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GERMANY PRE-WWI. BRIEF HISTORY. UNIFICATION Before 1871 German territory was composed of single independent states.

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  2. BRIEF HISTORY UNIFICATION • Before 1871 German territory was composed of single independent states. 1870:Franco-Prussian war 1871:to fight France, all German states joinPrussia to form the German empire, William I is the first kaiser of Germany Bismarck is its chancellor

  3. STAGES BEFORE 1914: • 1871-1890: Germany is ruled by chancellor Bismarck, who defeats France, sets the basis of the German colonial empire and stipulates defensive treats with Austria-Hungary and Italy • 1888-1918: German emperor is William II, various Chancellors succeed one each other

  4. GERMANY 1914 ECONOMICAL CONTEXT At the beginning of the 20th century, Germany economic as demographic growth is the strongest in Europe: • Population increased between 1870 to 1910 from 40 to 65 million people • German heavy industry was the strongest in Europe(it quadrupled in only 40 years) • Development of communication system was a key issue in the German growth • Germany largely invested in strategic new growing industries • Wealth condition improved in a very socially-balanced way

  5. POLITICAL CONTEXT German Empire was a federal constitutional monarchy The Kaiser is the head of the state, while legislative power belongs to two federal parliaments Despite its modern economic growth, at the beginning of 20th Germany was still ruled by a restricted and conservative elite. • In 1912, the social-democratic party became the first party in the German parliament • The growth of social-democrats set a period of reforms and improvement of welfare • Still, the government of the Kaiser strongly challenged the socialists, considering them enemies of the empire

  6. SOCIAL CONTEXT At the beginning of the 20th century the initiatives of the government to weak socialists lead to a strong state welfare policy Most of German workers were involved in industrial work, but still a large 30% worked in the lands Imperial Germany’s social structure was traditionally aristocratic ruling, but, due to the fast economic development, bourgeoisie and workers were slowly gaining power.

  7. MILITARY CONTEXT In 1914 Germany was the second strongest military power in the world • Its army was composed of 700,000 soldiers • Its military navy was the second in the world • German Military Air Service was not very developed

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