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Example. from cisc106 import * def f(x): if x < 10: return (x+9) elif x < 5: return (x + 4) elif x < 0: return (x) else: return(0) assertEqual (f(-1), ______). Aside (strings). def addstrings (par1): return(par1 + " ubba ")

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Example from cisc106 import * def f(x): if x < 10: return (x+9) elif x < 5: return (x + 4) elif x < 0: return (x) else: return(0) assertEqual(f(-1), ______)

  2. Aside (strings) def addstrings(par1): return(par1 + "ubba") assertEqual(addstrings("gub"),"gububba") def addmore(par1): return(addstrings(par1) +addstrings(par1)) assertEqual(addmore(“ha"), "_____________")

  3. def makestr(x): • if (dow(x) !="Error"): • return("Today is " + dow(x)) • else: • return("Bad day") • assertEqual(makestr(4),________) • assertEqual(makestr(9),________) • def makestr(x): • if (dow(x)=="Error"): • return("Bad day") • else: • return("Today is " + dow(x)) • assertEqual(makestr(9),________) • assertEqual(makestr(-1),________) def dow(x): if (x == 1): return("Sunday") elif (x == 2): return("Monday") elif (x == 3): return("Tuesday") elif (x == 4): return("Wednesday") elif(x == 5): return("Thursday") elif (x == 6): return("Friday") elif (x == 7): return ("Saturday") else: return("Error") assertEqual(dow(3),"Tuesday")

  4. and def q(x): if (x>5) and (x < 10): return("just enough") elif (x > 5) and (x < 15): return("too much") else: return("no idea") assertEqual(q(12), "___________")

  5. diff? def q(x): if (x>5) or (x < 10): return("just enough") elif (x > 5) or (x < 15): return("too much") else: return("no idea") assertEqual(q(13), "________") def q(x): if (x>5) and (x < 10): return("just enough") elif (x > 5) and (x < 15): return("too much") else: return("no idea") assertEqual(q(7), "________")

  6. Eval? def q(x,y): if ((x<10) and (x >5)) or ((y <30 ) and (y > 25)): return(“hi") else: return(“low") What do we need to input to get “hi”? What do we need to input to get “low”?

  7. Nested assertEqual(f(4),____) • assertEqual(f(13),____) • assertEqual(f(0),_____) def f(x) if (x > 10): if ((x%2) == 0): return(‘a big, even number’) else: return(‘a big, odd number’) elif (x > 3): if ((x%2) == 0): return(‘a small, even number’) else: return(‘a small, odd number’) else: return(‘a puny number’)

  8. What happens? def ReturnSomething(value): if value = 1: return “glub” else: return “blug” assertEqual(ReturnSomething(1),________)

  9. Nested If: def nested(x,y): if (y < 0): if (x == "abs"): if (((y * -1) % 2)== 0): return(str(y) + "is even") else: return(str(y) + "is odd") else: if (y % 2 == 0): return(str(y) + "is negative but even") else: return(str(y) + "is negative but odd") else: return("we really don't care if it's even or odd") assertEqual(nested(“abs”,-4),_____________)

  10. Same? • def g(x): • if (x > 5): • if (x < 10): • return("just enough") • elif (x < 15): • return("too much") • else: • return("no idea") • assertEqual(g(12),________) • What about: • assertEqual(g(17),________) def q(x): if (x>5) and (x < 10): return("just enough") elif (x > 5) and (x < 15): return("too much") else: return("no idea")

  11. def multof3(x): return(x%3) def func(x): if(multof3(x) == 0): return(str(x) + " is a multiple of 3") else: return(str(x) + " is not a multiple of 3") def ismultof3(x): if ((x%3) == 0): return(True) else: return(False) def func2(x): if (ismultof3(x)): return(str(x) + " is a multiple of 3") else: return(str(x) + " is not a multiple of 3")

  12. def ismultof3(x): if ((x%3) == 0): return(True) else: return(False) When python executes the following statement, what is the result? (x%3)==0 def ismultof3(x): return((x%3) == 0): def func2(x): if (ismultof3(x)): return(str(x) + " is a multiple of 3") else: return(str(x) + " is not a multiple of 3")

  13. Function to represent this: #Determines if input value (x) will solve the #problem: # x2 -3x – 4 = 0 #Input: x: a number #Output:aboolean value def eqcheck(x): return x**2 –3*x – 4 == 0 Given assertEqual(eqcheck(3),______________) What is returned? assertEqual(eqcheck(4),______________)

