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Egypt Elementary PBIS/RTI2-B SCHOOL-WIDE DISCIPLINE PLAN 2018-2019. 4160 Karen Cove Memphis, Tennessee. Egypt Elementary 2018-2019 PBIS/RTI 2 -B Team. PBIS/RTI 2 -B Team Members:. PBIS/RTI 2 -B Team Member Role Assignments:
Egypt ElementaryPBIS/RTI2-BSCHOOL-WIDE DISCIPLINE PLAN2018-2019 4160 Karen Cove Memphis, Tennessee
Egypt Elementary 2018-2019 PBIS/RTI2-B Team PBIS/RTI2-B Team Members: PBIS/RTI2-B Team Member Role Assignments: (It is recommended that different team members be assigned these roles) • Principal* • Assistant Principal (recommended) • Professional School Counselor* • General Education Teacher(s)* • Special Education Teacher(s)* • Parents (2)* • Specialist(s) • Ed. Assistant(s)/Non-Certified Staff: • Students Members: • Community Member: • School Psychologist • ISS Assistant: • Campus Monitor: • Cafeteria/Custodial Staff: • Bus Driver: • External PBIS Coach: • Internal PBIS/RTI2-B Coach: Natasha Gossett • Administrator: Dionna Pruitt • Recorder: Delita Brown • Communicator: Lynn Yates • Data Person: Holly Chapman, Marquita Edwards-Johnson • Timekeeper: Danyelle Bates, Mack Reese • Task Person: Stacy Ross, Jasmine Johnson Student Behavior and Leadership Revised 5/18
2018-19 PBIS/RTI2-B and Attendance Team Meeting Schedule Student Behavior and Leadership Revised 5/18
Mission The mission of Egypt Elementary is to prepare all students to reach proficiency or higher; and to develop critical thinkers who are able to read with understanding, write with purpose, and speak with clarity. By integrating content area studies with literacy, young learners grow into effective problem solvers. By differentiating instruction to meet individual needs, we are empowering students to become productive, knowledgeable citizens who are capable of making responsible choices throughout their lives.
Vision The vision of Egypt Elementary is to increase the intellectual, social, and civic capacity of our students.
Student Support Services PBIS/RTI2-B Purpose Statement Egypt’s purpose of teaching positive behavior is to prevent negative or unwanted behavior, to improve the social culture and behavioral climate not only in the classrooms, but within the building. Student Behavior and Leadership Revised 5/18
Egypt Elementary Previous Results Decrease the total number of office referrals by 10% • Decrease the frequency of hallway infractions during cafeteria transitions by 5 infractions per month General Attendance Goal: • Increase overall student attendance by .5% Chronic Absenteeism • Reduce the number of days chronically absent students by 10%
Previous Results YTD Suspension Rates: -2015-16 school year is 10.6% -2016-17 school year is 5.5% -2017-18 school year is 7.1% YTD Attendance Rate: -2015-16 school year is 93.9% -2016-17 school year is 93.8% -2017-18 school year is 94.1%
Goals and Objective • Behavior Goals: • Increase appropriate behavior for all grade levels by 5% • Decrease the total number of office referrals by 10% • Decrease the frequency of hallway infractions during cafeteria transitions by 5 infractions per month • General Attendance Goal: • Increase overall student attendance by .5% • Chronic Absenteeism • Reduce the number of days for chronically absent students by 10%
Monitoring Process Data from discipline referrals will be charted bi-weekly in the hallway located outside the cafeteria, in order for students, faculty, and other stakeholders to be informed. Data is reviewed monthly by the PBIS team in order to develop interventions for problem areas. Overall homeroom attendance will be charted daily, and discipline referrals will be charted bi-weekly. Data is reviewed monthly by the team to develop interventions for excessive absences, along with the SART team. • The initial plan will be communicated to the staff during the grade level meeting. Each member of the PBIS team represents a grade level with in the building. That member will communicate the initial and subsequent action plan to their grade level staff and students. Families will be notified during PTO, muffins with moms and doughnuts with dads.
