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DARK/MIDDLE AGES (A.D. 400-800)-(A.D. 800-1400). BY: Danielle Sabathe , Hannah Bramson , Courtney Fontenot, Lauren Tassin. Dark Ages: Key Facts: (A.D.400-800). Middle Ages Key Facts: (A.D. 800-1400).
DARK/MIDDLE AGES(A.D. 400-800)-(A.D. 800-1400) BY: Danielle Sabathe, Hannah Bramson, Courtney Fontenot, Lauren Tassin
Middle Ages Key Facts: (A.D. 800-1400) • Medicines: made from herbs, spices, and resins. The medicines would be put into drinks, baths, pills, rubs, and ointments. • The health in the middle ages were poor because of the lack of hygiene. • In the Catholic Church medicine was limited, because the Catholics believed that illness came from God for sinful behavior. • Stomach pains were treated with wormwood, mint, and balm. • Mint was also used to treat venom and wounds. • There were no antibiotics in the Middle ages. Therefore, made it almost impossible to cure illness and disease.
Politics: Dark Ages • Dark ages citizens have equal political influence. • The people of the Dark Ages had an opportunity regardless of their real-life political atmosphere to have a voice and to support a candidate that they choose to be represented by. • Citizens participate, as well in creating and evolving the laws of a village. Citizens have a wide variety of laws. Citizens created the village constitution, its laws, and laws on making laws.
Politics: Middle Ages • Feudalism: Feudalism is described as a type of government in which political power is exercised by private individuals instead of going through the bureaucracy of a centralized state. • In most medieval political states , there were three basic elements to a successful institution : (1) a personal element, called lordship or vassalage, by onenobleman, became the loyal follower of a stronger nobleman, thelord or suzerain.(2)a property element, called the fief (known as land),which the nobleman received from his lord in order to enable him to fulfill theobligations of lordship. (3) a governmental element, the privateexercise of governmental functions over vassals and fiefs. • The starting point of thesethree elements run back to late Roman and early Germanic times.
Economics: Dark/Middle Ages • The Dark Ages have long been seen as a period of cultural, social & economic calmness. • Recent research indicates there was actually lots of economic growth and change during that period. • We have the Dark Ages to thank for modern European economic system.
Scientists: • Persian physician Rhazes. • Based on the existing documents, he was known as the most distinguished character in the world of medicine up to the 17th century. • He purposed and developed methods for diagnosis and treatment of kidney calculi for the first time in medical history. • He advanced urine analysis and studied function and diseases of the kidneys. • He was born in the year 250 A.H (864 A.D) • He became director of the hospital of Rayy, one of the most advanced hospitals known in Islam and gained an unrivalled reputation in terms of his success in treating previously incurable cases. His achievements were known to all and eventually the Prime Minister of the Abbasid State invited him to become chief of medicine at the Adodiyy Hospital in Baghdad.