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The New FamilySearch

The New FamilySearch. September 2008. New FamilySearch Announcement. “One of the most troublesome aspects of our temple activity is…duplication of effort in proxy work. We, therefore, have been engaged for some time in a very difficult undertaking.

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The New FamilySearch

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The New FamilySearch September 2008

  2. New FamilySearch Announcement “One of the most troublesome aspects of our temple activity is…duplication of effort in proxy work. We, therefore, have been engaged for some time in a very difficult undertaking. To avoid such duplication, the solution lies in complex computer technology. Preliminary indications are that it will work, and if this is so, it will be a truly remarkable thing with worldwide implications.” President Gordon B. Hinckley, “Opening Remarks,” General Conference October 2005

  3. The new FamilySearch is: The first step toward ending duplication of temple ordinances A replacement for TempleReady A new Internet-based version of FamilySearch for novices and experts to work together to link generations The new FamilySearch is NOT: A replacement for PAF or any other record manager An update of Ancestral File The New FamilySearch - Intro

  4. The New FamilySearch - Objectives • Reduce (eliminate) duplication • Ordinance work • Research • Simplify the temple process • Involve all members • Make it easier to: • Collect • Organize • Preserve • Share

  5. The New FamilySearch - Records Records Included in System

  6. Current Search Method

  7. Name Spouse Date Location Journals & OtherRecords Name Gender Date Name Name Gender Birthdate Location Gender Date Marriage Certificate Death Certificate Other Certificate Birth Certificate Other Records The Reality of Records Each life event is recorded as if it stands alone

  8. Name Gender Birth date Birth location Christening/baptism Marriage date Spouse name Children Photo Personal history Recording Events by Person Name Gender Birth date Birth location Christening/baptism Marriage date Spouse name Children Photo Personal history Personal Folder Recording Events by Person

  9. Name Gender Birth date Birth location Christening/baptism Marriage date Spouse name Children Photo Personal history Recording Events by Person Personal Folder Recording Events by Person

  10. Name Gender Birth date Birth location Christening/baptism Marriage date Spouse name Children Photo Personal history Name Gender Birth date Birth location Christening/baptism Marriage date Spouse name Children Photo Personal history Name Gender Birth date Birth location Christening/baptism Marriage date Spouse name Children Photo Personal history Name Gender Birth date Birth location Christening/baptism Marriage date Spouse name Children Photo Personal history Name Gender Birth date Birth location Christening/baptism Marriage date Spouse name Children Photo Personal history Name Gender Birth date Birth location Christening/baptism Marriage date Spouse name Children Photo Personal history Name Gender Birth date Birth location Christening/baptism Marriage date Spouse name Children Photo Personal history Personal Folders in a Pedigree Raymond Gordon Alice Jim Charles Phyllis Georgia

  11. Name Gender Birth date Birth location Christening/baptism Marriage date Spouse name Children Photo Personal history Name Gender Birth date Birth location Christening/baptism Marriage date Spouse name Children Photo Personal history Name Gender Birth date Birth location Christening/baptism Marriage date Spouse name Children Photo Personal history New Search Method Gordon Jim Phyllis The Church maintains many different Databases.

  12. 1. Enter information into PAF. 6. Take disk to Family History Center. 13. Take TempleReady disk to temple. 7. Run GEDCOM/backup through TempleReady for updates. 14. Temple prints cards for ordinance work. 2. Select individuals to do temple work for. 8. Manually search Internet IGI for updated information. 15. Do work, wait for IGI updates. 3. Check ordinance dates against FamilySearch records. 9. Process names in TempleReady. 4. Create GEDCOM or backup file. 10. Fix any errors and reprocess in TempleReady. 5. Write GEDCOM or backup file to disk. 11. Create TempleReady file. 12. Write TempleReady file to disk. Current Process Home Family History Center Temple 16 Steps 16. Update PAF with new ordinance information.

  13. Home or Family History Center 4. Temple recorder prints cards while you wait. 1. Add ancestor information into FamilySearch.org. 2. Select individuals to do temple work for. 3. Print Family Ordinance Request and take to temple. Decision: Simplify the Process Preparing Family Names for the Temple Temple 5. Perform temple ordinances, FamilySearch.org updated the same day. 5 Steps

  14. Clearing Temple Work

  15. Clearing Temple Work

  16. Clearing Temple Work

  17. The Roadmap

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