  14. Remember? • from cisc106 import * • def StateHealth(w,pl,pp,s): • return((w * .25) + (pl * .25) + ((100-pp) * .20) + ((100 - s) * .30)) • def StateGrade(w,p1,pp,s): • if (StateHealth(w,p1,pp,s) > 93): • return ("A") • elif (StateHealth(w,p1,pp,s) > 84): • return('B') • elif (StateHealth(w,p1,pp,s) > 75): • return('C') • elif (StateHealth(w,p1,pp,s) > 66): • return('D') • else: • return('F') • assertEqual(StateGrade(80,73,18,19),'C') • assertEqual(StateGrade(57,96,55,16),'D') • assertEqual(StateGrade(100,100, 0, 0),'A')

  15. Instead • from cisc106 import * • def StateHealth(w,pl,pp,s): • return((w * .25) + (pl * .25) + ((100-pp) * .20) + ((100 - s) * .30)) • def StateGrade(w,p1,pp,s): • var1 = StateHealth(w,p1,pp,s) • if (var1 > 93): • return ("A") • elif (var1> 84): • return('B') • elif (var1> 75): • return('C') • elif (var1> 66): • return('D') • else: • return('F') • assertEqual(StateGrade(80,73,18,19),'C') • assertEqual(StateGrade(57,96,55,16),'D') • assertEqual(StateGrade(100,100, 0, 0),'A')

  16. Add a Curve to the Grade? • from cisc106 import * • def StateHealth(w,pl,pp,s): • return((w * .25) + (pl * .25) + ((100-pp) * .20) + ((100 - s) * .30)) • def StateGrade(w,p1,pp,s): • var1 = StateHealth(w,p1,pp,s) + 10 • if (var1 > 93): • return ("A") • elif (var1> 84): • return('B') • elif (var1> 75): • return('C') • elif (var1> 66): • return('D') • else: • return('F') • assertEqual(StateGrade(80,73,18,19),‘B’) • assertEqual(StateGrade(57,96,55,16),‘C') • assertEqual(StateGrade(100,100, 0, 0),'A')

  17. More Variables from cisc106 import * def calcsomething(par1): if ((par1%2) == 1): return(par1 * -1) else: return(par1) def finddif(par1,par2): var1 = calcsomething(par1) if (var1 < 0): var1 = 0 var2 = calcsomething(par2) if (var2 < 0): var2 = 0 if ((var1 - var2) < 0): return(var2 - var1) else: return(var1 - var2) assertEqual(finddif(3,7),____) assertEqual(finddif(4,7),____) assertEqual(finddif(2,4),____)

  18. def MakeDate(par1,par2,par3): var1 = "Today is " var1 += GetDOW(par1) var1 += ", " var1 += GetMonth(par2) var1 += " " var1 += "20"+str(par3) return(var1) def GetMonth(x): if (x == 1): return("January") elif (x == 2): return("February") elif (x == 3): return("March") elif (x == 4): return("April") elif(x == 5): return("May") elif (x == 6): return("June") elif (x == 7): return ("July") elif (x == 8): return("August") elif (x == 9): return("September") elif (x == 10): return("October") elif(x == 11): return("November") elif (x == 12): return("December") def GetDOW(x): if (x == 1): return("Sunday") elif (x == 2): return("Monday") elif (x == 3): return("Tuesday") elif (x == 4): return("Wednesday") elif(x == 5): return("Thursday") elif (x == 6): return("Friday") elif (x == 7): return ("Saturday")

  19. if statements: Same? def fu1(x): y = x*3 if (y < 0): y = y * -1 elif (y < 10): y = y + 4 return(y) assertEqual(fu1(-2),__) def fu2(x): y = x*3 if (y < 0): y = y * -1 if (y < 10): y = y + 4 return(y) assertEqual(fu2(-2),__)

  20. What about? def f(x): if (x == 1): return x else: return(x + f(x-1)) assertEqual(f(4),______) def f2(x): if (x == 1): return str(x) else: return(str(x) + f2(x-1)) assertEqual(f2(4),_______)

  21. Try: def f3(x): if (x == 1): return x else: return(x+ f2(x-2)) assertEqual(f2(4),_______) def f(x): return(x + f(x-1)) assertEqual(f(4),______) def f2(x): if (x == 1): return x else: return(x+ f2(x+1)) assertEqual(f2(4),_____)

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