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Run Summary

Run Summary. Run Meeting 09-08-12. Daily Summary. LHC: Physics fills Fill 2928 dumped on a failure of a controller of a quadrupole right of Point 1 Fill 2929 dumped by software interlock Fill 2932 ongoing … LHCb:

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Run Summary

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RunSummary Run Meeting 09-08-12

  2. DailySummary • LHC: • Physicsfills • Fill 2928 dumped on a failure of a controller of a quadrupole right of Point 1 • Fill 2929 dumped by software interlock • Fill 2932 ongoing… • LHCb: • OT thresholdscanin Fill 2928, run 124940, 124941 up untilstep 90. • Wentrelativelywell, had to resumeitatstep 90 in Fill 2929, run 124975 • couldn’trun more than 6 kHz output, because I intentionallydidn’t set up the right number of writers • VELO stoppedmovingafter the first stepas DAQ wasnotrunning and wecancelled the request to open: had to open and reclose. • Thenreconfigured the system for physics and took data for the rest of Fill 2929 and 2932 • Fewissuesnoticed: • ODE Bxiderror (L0MUON-MUON syncerror) seenfourtimes • Vetellc32 throttlesquiteoftenat start of physics data taking • Lumi went up to 4.6*10^32 due to orbitcorrection •  Let’s cross the 1/fbrecordedluminosity, missinglessthan 5/pb!! Federico Alessio

  3. LHC progress • 01:25 Stable Beams fill 2927, 1374 bunches with vertical instability end of squeeze. Operator dump at 9:30 as 100/pb were collected in ATLAS/CMS. • 12:10 Stable Beams fill 2928, still vertical instability end of squeeze. Beams dumped by QPS trigger on RQSX3.R1. Probably SEU. • 20:03 Stable Beams Fill 2929. Beams dumped at 1:48 as RB energy check went false, SMP energy glitch possibly. During this fill, chromaticity and octupole currents were changed trying to get the beams stable in squeeze. But still vertical instabilities at squeeze at 1.5m beta star. It seems that the luminosity between ATLAS and CMS is not equal anymore within 1%, to be looked at. • 05:35 Stable beams Fill 2932. Still some trimming of the tune, chromaticity and octupole currents. But still instabilities, this time in the horizontal plane. Investigation continues. Federico Alessio

  4. LHC progress • Misc: • The TDI right jaw didn't move correctly again, possibly an access will be needed to fix a motor driver and more alarm have been associated to it. No risk for LHCb, but risk to dump the beam as collimation efficiency worsened if TDI not in best position. • TOTEM will move in half way through the fill in one of the next fills. • LHCb polarity change doesn't seem to be done any time soon as the LHC is still playing with stabilities. To be discussed. • SPS intervention today starting at 10am for 2-3 hours. And an urgent access of 2 hours minimum will be done today to fix a Xenon leak in ATLAS and other LHC accesses in parallel. Federico Alessio

  5. LHCb runsummaries Fill 2928 started on 08/08 at 12:10, ended at 14:45 Number of bunches per beam = 1374 Number of colliding per beam = 1262 Integrated Delivered Lumi (1/pb) = 0.22 Integrated Recorded Lumi (1/pb) = 0.18 Peak InstLumi (10^30/cm^2/s) = 32.11 Average InstLumi (10^30/cm^2/s) = 26.21 Average Mu = 0.11 Average Pileup = 1.06 Average L0 Physics Rate (kHz) = 39.47 Average L0 Raw Physics Rate (kHz) = 45.20 Average HLT Physics Rate (kHz) = 0.00 Percentage of HLT Deferral (percent) = 0.00 Efficiency Per Fill (percent) = 82.35 Annual Cumulative Efficiency (percent) = 94.57  Performed OT scan up to step 90, run 124940 and 124941 sent to CASTOR Federico Alessio

  6. LHCb runsummaries Fill 2929 started on 08/08 at 20:03, ended at 01:52 Number of bunches per beam = 1374 Number of colliding per beam = 1262 Integrated Delivered Lumi (1/pb) = 7.17 Integrated Recorded Lumi (1/pb) = 6.97 Peak InstLumi (10^30/cm^2/s) = 419.62 Average InstLumi (10^30/cm^2/s) = 364.78 Average Mu = 1.66 Average Pileup = 2.05 Average L0 Physics Rate (kHz) = 889.47 Average L0 Raw Physics Rate (kHz) = 912.52 Average HLT Physics Rate (kHz) = 3.73 Percentage of HLT Deferral (percent) = 20.00 Efficiency Per Fill (percent) = 97.28 Annual Cumulative Efficiency (percent) = 94.59  Concluded OT scan, run 124975 sent to CASTOR thenresumedphysics Federico Alessio

  7. LHCb runsummaries Federico Alessio

  8. Mainproblems • VETELLC32 often out of synchatbeginning of FIll • Needed recurrent resets to be fixed • VELO no errorbanksrecipeis the reason for a long first step in scans • Expert informed and will be fixed • VELO stopped the procedure to move due to the long first step (no DAQ running) and the factthatwecancelled the request to open • Had to reopen the VELO and closeitagain • Warnings on VELO cooling, compressorsuction temperature is high (-2.9 , -3.1) • To be lookedat • Data Manager spotted a L0MUON-MUON link synchproblemduringinterfill gap • Thenfollowed by fouralarmsabout L0MU-MUON synchproblemsduring the night, Bxidsynchaswell • To be lookedat and maskifnecessary Federico Alessio

  9. Mainproblems • Low occupancyregion in M4 •  Contactedpiquet, related to change of thresholds • Deferred HLT started in the wrong mode (Forkinginstead of Checkpointing) due to precedent OT scan (whichusesForking) • Clara spottedit online and solve it • Low output HLT rate duringscan, resulting in low L0 rate • Because I didn’t set up the right writers • Can wehavethesesettings (writers) saveas a recipe in OT scan, CCE scan and VdMscan? In twoyears from nowwe’llforget…  • Lumi went up to 4.6*10^32 in the night • Usualorbitcorrection from LHC, kindly put back to 4*10^32 Federico Alessio

  10. Problem DB L0MUON-MUON link syncherror https://lblogbook.cern.ch/Shift/60698 Low occupancyregion in M4 https://lblogbook.cern.ch/Shift/60707 Federico Alessio

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