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Building Momentum for Campus Sustainability at MIT: Integrating with the Core Academic Mission and Engaging Students. Policy Alternatives -- Civil Society Initiatives: The Greening of Institutions and the Emergence of Grassroots Carbon Activism. Steven M. Lanou
Building Momentum for Campus Sustainability at MIT: Integrating with the Core Academic Mission and Engaging Students Policy Alternatives -- Civil Society Initiatives: The Greening of Institutions and the Emergence of Grassroots Carbon Activism Steven M. Lanou Deputy Director - Sustainability Program Environmental Programs Office Massachusetts Institute of Technology 617-452-2907 slanou@mit.edu
What Does Campus Sustainability Mean at MIT? • Minimizing our campus energy and environmental footprint • Building and strengthening a local community • Leading by example • Creating a learning laboratory – “mens et manus” • Enabling and facilitating community aspirations
Setting the Stage at MIT 158 academic buildings 12 million sq feet academic space 153 urban acres in Cambridge 20,000 person campus population Over 2,000 research labs District steam, chilled water & electricity Utilities purchased for FY07 $60M+ $31.7M natural gas (2.9 million mmbtu) FY06 $9.4M electric (80 GWh of 200 GWh total) FY06 $3.8M oil (0.4 million mmbtu) FY06 $4.2M water and sewer FY06 Building energy intensity Campus average 373 kbtu/sf/year Typical wet lab 1200 kbtu/sf/yr Bldg 39 2600 kbtu/sf/yr Typical dorm (unairconditioned) 150 kbtu/sf/yr Historical 1M sq ft of new space/decade
MIT Campus: A Microcosm of Our Global Challenge • MIT targeting energy and climate issues • Aligning research, education, walking the talk • A learning laboratory for local & global change • Students play key role in all aspects • Pushing the envelop on all frontiers
MIT’s Sustainability Challenge MIT uses 350 million gallons of water annually Generates nearly 16,000,000 lbs of trash per year …and over 270,000 lbs of lab chemical waste per year Produces thousands of cu/ft of other regulated lab waste annually 25% of MIT community drives to campus alone But 75% take the T, carpool, bike, walk, etc. versus 45% nationally Of over 100 campus vehicles, only 3 use alternative fuel Energy, energy, energy…
168,000 Ton Reduction Needed for 1990 Levels Our GHG Challenge • Building consumption 90% • Transportation (including commuting) 9.5% • Solid waste 0.5% You Are Here
MIT Air Travel Now Add 20% More!
What Are We Doing About Sustainability? • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle • MIT’s trash to waste has gone down • Solid waste goes to waste-to-energy facility • Comprehensive recycling program established • Our recycling rate has gone up…to over 40% • We now compost over 20 tons of food waste per month • “Green Procurement” policy in place • Pollution prevention program formalized – Green Chemistry • Re-use listservs and furniture exchange in place • Water use on campus reduced 60% from 1990 to 2005 levels: that’s over 40 million gallons saved a year! • Stormwater runoff significantly reduced • Waste vegetable oil to biodiesel in the works
What Are We Doing About Sustainability? • Minimizing Transportation Impacts • Aggressive transportation demand management programs – including MIT subsidized T-Passes, rideshares, van pools, Zip Cars, GoLoco – have significantly reduced the passenger miles driven by the MIT community, and resulted in MIT being distinguished as a “Best Work Place for Commuters” by the EPA. • MIT adopted several alternative-fuel vehicles, including campus utility vehicles powered by compressed natural gas (CNG) & hybrid. • MIT and the City of Cambridge awarded an EPA grant to install advanced diesel pollution control devices on their fleets. • Renewable, plant-based biodiesel fuel has been introduced into MIT’s fleet. Student run waste vegetable oil processor coming. • Student-led efforts have shaped new commuting and parking options
What Are We Doing About Sustainability? • Adopting Sustainable Design • Because building energy use contributes heavily to our ecological impact, MIT has made a commitment to build more sustainably. • MIT’s Institute building construction guidelines specify that all new construction and major renovations strive for LEED Silver certification or better. Ready for revisiting. • The Brain and Cognitive Sciences Building was recently awarded Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver certification. The Stata Center was designed to meet LEED Silver. • An anticipated LEED Gold Sloan School building and a new graduate dormitory expected to surpass Silver are in the works. • Our new Center for Cancer Research lab is hitting fume hood & HVAC use head-on.
