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Decoding DNA to Protein: Transcription and Translation Basics

Explore the process of gene expression from DNA to protein synthesis. Learn how transcription and translation work hand in hand, decoding the genetic information and assembling the molecules of life.

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Decoding DNA to Protein: Transcription and Translation Basics

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  1. Chapter 9 From DNA to Protein

  2. DNA to Protein • A cell’s DNA sequence contains all the information it needs to make the molecules of life

  3. DNA to Protein

  4. DNA to Protein (cont’d.) • Transcription and translation are part of gene expression: • Multistep process by which information encoded in a gene guides the assembly of an RNA or protein product • Information flows from DNA to RNA to protein

  5. 9.1 What Is the Information Carried in DNA? • The DNA sequence of a gene encodes an RNA or protein product • The information encoded by a gene into a product starts with RNA synthesis • During transcription, enzymes use the gene’s DNA sequence as a template to assemble a strand of RNA

  6. DNA to RNA (cont’d.)

  7. DNA to RNA (cont’d.) • RNA is composed of a single-strand chain of nucleotides • An RNA nucleotide has three phosphate groups, a sugar, and one of four bases • Unlike DNA, the sugar is a ribose • RNA has uracil, not thymine

  8. DNA to RNA (cont’d.) DNA deoxyribonucleic acid RNA ribonucleic acid sugar– phosphate backbone base pair nucleotide base A B

  9. DNA to RNA (cont’d.) base (guanine) 3 phosphate groups sugar (deoxyribose) A base (guanine) 3 phosphate groups sugar (ribose) B

  10. DNA to RNA (cont’d.) • Ribosomal RNA (rRNA): the main component of ribosomes • Transfer RNA (tRNA): carries amino acids to a ribosome for protein synthesis • Messenger RNA (mRNA): specifies order of amino acid sequence

  11. How is RNA Assembled? (cont’d.) • Strand of DNA acts as a template for a complementary strand of RNA nucleotides • In contrast with DNA replication, only part of one DNA strand, not the whole molecule, is used as a template for transcription

  12. 9.2 How is RNA Assembled? • The same base-pairing rules for DNA also govern RNA synthesis in transcription • G pairs with C, and A pairs with U (uracil)

  13. How is RNA Assembled? (cont’d.)

  14. How is RNA Assembled? (cont’d.) • The enzyme RNA polymerase adds nucleotides to the end of a growing RNA • Transcription produces a single strand of RNA

  15. How is RNA Assembled? (cont’d.) • Transcription begins when an RNA polymerase and regulatory proteins attach to a DNA site called a promoter

  16. How is RNA Assembled? (cont’d.) • When the polymerase reaches the end of the gene region (terminator), it releases the DNA and the new RNA • Typically, many polymerases transcribe a particular gene region at the same time.

  17. How is RNA Assembled? (cont’d.) DNA molecule RNA molecule a “Christmas tree”

  18. Post-Transcriptional Modifications • Most eukaryotic genes contain intervening sequences called introns which are removed • Sequences that stay in the RNA are called exons • In alternative splicing, exons can be rearranged into different combinations • Modifications of mRNA also include adding a guanine cap and poly-A tail

  19. Post-Transcriptional Modifications (cont’d.) promoter exon intron exon intron exon DNA transcription exon intron exon intron exon new transcript RNA processing exon exon exon finished RNA 5′ 3′ cap poly-A tail

  20. RNA to Protein (cont’d.)

  21. The Messenger: mRNA (cont’d.)

  22. The Messenger: mRNA (cont’d.) • Codons occur one after another along the length of an mRNA • When an mRNA is translated, the order of its codons determines the order of amino acids in the resulting polypeptide

  23. The Messenger: mRNA (cont’d.)

  24. RNA to Protein • An mRNA’s protein-building message is encoded by sets of three nucleotides called codons • Translation, the protein-building information in an mRNA is decoded into a polypeptide sequence of amino acids

  25. The Messenger: mRNA (cont’d.)

  26. The Messenger: mRNA (cont’d.) • Some codons signal the beginning and end of a protein-coding sequence • The first AUG in an mRNA: signal to start translation • UAA, UAG, and UGA: signals that stop translation • The genetic code is highly conserved

  27. The Messenger: mRNA (cont’d.)

  28. The Translators: rRNA and tRNA (cont’d.) • A ribosome has two subunits, one large and one small that consist mainly of rRNA • rRNA catalyzes formation of a peptide bond between amino acids as they are delivered to the ribosome

  29. The Translators: rRNA and tRNA (cont’d.) + = large subunit small subunit intact ribosome

  30. The Translators: rRNA and tRNA (cont’d.) anticodon amino acid attachment site

  31. The Translators: rRNA and tRNA (cont’d.)

  32. 9.4 How Is mRNA Translated Into Protein? • Translation begins in the cytoplasm when a small ribosomal subunit binds to the mRNA • The anticodon of a special initiator tRNA pairs with the first AUG codon of the mRNA • A large ribosomal subunit joins the small subunit, begins to assemble a polypeptide

  33. How Is mRNA Translated Into Protein?

  34. How Is mRNA Translated Into Protein? (cont’d.) • Initiator tRNAs carry methionine • Another tRNA joins the complex when its anticodon base-pairs with the second codon • The ribosome catalyzes peptide bond between first two amino acids • Ribosome moves to the next codon tRNA

  35. The Messenger: mRNA (cont’d.) a gene region in DNA transcription mRNA codon codon codon translation protein

  36. What Happens After a Gene Becomes Mutated? (cont’d.) • Mutations are relatively uncommon events in a normal cell: • About 175 nucleotides change during DNA replication • Only about 3 percent of the cell’s DNA encodes protein products

  37. What Happens After a Gene Becomes Mutated? (cont’d.) • When a mutation does occur in a protein-coding region, the redundancy of the genetic code offers a margin of safety • CCC

  38. The Messenger: mRNA (cont’d.)

  39. What Happens After a Gene Becomes Mutated? (cont’d.) • Other mutations may change an amino acid in a protein, or result in a premature stop codon that shortens it • Mutations that alter a protein can have drastic effects on an organism

  40. What Happens After a Gene Becomes Mutated? (cont’d.) • Sickle cell anemia • Occurs because of a base-pair substitution in the beta globin gene of hemoglobin • Causes hemoglobin molecules to clump together • Cause red blood cells to form a crescent (sickle) shape • Sickled cells clog tiny blood vessels, thus disrupting blood circulation throughout the body

  41. What Happens After a Gene Becomes Mutated? (cont’d.)

  42. What Happens After a Gene Becomes Mutated? (cont’d.) • Beta thalassemia • Caused by the deletion of the twentieth nucleotide in the coding region of the beta globin gene • Results in a polypeptide that differs drastically from normal beta globin • Beta thalassemia can also be caused by insertion mutations, which, like deletions, often result in frameshifts

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