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BOMBARDING OF MATERIALS WITH EXPLOSION-ACCELERATED PARTICLES: EVALUATION OF DEVELOPED PRESSURES. E.V. Petrov 1 , R.G. Kirsanov 2 , and A.L. Krivchenko 3. 1 Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka
BOMBARDING OF MATERIALS WITH EXPLOSION-ACCELERATED PARTICLES: EVALUATION OF DEVELOPED PRESSURES E.V. Petrov1, R.G. Kirsanov2, and A.L. Krivchenko3 1 Institute of Structural Macrokinetics and Materials Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka 2 Samara State Agricultural Academy,Ust-Kinelskii 3 Samara State Technical University, Samara
2 Objects of research TiN – powder (tmel=2947 0С, ρ=5,44 g/сm3), particles size45 – 57 μm (74%), used as the main material for practical purposes. W powder (tmel=3380 0С, ρ=19,3 g/сm3), particles size13 – 16 μm (55%), used as model material Cylinders h=40 mm, ø 24 mm material-(steel – U8) Histogram of particles W Histogram of particlesTiN
3 Scheme of experiment 1 − detonator, 2 − explosive, 3 – air clearance, 4 – steel tube, 5 – ring, 6 – powder particles, 7 – sample (steelU8).
4 Investigations of the microhardness distribution at the depth of 4 mm, steel U8 sample height is 40 mm Collision angle - 600 Collision angle - 900 Collision angle - 450 The increase of the sampleshardness : 900 – bypowder particles by 26 % 900 – by shock wave by 16 % 600 – by powder particles by 38 % 600 – byshock wave by 28 % 450 –by powder particles by 32 % 450 – by shock wave by 22 %
5 X-ray spectral microanalysis (LEO-1450) The sample treated by TiN powder Cross-section of the sample Near-surface layer of obstacle, collision angle– 900 TiNparticles into the sample, depth~2 мм, collision angle– 600 Microanalysis ofTiN particles (atomic%) Penetration depth of TiN particles is about2,1 – 2,3 mm that much more than initial particles size (60 μm), in 38 times
6 X-ray spectral microanalysis (LEO-1450) The sample treated by W powder, collision angle is 900 W particles into the sample: 3 mm 0,126 mm Near-surface layer of obstacle Microanalysis W particles Penetration depth of W particles is about 126 μm that much more than initial particles size (14μm ),in9times
7 Estimated value of pressure in the collision flow of particlesWand TiNwith a steel sample • 1. Experimental evaluation of pressure, with using electret polivinildihlorid transducer gave us values of 1-2 GPa (Aleksentseva S.E., Kalashnikov V.V., Krivchenko A.L., Tsivinskaya L.V., Interaction of Accelerated Particles with Metals, Abstr. Symp. on Synergism, Materials Structure, and Self-Assembling Technologies, Moscow, 1996,pp. 24–25. ) • 2. To value the interaction parameters between particle flow( we study it as porous body) and steel sample we use the methodology agreed impedances. • It’s shown: • when the porosity (m) = 3,9 the incoming shock wave pressure (P) in steel = 34 GPa • when the porosity (m) = 4,5 then P = 25 Gpa • when the porosity (m) = 8 (the porosity of W particle flow in the experiment, ) then P = 10-13 GPa. (Kirsanov R.G.The study of the kinetics of the processes, changes in the structure and properties of metals under shock-wave action flux of discrete particles in the mode of super-deephpenetration: dissertation Candidate of Physical Mathematical Sciences: 01.04.07. / Samara, 1997. – 139 p.
8 Estimated value of pressure in the collision flow of particlesWand TiNwith a steel sample Conservation equation of impulse whereρ0 – density; D – speed of the shock jump; U – the mass velocity. Linear equation of the shock adiabat wherea and b– coefficients; Forsteel: а= 3800 m/s, b= 1,58 For W: а= 4010 m/s, b= 1,24 For TiN: а= 6280 m/s, b= 1,154 Numerical estimate: forW:Р = 62 GPa; forTiN:Р = 41 GPa.
9 Сonclusions: It is shown that interaction of the explosion-accelerated particle flow with the obstacle is accompanied by three types of interaction: The relatively weak interaction of detonation products flow with the material of obstacles. Pressure in obstacle does not exceed the pressure of the elastic precursor - 1 GPa. More stronger interaction of the particle flow with the material of obstacles. Pressure on whole of sample surface - 10-13 Gpa (calculated by the reflection of shock adiabats). Locally strong interaction of the one particle with obstacle surface.In this case, pressurefor W particles = 62 Gpa, TiN particles = 41 GPa (calculated from the equations of the shock adiabats).
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