Student Support Services Egypt PBIS /RTI2-B Action Plan Student Behavior and Leadership Revised 5/18
School Expectations 1.Be prepared for class • Be on time • Have on a clean uniform • Bring homework folder to class with work inside 2. Respect self and others • Keep hands and feet to self • Raise hand before speaking • Stay in seat • No profanity • No checking Revised 8/18
School Expectations 3. Move in a safe manner • Stay in a straight line • Walk on the right side of the hall • Walk at all times • Follow 3-2-1-0 in the halls 4. Keep environment safe and clean • Do not bring personal items to school • After breakfast, no eating in the classroom • Throw all trash in trash bins • Backpacks and coats are placed in lockers Revised 8/18
Student Support Services School-Wide Expectations Poster Samples(These should be posted common areas) Student Behavior and Leadership Revised 5/18
School Procedures Entering School • Students arriving at 7:45am will line up and be seated according to grade level in the cafeteria. They will remain seated until dismissed at 7:55am and escorted to their classroom. • Bus riders enter the building through the side door and go directly to the cafeteria. Closing of school • At dismissal, groups of studentsare escorted, by assigned teachers to the bus area, daycare, and the cafeteria. • Students that wait for car pickup are seated according to grade-level and are called by name to the car. Passing classes • Each grade level determines means by which they will prepare to pass classes at designated time due to departmentalized schedule. Lunchroom • Teachers are to walk their class to the cafeteria line. Teachers are to assign seats for students to sit and eat while in the cafeteria. Students are to respect and obey adults in the cafeteria Assemblies • Students will walk in quietly and sit in their assigned seats. Students will actively listen and exhibit Pharaoh strong etiquette during the assembly. Referral • Students can be referred to the office after a letter is sent home to the parent, a phone call is made to the parent, a referral to the guidance counselor and after the mandatory conference has been arranged. Restroom • Students walk in the restroom quietly, knock before opening the stall, close the doors quietly and exit after using the restroom. Students wash their hands and get in line. Hall passes • After 8:30, every student in the hallway without a teacher must have a hall pass. Ongoing orientation for new students • The new students and their parents will meet briefly with a member of the administration team or the student’s teachers to give them an overview of the school’s expectation for students, parents and to inform them of what they should expect from Egypt.
Classroom Procedures Teachers will spend the first two weeks of school modeling, explaining and practicing classroom rules with students daily. • Hall Passes –teacher will explain to students that no one is allowed in the hallway without a pass. The teacher will show the students where the hall pass is located. • Asking for help- teacher will model the proper way to ask for help and students will create short story showing the proper way to ask for help,. • Cooperative groups- teacher will create a mock cooperative group and this group will model conversational tone, getting materials and working as a team. • Turning in Homework- students will practice the procedure turning in homework. • Writing assignment Protocol- students will practice heading papers while using the model on the board. • Make–up work will be given directions and shown how to receive make up work. • Communication with parents- school messenger, phone calls, emails, notes, website, and class do-jo.
