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Study Skills

Study Skills. Note Taker or Doodle Maker. LISTEN actively, ask questions, stay focused Write down MAIN POINTS, important details, quotes, rules, laws, lists LISTS often convert to good ESSAY questions that challenge writing skills WRITE IT DOWN if it’s on the board, overhead or display panel

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Study Skills

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Study Skills

  2. Note Taker or Doodle Maker • LISTEN actively, ask questions, stay focused • Write down MAIN POINTS, important details, quotes, rules, laws, lists • LISTS often convert to good ESSAY questions that challenge writing skills • WRITE IT DOWN if it’s on the board, overhead or display panel • Take NEAT, LEGIBLE notes • Use ABBREVIATIONS and OUTLINE format • REVIEW NOTES as soon as possible after class • Use STICKY NOTES to take notes in textbooks • Use STICKY NOTES to flag important sections in your notebook • Develop a NOTE-TAKING STYLE that works for you

  3. Taking EFFECTIVE Notes Traditional Outline

  4. Taking EFFECTIVE Notes Ask mom about England term paper Notes TM

  5. Mind Map

  6. Cross Laterals Stimulate all four lobes of the brain • Frontal lobe- higher –order thinking • Occipital lobe- processes visual information • Parietal lobe- relays motor and sensory stimuli • Temporal lobe- processes auditory information • Stimulate communications between hemispheres • Left hemisphere- good at sequencing and recognizing parts • Right hemisphere – good at conceptualizing (big picture)

  7. BeOrganized Use an assignment notebook 3 ring binders for class Folders for schoolwork Keep your locker/backpack clean Get organized before bed Get that phone number you’ve been wanting to get!

  8. Memory Tricks Chunk information Use mnemonic devices HOMES Link information Read with purpose

  9. Reading VISUALIZE use senses I can see, I can picture, I can taste, feel, smell, etc MAKE CONNECTIONS relate to your life, prior knowledge, books, music, movies That reminds me of, this is different from… ASK QUESTIONS author, self, text What is author trying to say, message MONITOR COMPREHENSION does it make sense? memory, visuals, questions, DETERMINE IMPORTANCE what is the big idea bold print, graphs, chapter objectives INFER ask questions wonder why, how, if… SYNTHESIZE compare contrast new ways to use info, connections, build knowledge

  10. SLANT System- Guaranteed to improve grades! S sit up (stand up when needed/allowed) L look and lean forward A ask questions- internal, external, repeat, clarify, ask a question you know the answer to, ask after class N nod your head (Non-verbals) T talk to the teacher- say ‘see ya’, ‘good lesson’, etc.

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