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Helpful hints

Helpful hints. The way I have the course set up is to have a web site for the course and a SAKAI site for the course. I would turn on the internet twice, one for each of these sites. When you work on the course open both, one in each window.

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Helpful hints

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Helpful hints

  2. The way I have the course set up is to have a web site for the course and a SAKAI site for the course. I would turn on the internet twice, one for each of these sites. When you work on the course open both, one in each window. I will call the web site for the course the web and I will call the SAKAI site for the course SAKAI (This is easy, isn’t it?) If I were you I would always go to the web first to see if Parker made any updates. Go to SAKAI in order to communicate with Parker.

  3. What browser should you use for the class? Mozilla Firefox seems to work best, particularly when off campus! You can download this free. Do a google on Firefox and you will see what to do. Should I use a wireless connection? It is probably okay when submitting homework, but on exams it has not always worked well in the past for some folks. If you do work on exam with a wireless connection I suggest you also write down on a piece of paper your answer for each question incase you have difficulty (This is like buying insurance, sort of!).

  4. You will turn in all your homework through Sakai. Here is how I would go about doing the assignment. Note what I have posted on the web. Then go to Sakai and hit assignments and see when the assignment is due. Next go to Microsoft Word and type your answers and save the file. Then copy the work and go to Sakai. Open the assignment and paste your work into the window for that assignment. Hit the final button to send it to me. I am not a big fan of opening up your attachments. Please cut and paste until I find it doesn’t work well for you.

  5. If you want to send electronic messages to me about the course use the Messages function in SAKAI. Do NOT send me e-mail through the regular e-mail channels. I like to keep all my class stuff in the same general area. Can I, as a student, have someone else do any or all the work for me? This would be very, very bad. You should do your own work. On homework assignments you can work with others but must submit your own final answers. On exams you should do your own work with no help from anyone else (meaning parents, friends, classmates, members of the clergy or congress or any other person).

  6. What is the forums area in SAKAI? In my classes that are online I use this function as a way for you to ask questions. I will put up a general area for each chapter. This would be similar to a situation where if you were in a face to face class and you raised your hand and asked a question. All could hear your question and my response. Plus, in the online class I will use this function as a “class participation” requirement as described on the syllabus. When you are using SAKAI and the forums section make sure when you read something that you click on all the section headings. I am under the impression that this lets me know you are reading the material. At times I will directly ask online students to give a response to one of my questions.

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