareservices, and to promotethecause. Campaignperiod 3 months. Target: 100 people to apply for theaward in theform of innovatingnewcareservices, 100 ideas to begathered and testedfor potential. Process: In themeans of co-creation and peer-evaluation, Innopinion engagedtheparticipants to innovatingnewservices, helpingtestthepotential of thegivenideas, and engagethepeople to promotethecauseacrosssocial media. Results: over 140 peopleappliedtheaward, over 330 ideasweregathered, participantsperformedover 3000 peer-evaluation tasks!
Provenmethod Severalcampaigns in differentcountries with repeatingcustomers, exceedingexpectations in clearnumbers! Casesrun in Finland, Sweden, USA, Afghanistan, nextup Indonesia!
Interested? Visit www.somepitching.com for more information Like and Sharethecompetition at www.facebook.com/somepitching SomePitching is constantly looking for new jury members, sponsors and partners! Contact Chairman Tom Laine, tom.laine@somepitching.com Mob. +358 400 296 196