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Savanna Ecosystems

This article explores the changing dynamics of savanna ecosystems in East Africa, focusing on the decline of NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and the impact of agriculture. It discusses the dominant land cover types in the region and the natural and anthropogenic processes that shape and maintain these dynamic systems. The study also highlights the consequences of agriculture expansion, sedentarization, and intensified management on savanna ecosystems. Satellite data from GIMMS is used to analyze changes in NDVI over a period of 22 years.

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Savanna Ecosystems

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  1. Savanna Ecosystems • Dominant land cover throughout East Africa Forest:dark green, woodland/shrubland:light green, grassland:orange, agriculture:yellow, barren:grey, water:blue, and urban:red. From: Torbick et al. 2005 Source: GLC2000 Source: Africover

  2. Savannas • Dynamic systems shaped and maintained by natural and anthropogenic processes • Natural • Climate, fire, wildlife herbivory • Human • Conversion to agriculture, pastoral land management, fire, fencing

  3. A Changing savanna Change in NDVI from 1982-2003 Decline Nairobi No Change Increase Source: GIMMS data

  4. A changing savanna-southern Kenya • Agriculture • Expansion of agriculture (Figure from Campbell and Lusch) into savanna • Sedentarization • Reduced mobility, smaller grazing orbits, limited access to dry season forage, fencing, intensified management, fire

  5. A Changing savanna-southern Kenya Change in NDVI from 1982-2003 Decline No Change Increase Source: GIMMS data

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