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Apprenticeship Vacancies online

Apprenticeship Vacancies online. Release 3. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Release 3 Changes. Your presenter is. Issue 1.0. Apprenticeship Vacancies online. Overview . Only two areas of change: Sectors and Frameworks Builds on existing functionality Add and remove Sectors

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Apprenticeship Vacancies online

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  1. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Release 3 Apprenticeship Vacancies online Release 3Changes Your presenter is Issue 1.0

  2. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Overview Only two areas of change: • Sectors and Frameworks • Builds on existing functionality • Add and remove Sectors • Add, remove and move Frameworks • Vacancy Locations • Multiple location vacancy adverts • Nationwide vacancies

  3. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Sectors and Frameworks Sectors and Frameworks

  4. Background: Not currently aligned with the SSA structure All our systems need to be aligned System Administrator function Impacts drop down lists and Provider Profiles Future proofed for further changes Apprenticeship Vacancies online Sectors and Frameworks

  5. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Sectors and Frameworks

  6. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Sectors and Frameworks

  7. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Sectors and Frameworks

  8. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Sectors and Frameworks Learning Provider Candidate Framework to be closed Remove from Profiles Remove from Areas of Interest and Searches Any activity? Status Closed No A Posted Vacancy Advert Status: Live or Closed NOT Completed or Withdrawn Yes Status Pending

  9. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Sectors and Frameworks For VMS Support:

  10. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Sectors and Frameworks Learning Provider Profile 70 90 85 90 80 S S S S S F F F F F F F F F F F F F F

  11. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Sectors and Frameworks Learning Provider Profile 70 90 85 90 80 S S S S S S F F F F F F F F F F F F F F

  12. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Sectors and Frameworks In Summary: • Changes drop-down lists wherever they appear • Changes the profiles of relevant Learning Providers • Active vacancies must be Completed! • Discontinued Frameworks can still be reported on by VMS support

  13. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Vacancy Locations Vacancy Locations

  14. Background: Some vacancies are offered at more than one location Cloning already available Multiple locations easier to create and manage Nationwide vacancies not specifying a location now available to large employers Apprenticeship Vacancies online Vacancy Locations

  15. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Multiple Locations Learning Provider VMS Support Creates one Vacancy Advert listing Postal town 1 Postal town 2 Postal town 3 Reviews one Vacancy Advert listing Postal town 1 Postal town 2 Postal town 3 Vacancy in Town 1 Submit Vacancy in Town 2 Published Vacancy in Town 3

  16. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Multiple Locations

  17. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Multiple Locations

  18. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Multiple Locations

  19. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Multiple Locations

  20. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Multiple Locations

  21. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Multiple Locations

  22. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Multiple Locations

  23. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Multiple Locations Learning Provider VMS Support Creates one Vacancy Advert listing Postal town 1 Postal town 2 Postal town 3 Reviews one Vacancy Advert listing Postal town 1 Postal town 2 Postal town 3 Submit

  24. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Multiple Locations

  25. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Multiple Locations Learning Provider VMS Support Creates one Vacancy Advert listing Postal town 1 Postal town 2 Postal town 3 Reviews one Vacancy Advert listing Postal town 1 Postal town 2 Postal town 3 Vacancy in Town 1 Submit Vacancy in Town 2 Published Vacancy in Town 3

  26. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Multiple Locations

  27. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Multiple Locations

  28. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Multiple Locations

  29. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Multiple Locations Remember, for Multiple Location vacancies: • Employer cannot be anonymous • Vacancies must be available in all locations • Cloning copies all the locations

  30. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Nationwide Vacancies Nationwide Vacancies: • Only available if the option is set upby VMS Support • Must be available in most areas • Cannot be managed in Apprenticeship Vacancies online (no ladder) • Employer cannot be anonymous • New report available

  31. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Nationwide Vacancies

  32. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Nationwide Vacancies

  33. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Nationwide Vacancies

  34. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Nationwide Vacancies

  35. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Nationwide Vacancies

  36. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Nationwide Vacancies

  37. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Nationwide Vacancies

  38. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Nationwide Vacancies

  39. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Summary Sectors and Frameworks • Can be added, deleted and moved • Status (Active), Pending or Closed • Changes Learning Provider Profile Vacancy Locations • Multiple locations can be listed in one Vacancy Advert proposal • Creates individual adverts when published • Ladders linked for easy management Nationwide Vacancies • Must be set up to use them • Should be widely available • Managed through Employer website

  40. Apprenticeship Vacancies online Release 3 Changes Any Questions? www.apprenticeships.org.uk

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