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Muscles of Mastication

Muscles of Mastication. Anatomical Features. Jaw Movements. Articulators. Lateral Pterygoid. Medial Pterygoid. Origin. =. Medial surface of lateral Pterygoid plate. Insertion. =. medial wall of ramus and angle of mandible. Nerve supply. =. V mand – nerve to medial pterygoid.

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Muscles of Mastication

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Muscles of Mastication Anatomical Features Jaw Movements Articulators

  2. Lateral Pterygoid

  3. Medial Pterygoid Origin = Medial surface of lateral Pterygoid plate Insertion = medial wall of ramus and angle of mandible Nerve supply = Vmand – nerve to medial pterygoid Action = Elevation (+protrusion + medial)

  4. Lateral Pterygoid Origin = Lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plat (+greater wing of sphenoid) Insertion = Neck of condyl and articular disc of TMJ Nerve supply = Vmand – Antr divn Nerve to lat ptery Action = Protrusion and opening

  5. Lateral view of Mandible Coronoid process Condyle Ramus Body

  6. Overview Skull Zygomatic arch Temporal bone Glenoid Fossa Mandible

  7. Digastric Posterior belly Anterior belly Hyoid bone

  8. Origin = temporal surface of skull and temporal fascia Temporalis Insertion = Coronoid process and antr border of ramus Nerve supply = Vmand – Antr divn Temporal nerve Action = Elevation (+retraction)

  9. Origin = Zygomatic arch Masseter Insertion = Lateral wall of ramus and angle of mandible Nerve supply = Vmand – Antr divn Masseteric nerve Action = Clenching (+protrusion)

  10. Base of Skull Lateral pterygoid plate Zygomatic arch Articular eminence Glenoid fossa

  11. Interarticular disc

  12. 1 3 1 4 2 Masticatory muscle insertions 1 = Temporalis 2 = Masseter 3 = Lateral pterygoid 4 = Medial pterygoid

  13. Condylar angle

  14. Hinge Axis Rotation

  15. Translation

  16. Incisal Guidance

  17. Condylar Guidance

  18. Lateral Movements

  19. Simple Hinge

  20. Average Value

  21. Denar II - Arcon

  22. Fully Adjustable

  23. Fully Adjustable

  24. Denar II • Adjustable • Condylar Angle • ISS & PSS

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