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Mandible, temperomandibular joint & muscle of mastication (M.C.Qs.). By Prof. Samir Malik Dental students. M.C.Qs. The muscles attache to the both surface of the mandible are one of the following? A-5 muscles. B-6 muscles. C-7 muscles. D-9 muscles.
Mandible, temperomandibular joint & muscle of mastication (M.C.Qs.) By Prof. Samir Malik Dental students
M.C.Qs.The muscles attache to the both surface of the mandible are one of the following?A-5 muscles.B-6 muscles.C-7 muscles.D-9 muscles.
Answer:The muscles attache to the both surface of the mandible are one of the following?A-5 muscles.B-6 muscles.C-7 muscles.D-9 muscles.
Short account:Mention four muscles attached to the mandible &their nerve supply?
Answerplatysma n.supply: facial nerve.Mentalis ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Buccinator ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Temporalis Trigeminal nerve.
M.C.Qs.The condylar process of the mandible showing all the following are true except one sentence is wrong?A-neck.B-pterygoid fovea.C-HeadD-shaft.
AnswerThe condylar process of the mandible showing all the following are true except one sentence is wrong?A-neck.B-pterygoid fovea.C-HeadD-shaft.
Answer :Lingual nerveInferior alveolar nerveNerve to mylohyoidMental nerve.Mandibular branches of facial nerve..Auriculotemperal nerve.
Two glands: submandibular& Sublingual. Two muscles: platysma & anterior belly of the digastric.
Mention two structure above or superior to diaphragma oris & two below?
Answer:Abovegenohyoid musclesublingual glandbelow;anterior belly of the digastric muscle& submandibular gland
The temporal fossa above zygomatic arch? A-true B-false.The infratemporal fossa above the zygomatic arch? A-true B-false
AnswerThe temporal fossa above zygomatic arch?A-true B-false.The infratemporal fossa above the zygomatic arch? A-true B-false
Answer:1-stylomandibular ligament.2-Sphenomandibular ligament3-temperomandibular ligament
M.C.QsWhich structure dividing the temperomandibular joint into two cavities; upper &lower?A-intrarticular disc.B-tendon.C-ligamentsD-menisci.
Answer:Which structure dividing the temperomandibular joint into two cavities; upper &lower?A-intrarticular disc.B-tendon.C-ligamentsD-menisci.
M.C.Qs.The mental foramen of the mandible in the extremity of the age lying near?A-alveolar processB-lower borderc-near the ramusd-near the symphysis menti
Answer The mental foramen of the mandible in the extremity of the age lying near?A-alveolar processB-lower borderc-near the ramusd-near the symphysis menti
M.C.Qs.The elevation of the temperomandibular joint (T.M.J.) is done by the following muscle except one muscle doesnot charing in elevation?A-Temporalis Muscle .B-Masseter muscle .C-Medial pterygoid muscleD-Auricularis superior muscle
Answer:The elevation of the temperomandibular joint (T.M.J.) is done by the following muscle except one muscle doesnot charing in elevation?A-Temporalis Muscle .B-Masseter muscle .C-Medial pterygoid muscleD-Auricularis superior muscle
M.C.Qs.The protrusion of the mandible is caused by one of the following ? A-lateral pterygoid muscle assisted by medial pterygoid . B- posterior belly of digastric muscle & stlyohyoid muscle.C-orbicularis oris & mentalis muscle D-mylohyoid & genohyoid
Answer.The protrusion of the mandible is caused by one of the following ?A-lateral pterygoid muscle assisted by medial pterygoid . B- posterior belly of digastric muscle & stlyohyoid muscle.C-orbicularis oris & mentalis muscle D-mylohyoid & genohyoid
M.C.Qs.The depression of the mandible is done by the following factor except one is wrong?A-Gravity.B-mylohyoid & genohyoid muscles.C-masseter muscle.D-Digastric muscle
Answer:The depression of the mandible is done by the following factor except one is wrong?A-Gravity.B-mylohyoid & genohyoid muscles.C-masseter muscle.D-Digastric muscle
retromoandibular fossa pterygopalatine fossa
2- Masseter : origin inner surface &lower border of zygomatic arch. Insertion outer surface of ramus . Nerve supply:massetric n.(first branchial arch)
1-TEMPRALIS MUSCLE • Origin temporal fossa ,fascia & inbetween 2 temporal lines • Insertion: cronoid process • Nerve supply from deep temporal nerves; 1st branchial arch.
4-MEDIAL PTRYGOID • Origin:deep head inner surface of lateral (medial) ptrygopid plate • Superficial head: tuberosity of maxilla • Insertion :inner surface of angle of mandible; 1st pharyngeal arch.
3-LATERAL PTRYGOID • Origin:upper head infratemporal surface of greater wing of the sphenoid bone. • lower head outer surface of lateral ptrygoid plate. • Insertion: neck of the condyle ,ptrygoid fovea & capsule of TMJ. • Nerve supply from mandibular nerve.
Mandibular Nerve • The largest division of the trigeminal nerve • A mixed nerve, sensory and motor root • leave through the Foramen Ovale • Below the foramen ovale, the 2 roots unite to form the trunk of the nerve • Divides into anterior & posteriordivisions • The ant. is mainly motor • The post. is mainly sensory Lesser petrosal n. Tensor tympani Nervus spinosus Motor & sensory roots of mandibular n Otic ganglion Tensor palati Auriculotemporal n. Chorda tympani Lingual n. Inferior alveolar n. Branches: Mylohoid nerve • From the trunk: • Nerve to medial pterygoid(motor): • supply the tensor palati and tensor tympani ms & medial pterygoid • Nervus spinosus(sensory) for meninges • Passes through Foramen spinosum into the cranial cavity Medial pterygoid
Ant. Division: • 3 motor branches for muscles of mastications • Deep temporal nerves (temporalis ms) • Nerve to masseter • Nerve to lateral pterygoid • one sensory branch • Buccal nerve (sensory): supplies skin over the buccinator, and mucosal lining of buccinatorms. Deep temporal nerves Auriculotemporal nerve Inferior alveolar nerve Lingual nerve Buccal nerve
Posterior division: • sensory branches • Auriculotemporal nerve • arises by 2 roots (which embrace the middle meningeal artery) and passes backwards deep to the neck of the mandible • supplies the scalp • sensory the parotid gland and carries postganglionic parasympathetic to the parotid gland Deep temporal nerves Auriculotemporal nerve Inferior alveolar nerve • 2. Lingual nerve • Joined by the chorda tympani • Carries general sensations from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue • The chorda tympani carries taste sensations from the anterior 2/3 of the tongue and preganglionic parasympathetic fibres to the submandibular and sublingual glands Lingual nerve Buccal nerve
3. Inferior alveolar nerve • Runs behind the lingual nerve to reach mandibular foramen • The inferior alveolar nerve continues through mandibular canal and divides into mental and incisive branches • The mental branch comes out of the mental foramen to supply skin of the chin • Before it passes through the mandibular foramen it gives the mylohyoid nerve (motor) • The mylohyoid nerve supplies the mylohyoid muscle and anterior belly of digastric Inferior alveolar nerve Lingual nerve Mylohoid nerve & vessels Mylohoid m.