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Eukaryotic Cells & Organelles

This guide delves into eukaryotic cells, exploring plant and animal cell structures, organelles' functions, and interactions within the cell. From the cell wall to lysosomes, discover how these components work together to support life processes. Learn about the nucleus as the cell's information center, the powerhouse mitochondria, and the food-making chloroplasts. Explore the Golgi complex as the packaging center and how vesicles and vacuoles aid in storage within cells. Dive into waste management with lysosomes, the cell's trash disposal unit. A detailed explanation of each organelle's role in cell function is provided in an easy-to-understand format.

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Eukaryotic Cells & Organelles

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  1. Eukaryotic Cells & Organelles

  2. Eukaryotic Cells Divided Into Plant Cells & Animal Cells Both of these have Organelles: structures that enable the cell to live, grow, and reproduce.

  3. A Plant Cell • Plant Cell Organelles • Cell Wall • Cell Membrane • Cytoplasm • Nucleus • Endoplasmic Reticulum • Ribosomes • Large Vacuole • Mitochondria • Chloroplasts & Other Plastids • Golgi Apparatus (Complex)

  4. An Animal Cell • Animal Cell Organelles: • Cell Membrane • Cytoplasm • Nucleus • Endoplasmic Reticulum • Ribosomes • Small Vacuoles • Mitochondria • Golgi Apparatus (Complex) • Lysosomes

  5. Organelles What’s holding it all together? Cell Wall Found in plant and algae cells Made of cellulose Provides strength and support Helps plants protect themselves from too much water entering or leaving the cell Has a defined shape (Box-like)

  6. Organelles ALL cells are covered by a cell membrane. What’s Holding It All Together? Cell Membrane • Its job is to : • keep the cytoplasm in • allow waste out and nutrients in • interact with other cells. • Made of phospholipid bilayer. • Hydrophobic: hate water (tails) • Hydrophilic: loves water (heads)

  7. How particles move The cell may take large particle Into the cell (Endocytosis) Phagocytosis: Cell eating Pinocytosis: Cell drinking Out of the cell through (Exocytosis)

  8. Organelles Cell’s Information Station: Nucleus Largest and most visible organelle in euK cell Means “kernel” or “nut” Stores DNA that has information for making proteins.

  9. Nucleolus • Makes Ribosomes • Small, round structure located inside the • Nucleus • Nuclear Membrane (Envelope) • Controls what is allowed to enter or leave the nucleus • Thin membrane that surrounds & takes the shape of • the nucleus.

  10. Nucleus, Nucleolus, Nuclear Membrane

  11. Protein Factory Ribosomes: Smallest, but most abundant organelle in the cell Present in all cells Do not have a membrane covering Serve as the protein building location

  12. Cytolpasm • Present in all cells • Thick, clear, jelly-like fluid • Carries, holds, cushions, & helps protect other • organelles inside a cell

  13. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum Does not have ribosomes, appears as a smooth maze Makes lipids for use in/out side the cell. Break down drugs and other chemicals that could damage the cell Internet resources Biologyabout.com

  14. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum Has ribosomes, appears “bumpy” Helps make membranes & other antibodies such as insulin Located close to the nucleus Internet resources (Biologyabout.com)

  15. Cell’s Power Plant Mitochondria: Breaks down food molecules into ATP for energy Rod-Shaped, & Surrounded by two membranes: the inner membrane has folds where most of ATP is made Need oxygen to work Active cells like those in the liver and heart have thousands of them

  16. Cell’s Power Plant Chloroplasts: Found in plant and algae cells Make food (sugar) from sunlight Have flattened membrane covered sacs that look like coins that contain chlorophyll which makes chloroplast green Chlorophyll traps sunlight to make sugar through photosynthesis

  17. Other Common Plastids Chloroplasts: the most commonly known of the Plastids—Green in color Chromoplasts: Allow storage of pigments that give plants colors other than green—red, orange, etc. Leucoplasts: Store starches & lipids, give plants a white color

  18. Endosymbiotic theory Where did they come from? Scientist believe that mitochondria and chloroplast began as proK and were eaten by larger cells. Evidence that supports this theory: They are about the same size as bacteria They are surrounded by two membranes

  19. Cell’s Packaging Center Golgi Complex: Looks like flattened sacs & tubes, similar to the ER but closer to the cell membrane Takes in proteins & other materials from the ER, packages them in vesicles, then sends them to other parts of the cell or to other cells Final products are enclosed in Golgi membrane and then pinched off for transport in vesicles.

  20. Golgi Complex

  21. Cell’s Storage Centers EuK have membrane covered sacs called vesicles. Form either when… Part of membrane pinches of ER or Golgi Complex Cell membrane engulf something from outside the cell.

  22. Cell’s Storage Centers Most plant cells have a large membrane covered chamber called a vacuole. It is used to store water, food, or other material needed by the cell. Also holds waste until it can be removed by the cell. Animal cells also have smaller vacuoles that serve the same purpose

  23. Waste Management Lysosome Bump into vesicles and secrete enzyme to digest them. Destroy damaged organelles and get rid of waste Protects cell from foreign particles that enter the cell by destroying them Sometimes lysosome membranes break and the enzymes kill the cell. Tadpole-frog Human webbed fingers.

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