What Are We Doing About Sustainability? • Implementing Cleaner, More Efficient Energy Systems • Co-generation technology in the power plant has saved money, reduced fuel consumption, and drastically reduced air pollutants from the conventional systems. • With co-generation MIT reduced - in the short-term - greenhouse gas emissions by 32%. Over 60,000 tons a year! • Solar panel and algae bioreactor installations on campus have further demonstrated the reality of zero emission power generation and advanced control technologies. • Energy conservation programs have been effective…but limited. We are now ramping up significant, new pilot programs.
Engage Leadership through Linking Operational Objectives with Academic Mission • Energy Initiative: President Hockfield’s signature research initiative • A call to action for MIT to tackle the global “energy crisis”: • “The need for workable energy options is perhaps the greatest single challenge facing our nation and the world in the 21st century” • The gist: how to meet growing energy demand without destroying our world’s resources = sustainable energy web.mit.edu/mitei
MIT Energy Initiative: Walking the Talk on Campus Extending research impact by demonstrating sustainable energy practices on campus and integrating education opportunities Leading and educating by example: MIT taking action to reduce its own campus energy foot print through: Making a commitment Investing in energy conservation Increasing energy efficiency Applying advanced energy technologies Embracing sustainable design Applying innovative financial strategies Opening our campus as a learning laboratory Creating campus-focused energy research and education opportunities Using greenhouse gas emissions & student engagement as some metrics of our progress
Pilot Success: A Steam Trap Demonstration Project A dramatic increase in energy efficiency was demonstrated after steam traps – devices to regulate steam use - were replaced in one of two identical dorms. Steam use in Building 62 (indicated by the black line) was reduced by nearly 50% and was responsive to changes in outside temperatures. This year: all academic buildings renewed for $700,000 savings = 1 year payback!
Show the Data: A Chemical Fume Hood Example Expect annual cost savings upwards of $100,000 in Dept. of Chemistry alone…more opportunities abound.
Document the Obvious (Lights Out 16-56) • Two webcams in Stata Center & Occupant Sensors in 16 & 56 • capture photos every 20 minutes between 9pm and 4am • Threshold algorithm detects whether lights are on and matches them to rooms • Java software computes lighting usage and sends weekly emails to participants
Engage the Entire Community • First 2 years: a focus on the engineered solutions for energy conservation • Current priority: the community solutions • Individual actions that make a difference for energy conservation • A need to engage the entire MIT community in their “place” • Build awareness, inform, enable, and empower individuals • greeningMIT logo strengthening community of action
Harness the Local Culture: Revolving Door Analysis As seen in… If everyone used the revolving doors at E25 alone, MIT would save almost $7500 amounting to nearly 15 tons of CO2. And that’s just from two of the 29 revolving doors on campus!
