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Review of FUNFI poster session

Review of FUNFI poster session. A.A.Ivanov. Conceptual design studies. Diagnostics. Fuel cycles and development scenarios. Theory.

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Review of FUNFI poster session

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Review of FUNFI poster session A.A.Ivanov

  2. Conceptual design studies

  3. Diagnostics

  4. Fuelcyclesanddevelopmentscenarios

  5. Theory

  6. Italian Hybrid and Fission Scenario AnalysisM. Ciottia, J. Manzanob, M. Sepiellibha ENEA CR Frascati, Via Enrico Fermi, 45, 00044, Frascati, Roma, ItalybENEA CR casaccia, Via Anguillarese, 301, 00123, Santa Maria di Galeria, Roma, Italy Four different scenarios related to the installation of eight EPR reactors in order to evaluate the impact of the SNF repository according to different strategies have been analyzed The advantages of burning the SNF in a fusion-fission hybrid reactor are demonstrated in terms of radiotoxicity and heat decay reduction. For the first the ore level can be reached in around 700 years instead of several hundred thousands of the once through cycle, in the second a site volume reduction of two orders of magnitude can be obtained. The possibility to transmute fertile elements into fissile has been evaluated opening also the possibility for increased independency from raw materials in energy production, assuring a higher degree of confidence in energy affordability. A typical HR would fulfil the Italian needs in terms of reprocessing TRU or for fissile material production for the Th cycle.

  7. A new GEM based neutron diagnostic concept for high flux neutron beams G.Croci1, M.Rebai2, M.Dalla Palma3, G.Gervasini1, G.Grosso1, F.Murtas4, G. Claps4, R.Pasqualotto3, E.Perelli Cippo2, M.Tardocchi1, M.Tollin3 and G.Gorini1,2 1IFP-CNR, Milano - 2Università di Milano-Bicocca - 3Consorzio RFX–Euratom-ENEA Association, Padova - 4LNF-INFN, Frascati Fusion-fission hybrid reactors will need high flux neutron detectors to diagnose the deuterium-tritium fusion plasmas as well as the fission reactions. New high flux neutron monitors based on GEM detectors are being developed for application to the ITER neutral beam test facility under construction in Padova. Two experimental devices are being built: SPIDER, a 100 kV negative hydrogen/deuterium RF source, and MITICA, a full scale, 1 MeV deuterium beam injector. b) a) c) Fig 1: a) Scheme of the Spider Facility; b) Top view of the spider beam dump and of the deuterium beamlets impinging on it: the green boxes are the detectors; c) Contour plot of the power density (MW/m2) profile of a 5X16 beamlets matrix. nGEM (CH2-Cathode) Features and Performances for SPIDER 4 2 • Active Area: 35.2 x 19 cm2 • CH2/Al Converter Cathode • Padded readout anode (pad area 20x22 mm2) • Neutron detection efficiency around 5*10-6 • Employed Gas Mixture Ar/CO2 70%-30% in Volume • Counting Rate ≈5 kHz • Time resolution < 1 s • Space resolution < 5 mm • Gamma and X-Rays background suppression • Possibility to detect a 10% change in the neutron emission from individual beamlets • Main Information: Map of the deuterium beamlets intensity, derived from the neutron emission map with a suitable unfolding algorithm. 3 Fig. 2:Microscopic view of a GEM foil. Fig. 6: Simulation of energy deposited by protons generated by neutron conversion for different neutron incidence angle (θn). CH2 thickness = Al thickness = 50 μm Fig. 3: Schematic view of a Triple-GEM detector and its operation principle

  8. Optimisation Of The Neutron Source Based On Gas Dynamic Trap For Transmutation Of Radioactive Wastes Poster No. 3 is presented by A. Anikeev The poster presents different versions of the GDT-based neutron source for hybrid fusion-fission sub-critical system for the MA burning. : * Total for ´two sides

  9. NBI Fission reactor Neutron capturer Fusion neutron flux Background plasma Stellarator part Mirror part Magnetic coils Combined mirror-stellarator hybrid • Neutron output localized at mirror part • Two-component plasma regime allows to generate neutrons both in small and big devices • Better power efficiency owing to background plasma confinement in stellarator • Continuous operation

  10. Main results of GDT-hybrid optimization (P4) Neutron emission level was determined for the source configuration with characteristics close to the limiting ones. Flat maximum of emission power is achieved while varying emission zone length. Fuel blanket multiplicity dependence on buffer zone thickness was calculated for a lead-bismuth eutectic as a buffer zone filler material. It was determined during the numerical experiment, that multiplicity coefficient has a maximum value in the case of buffer zone removal.

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