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NUCLEAR ENERGY. Or How The World Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Alternative Energy Source Sophia Khan and Dom Bolton. WHAT IS NUCLEAR ENERGY?. Dec. 2, 1942: Chicago-Pile 1 Uranium Renewable Reactors and power plants. BUT I THOUGHT…. FRIENDLY TERMS.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NUCLEAR ENERGY Or How The World Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Alternative Energy Source Sophia Khan and Dom Bolton

  2. WHAT IS NUCLEAR ENERGY? • Dec. 2, 1942: Chicago-Pile 1 • Uranium • Renewable • Reactors and power plants


  4. FRIENDLY TERMS Fission: nuclear reaction which splits massive nuclei into smaller ones while releasing energy Kyoto Protocol: reduce greenhouse gases


  6. HOW IT WORKS (cont.) Core: encased in metal, high temperature and pressure Fuel assemblies: differ, long rods, release large amount of neutrons  high energy Control Rods: cadmium, heavy neutron absorbers, level of absorption, power up or down Moderator: slows down neutrons, coolant

  7. HOW IT WORKS (cont.) High pressure steam Goes to turbines Generates electricity Closed in by thick concrete

  8. URANIUM Ore mined Then crushed And Uranium extracted 85% total radioactivity (from radon gas)

  9. INSIDE A REACTOR 75 000 tons of uranium = 17% of world’s power requirements Levels of water cooling Light, Heavy, Pressurized, Boiled Generation III and III+ Increase efficiency Higher temperature Higher pressure

  10. THE FUTURE • Different generations • Worldwide • 440 reactors in 31 countries • 367 gigawatts = 16% of world's electricity • Next 15 years: 60 new plants = 17% electricity • China • Goal: 4% electricity from nuclear energy • By 2020: 41 power plants

  11. BENEFITS • Powerful • Durable • Clean

  12. THE ENERGY CRISIS • Never-ending search • U.S. Dept. of Energy predicts 75% in electricity use 2000-2020 • Electricity: 1/3 of greenhouse gas emissions • Problem for current nuclear reactors: coal-fired

  13. DOWNFALLS • Uranium Mining • Lead-210 and Polonium-210 • Limited: 3 256 000 tons left • Nuclear Waste and Storage • Continue to release radiation • Canada: 200 million pounds • Disasters (Chernobyl) • Breeder reactors and plutonium • Non-renewable • 42 years of reserves left

  14. TO GET THE BALL ROLLING… 103 plants = 20% electricity US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Initial cost high, but low later Burn more fuel Fuel flexibility Plutonium, thorium, LEU, MOX


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