Avenues for Student Engagement in Sustainability • Researching • Learning • Doing • Leading • Driving
How We Engage Students On Campus(and Get Engaged by Them) • “Formal” education channels • Course curricula • Class projects (5.92, S-Lab) • Special modules (FPOP DEEP) • Faculty-sponsored research (CS-UROPS) • “Informal” education channels • Explosion of volunteer activities & internships • Student clubs: SAVE, SfGS, Sloan EE, Energy Club • MIT Generator • MIT Pledge
Classwork – Undergraduates Energy, Environment & Society (5.92) First Year Students Project-Based Learning Interdisciplinary Key Lessons • Freshman exceed expectations • Meaningful results for partners • Sufficient guidance is key • Bring new students into network Projects • MIT Wind Capacity • Waste Heat from MIT Nuclear Research Reactor • Renewables Capacity at Cambridge High School
FPOP DEEP@MIT Pre-freshmen get DEEP into energy and environment • Freshmen Pre-Orientation Program = Discover Energy & Environmental Programs • Leading faculty presentations on global climate issues, research, classes • Calculation of own “carbon footprint” • Learning about MIT’s own energy use & CO2 emissions • Dorm building audit: heating loss, water & electricity use, trash and recycling • Leads to sets of recommendations for improvements • New addition to programs on literature, engineering and outdoor adventures
Campus Sustainability UROPs UROP = Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program >80% of MIT undergraduates do at least one Education Office Project Examples • Green Roof Feasibility Analysis • Lab HVAC Assessments for Energy Conservation • Recycling Systems & Communications Analysis Undergrad Student Faculty Advisor Operations Advisor EPO Sponsorship/MITEI Coordination Environmental Programs Office
Student Campus Energy Project Grants Campus Climate Awareness Project Wind Turbine Competition Energy Mapping Project Revolving Door Behavioral Change Campaign MIT Generator Appliance Use Energy Audits and Case Studies UA Campus Energy and Environment Pamphlet http://mit.edu/mitei/campus/project-fund.html
Students Embrace the Campus as a Learning Laboratory Student interest in on-campus energy and environmental performance has skyrocketed Driven by desire to: Walk the Talk on campus and affect change in their community Create a unique space to apply MIT-honed creative problem-solving skills Develop and test emerging leadership abilities Build collaborative bridges across academy and administration Lead the way on campus for win-win solutions: Reduce energy use and costs Educate the community (and themselves) Minimize MIT’s climate footprint Create smarter, more efficient campus
The MIT Generator exists to unite and catalyze studentgroups working on local energy, environment, and sustainability projects with a campus focus Operations Education Research Our vision is for MIT to be a living laboratory, where the campus itself is a development site and proving ground for student leadership and innovative policies, practices, and technologies
SAVE MIT Student Pugwash Sloan Net Impact Energy Club SfGS Generator Events LFEE S* EPO UA committee Facilities Vision 2015 Mapping Transportation Course Energy Audits and Assessment Closing the Loop Dorm Electricity Biodiesel Dorm Electricity Fume Hoods Solar Electric Vehicle Team Biodiesel ??? Generator - Nov 14th Re-Generator - Feb 12th Earth Week - April 23th Vision 2050
8 week undergraduate competition: • Saved over 230 megawatt/hours (over $30,000) • Enough to power 21 homes for a year • Created education and awareness
Sustainable Transportation Through Policy: 1.963 A Sustainable Transportation Plan for MIT 6 credits, 2-0-4 (G), W 2:30-4:00 PM, Rm. 1-132 John Attanucci, Research Associate, Center for Transportation and LogisticsLawrence Brutti, Operations Manager, MIT Parking & Transportation Office Goal: Evaluate and recommend alternative commuter and business-related transportation policies for the MIT campus, with an emphasis on reducing transportation-related energy usage in a sustainable manner in response to President Hockfield’s “Walk the Talk” energy initiative. Source: Collegehumor.com
This student team really wanted to get their hands dirty and make a difference • Setting the gold standard for student leadership, commitment and organization • Created whole new campus community • Established new model for bringing change • Leading faculty member: “Don’t let these proposals gather dust!” MIT group strikes oil, wins "eco-grant" A plan to turn used cooking oil into biodiesel fuel has won a group led by MIT students a $25,000 "eco-grant" and a concert to be headlined by Angels & Airwaves.
Lessons to Share • Aligning operational goals with core academic and educational mission increases its power • For academics and educators, knowing the rhythms of operations is critical • Student learning is optimized through a mix of informal and formal opportunities for learning and leadership • Persistence, vigilance, and constant “linking” are key to keeping the threads together
Some campus links you should check out: • http://mit.edu/environment • http://mit.edu/facilities/environmental • http://mit.edu/mitei/campus • http://sustainability.mit.edu