Student Support Services Student Behavior and Leadership Revised 5/18
Student Support Services Student Behavior and Leadership Revised 5/18
Student Support Services Classroom and Office Managed Behaviors Student Behavior and Leadership Revised 8/18
2018-19 Egypt Elementary Behavior Flow Chart Observe problem behavior Is behavior staff managed? Find a place to talk with student(s) YES NO Ensure safety Problem solve/implement strategies to address the problems Write referral & Escort student to office Problem solve Determine consequence Determine consequence Follow procedure documented Follow documented procedure NO YES Does student have 3? Follow through with consequences File necessary documentation Send referral to office File necessary documentation Follow up with student within a week Student Behavior and Leadership Revised 8/17
Student Support Services Behavioral Prevention & Intervention Strategies • List all interventions for the following: • Tier 1 : Breaks, Praise, acknowledge positive behavior, call parent or positive note home. • Tier 2 :Behavior contract, counselor referral, mentoring, teach conflict resolution skills. • Tier 3: Behavior contract, structured breaks , daily behavioral forms , reward system, teach coping skills. • Positive behavior forms and school counseling forms will be used to monitor for progress and success of interventions. Student Behavior and Leadership Revised 5/18
Student Support Services EGYPT Behavior Action Plan Student Behavior and Leadership Revised 5/18
Student Support Services Attendance Prevention &Intervention Strategies • List all interventions for the following here: • Tier 1 :Creating an engaging school climate, building a positive relationship with students and families, monitor chronic absences data • Tier 2:Personlize early outreach, create action plan that addresses barriers and increase engagement • Tier 3: Coordinate school and interagency response, legal intervention (last resort) • Teachers will regularly take roll and make phone calls after students miss two consecutive days to show that we care, create a nurturing engaging classroom that will encourage students to come to school, develop school wide systems of incentives and rewards for good attendance. monitor for progress and success of interventions? Sample Action Plan on the following slide. Student Behavior and Leadership Revised 5/18
Student Support Services EGYPT Attendance Action Plan Student Behavior and Leadership Revised 5/18
School Wide Incentives • Attendance carnival at the end of the year • Pizza party for homerooms with perfect attendance are given each month • Perfect attendance awards and rewards are given each month • “E” parties for students with excellent conduct are given each quarter • “Race to the Top” cafeteria rewards for homerooms that meet cafeteria expectations each month • Stars and lighting bolts students are reward each month
Teacher Incentives • Teachers are given monthly certificates for perfect attendance. • At the end of each semester, those teachers that have not missed any days are given a gift card. • Egypt also has a “Staff Member of the Month”. These staff members or teachers are given a special parking space and treated to lunch.
Communication • Parents will sign up for daily Class Dojo reports to view at their convenience • Teachers can communicate with parents through Class Dojo regarding academic progress or behavior • Grade-level newsletters to parents. • Egypt Elementary updates our website monthly with upcoming events and news. • PTO meetings • School Messenger • Twitter Account • School Marquee • Monitors in the office and front hallway • Call blast • Wednesday folders Student Behavior and Leadership Revised 5/18
Student Engagement • Volunteer and community service opportunities. • Garden Clean-up • School Beautification Saturdays • Christmas Carols at the Frayser Community Center (Beta Club) • Decorating the School for Red Ribbon Week (Beta Club) • Club opportunities include Art Club, Book Club, Future Scientists, Track and Field, Healthy Cooking, Dance Team, Lego Club, Girl Power, Computer Club, Choir Club, Step Team, Basketball Team
Student Support Services EGYPT Student Engagement Log Student Behavior and Leadership Revised 5/18
This checklist is designed to be completed by the PBIS/RTI2-B Team once Plan is completed to monitor completion of the School-wide PBIS/RTI2-B prior to submitting. Student Behavior and Leadership Revised 5/18
Continued…This checklist is designed to be completed by the PBIS/RTI2-B Team prior to submitting Plan to monitor completion of the School-wide PBIS/RTI2-B . Student Behavior and Leadership Revised 5/18
Resources • PBIS World: http://www.pbisworld.com/ • TN PBIS links: http://www.edprodevelopment.com& http://riseprojectmemphis.org • Maryland PBIS: http://www.pbismaryland.org • PBIS: http://www.pbis.org • Michigan: http://miblsi.cenmi.org/ • Attendance Works: http://www.attendanceworks.org/ • TN Dept. of Ed.: https://www.tn.gov/education/topic/graduation-requirements • SCS PBIS Notebook Revised 9/17
Student Support Services Resources • PBIS/RTI2-B World: http://www.PBIS/RTI2-Bworld.com/ • TN PBIS/RTI2-B links: http://www.edprodevelopment.com& http://riseprojectmemphis.org • Maryland PBIS/RTI2-B: http://www.PBIS/RTI2-Bmaryland.org • PBIS/RTI2-B: http://www.PBIS/RTI2-B.org • Michigan: http://miblsi.cenmi.org/ • Attendance Works: http://www.attendanceworks.org/ • TN Dept. of Ed.: https://www.tn.gov/education/topic/graduation-requirements • SCS PBIS/RTI2-B Notebook Student Behavior and Leadership Revised 5/18