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JWST Functional Flow Diagrams and Schematic Block Diagrams. JWST Operational Phases and System Functional Breakdown. Approval to ship to the Launch Site. Final Count Down Start. Observatory Sep from LV. Primary & Secondary Mirror Deployment. Observatory Commissioned. Deployment
JWST Operational Phases and System Functional Breakdown Approval to ship to the Launch Site Final Count Down Start Observatory Sep from LV Primary & Secondary Mirror Deployment Observatory Commissioned Deployment & Trajectory Correction Phase Cruise & Commissioning Phase Normal Science Operations Phase Pre-Launch Phase Launch Phase
JWST Phases and System Functional Breakdown Approval to ship to the Launch Site Final Count Down Start Observatory Sep from LV Primary & Secondary Mirror Deployment Observatory Commissioned Deployment & Trajectory Correction Phase Cruise & Commissioning Phase Normal Science Operations Phase Pre-Launch Phase Launch Phase Perform Fault Detection and Correction Collect, Process & Store Engineering Data Downlink Engineering Data Evaluate and Trend Engineering Data Plan Engineering Activities Uplink Commands Process, Store & Distribute Commands Determine Orbit & Generate and Distribute Power Maintain Observatory Temperatures Protect Observatory Components from Environments
Collect, Process & Store Engineering Data Downlink Engineering Data Evaluate and Trend Engineering Data Plan Engineering Activities Uplink Commands Process, Store & Distribute Commands JWST Phases and System Functional Breakdown Approval to ship to the Launch Site Final Count Down Start Observatory Sep from LV Primary & Secondary Mirror Deployment Observatory Commissioned Deployment & Trajectory Correction Phase Cruise & Commissioning Phase Normal Science Operations Phase Pre-Launch Phase Launch Phase Separate from LV Deploy SA and Acquire Sun Deploy HGA Null Rates Deploy Aft & Forward Sunshield Deploy OTE Tower Perform MCC1 Deploy Sunshield Deploy SMSS Deploy PM Wings Determine Orbit Perform Fault Detection and Correction Manage Observatory Momentum & Point the Observatory Generate and Distribute Power Maintain Observatory Temperatures Protect Observatory Components from Environments
Collect, Process & Store Engineering Data Downlink Engineering Data Evaluate and Trend Engineering Data Plan Engineering Activities Uplink Commands Process, Store & Distribute Commands JWST Phases and System Functional Breakdown Approval to ship to the Launch Site Final Count Down Start Observatory Sep from LV Primary & Secondary Mirror Deployment Observatory Commissioned Deployment & Trajectory Correction Phase Cruise & Commissioning Phase Normal Science Operations Phase Pre-Launch Phase Launch Phase OTE WF Alignment and Phasing ISIM and SI Initialization and Calibration Determine Orbit Perform MCC2 Perform MCC2 Perform L2 Orbit Insertion Perform Fault Detection and Correction Manage Observatory Momentum & Acquire Targets Maintain Fine Pointing Small / Medium Angle Maneuver Point the Observatory & Manage Vibration Generate and Distribute Power Maintain Observatory Temperatures Protect Observatory Components from Environments
Collect, Process & Store Engineering Data Downlink Engineering Data Evaluate and Trend Engineering Data Plan Engineering Activities Uplink Commands Process, Store & Distribute Commands JWST Phases and System Functional Breakdown Approval to ship to the Launch Site Final Count Down Start Observatory Sep from LV Primary & Secondary Mirror Deployment Observatory Commissioned Deployment & Trajectory Correction Phase Cruise & Commissioning Phase Normal Science Operations Phase Pre-Launch Phase Launch Phase Perform Science Observations Process / Store Science Data Ground Process Science Data Plan Science Operations Uplink Observation Plan Generate Observation Plan Cmds Downlink Science Data Perform SI Calibrations & Perform WFSC Determine Orbit Perform Orbit Maintenance Perform Fault Detection and Correction Manage Observatory Momentum & Acquire Targets Maintain Fine Pointing Small / Medium Angle Maneuver Slew the Observatory & Manage Vibration Generate and Distribute Power Maintain Observatory Temperatures Protect Observatory Components from Environments
NASA Integrated Services Network (NISN) JWST Communications System Architecture Observatory Segment • The launch vehicle injects observatory into an L2 transfer trajectory • The observatory operates at L2 point for 5 years with a goal of 10 years, providing imagery and spectroscopy in the Near and Mid Infrared wavebands. • The Ground Segment receives downloads of science data and sends command uploads during daily 4 hour contacts • Ground Segment uploads plans to the Observatory ~once a week and the observatory autonomously executes these plans L2 Lissajous Orbit L2 Point L2 Transfer Trajectory STScI Science & Operations Center (S&OC) Observatory Simulators (OTB/STS) Operations Script Subsystem (OSS) NASA Provided Communication Asset for Early Orbit Phase JPL Deep Space Network (DSN) Madrid Goldstone Canberra Flight Operations Subsystem (FOS) Project Reference DB Subsystem (PRDS) Wavefront Sensing & Control Exec (WFSC Exec) GSFC Flight Dynamics Facility (FDF) Launch Segment Data Management Subsystem (DMS) Proposal Planning Subsystem (PPS) Ground Segment
Collect, Process & Store Engineering Data Downlink Engineering Data Evaluate and Trend Engineering Data Plan Engineering Activities Uplink Commands Process, Store & Distribute Commands Determine Orbit Perform Orbit Maintenance JWST Phases and System Functional Breakdown Approval to ship to the Launch Site Final Count Down Start Observatory Sep from LV Primary & Secondary Mirror Deployment Observatory Commissioned Deployment & Trajectory Correction Phase Cruise & Commissioning Phase Normal Science Operations Phase Pre-Launch Phase Launch Phase Perform Fault Detection and Correction Manage Observatory Momentum Point the Observatory And Generate and Distribute Power Maintain Observatory Temperatures Protect Observatory Components from Environments