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Explosive Ordnance Disposal . Education and training . The basic training for an EOD normally takes about 10 weeks. In this 10 weeks you will learn all the basic soldier skill. After you get done with that you will move to Advanced individual training. You will spend 28 weeks at this base. .
Education and training • The basic training for an EOD normally takes about 10 weeks. In this 10 weeks you will learn all the basic soldier skill. After you get done with that you will move to Advanced individual training. You will spend 28 weeks at this base.
Job skill,talents, and expenses necessary Some helpful skills for an EOD are to have the ability to communicate effectively, Have interest in algebra, chemistry, physics, geometry, and trigonometry. You need to have an ability to plan and organize, be able to work calmly under stress, and be able to effectively use computers.
Earnings- what will you make? • The monthly amount range from $75- $450 for special units. The basic amount ranges from 16,000 to $42,000 depending on your position in the army. This is in a <2 year time period. The pay isn't that great but there is up $40,000 bonus for people who are active in the army.
Benefits/Health Care/Vacation • As a soldier you and your family automatically get a health care plan called Tricare for a very small price. Soldiers in active duty get 30 days of vacation and don’t work on weekends. The also don’t work on national holidays and sick days as needed. The army will pay for college and pay the cost of natural living.
Employment Outlook • There is over 150 jobs for active solders. Some of these jobs require special skills that many people don’t have. The army need as many soldiers as possible so if you apply for a job you will most likely get it.
Advancement Opportunities • Some advanced opportunities are being able to visit new around the world. You might have to go to school and learn specific languages where your base is at so you can communicate with the community around you. It is a good time for you to test your leadership capabilities.
Typical Day • A typical day for an EOD starts by waking up early in the morning. Once you are up and ready to go you and your team meet up at a specific spot in the base. Once you are all gathered up you go and find the explosives with your crew. Sometimes this can go quick other times it takes all day.
Aptitude • I would be good for this job because I can be a hard worker when I choose to and because I like blowing things up. You need to be able to work fast under pressure and do everything correct. I think it would be a really hard job at times but really easy at other times depending on how much time you have and the amount of explosives you are taking care of.