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Introduction to the EPATS and CESAR - - EPATS Synergy. by Maciej Mączka Source: Alfred Baron, Krzysztof Piwek, Small aircraft requirements & potential demand, methodology & assumption, synergy need , INSTITUTE OF AVIATION, Warsaw, 2007. Amsterdam, September 2007. POSSIBLE SYNERGY AREA.
Introduction to the EPATSand CESAR -- EPATS Synergy by Maciej Mączka Source: Alfred Baron, Krzysztof Piwek, Small aircraft requirements & potential demand, methodology & assumption, synergy need, INSTITUTE OF AVIATION, Warsaw,2007 Amsterdam, September 2007
WHAT IS EPATS? • Personal air transport system • driven by personal needs, preference and resources of the population • improving current transport infrastructure • with economic efficiency • and ecological sustainability • in 20 years time horizon
EPATS fundamentals • C.a. 2500 landing facilities in Europe • Uneven existing infrastructure quality (accessibility) • Single European Sky (SESAR research) • New techs • Small carrier and private owner friendly environment
Only 5% of European population lives in a distace of 40km of the nearest HUB c.a. 95% of European population lives in a distace of 40km of the nearest GA ariport EPATS fundamentals • Dense network of airports • especially located in remote regions • enables filling the communication gap • in interregional domestic and European transport
EPATS components Network of airports Air Traffic Management Piston,turboprop, jet, 4-19-seat a/c Maintenance, and management companies Air carriersorganizations Aircraft ownersand users associations Other stakeholders
Reduction:ineqaulity of chances, EU regions remoteness, door-to-door travel time Increase: accessibility to hi-speed modes for remote European regions Vehicle: 4-19-seat piston turboprop and jet aircraft (operating at small regional and local airports) Operating: low flow interregional on-demand and scheduled services Reduction: door-to-door travel time Increase: daily range of activity from large agglomerations Vehicle: 4-7-seat, piston and jet aircraft (operating at small and large airports) Operating: private or corporate transport system on-demand service EPATS-SATS difference
Method and Requirements • Potential demand method estimation structure: • Current mobility demand • Indifference curve for modal choice (car – a/c) • Modal split estimation • Current number and type of a/c required • A/c mission requirements parameters: • via customer choice index formula • Outside constraints (ATM, environmnt, etc.) • FP7 recommendations
EPATS forecast • A question to be answered at the end of the project: How many and what type of aircraft are needed to realize EPATS concept ? What recommendations can we provide to the FP7 Programme?
Demand forecast assumptions • Socio-economic data for EU-27, infrastructure data, trip data (Passenger flow estimation is based on ESPON, EUNET, DATELINE, SCENES, EUROSTAT data - using a gravity method) • Modal split based on minimization of cost by using the generalized cost formula: (generalized cost = manufacturer price + tax or subsidy + value of time + accommodation cost) • modal split between car and aircraft in passenger-kilometers • An estimate of number and type of EPATS a/c • 1 Pass.-km costs level source: • corporate car costs data, • train transport ticket prices, • air carriers = global costs / volume of transport • costs in respective countries =country specifics or averaged EU values • considering other events and research influencing costs (e.g. CESAR)
VoT:100Eur/h, distnace: 400km, mode choice: Cirrus SR-22, King Air or Eclipse 500 VoT: 7 Eur/h, distnace: 300km, mode choice: car VoT:100Eur/h, distnace: 1000km, mode choice: Cirrus SR-22, King Air, Eclipse 500 or Cessna Citation Citation jet Eclipse King Air Cirrus Effect of accomodation costs Indifference curve area of aircraft choice car
Example of possible prognosis for 2020 • Estimated EPATS transport share: c.a. 2% (120bn pkm) of current volume of car travel • Result could reach: 120 000 aircraft (62%) 75 000 piston (20%) 25 000 turboprop (18%) 20 000 jet Assuming average 1 000 000 pkm per a/c per year
Mission requirements parameters • number of passenger seats • aircraft speed • aircraft range • take-off and landing characteristics • comfort level • flight conditions • DOC, SFC, Life cycle, maintenance, price, operational costs
Technical Specification • ACP-1 Single-Engine Piston • ACP-2 Twin-Engine Piston • ACT-1 Single-Engine Turboprop • ACT-2 Twin-Engine Turboprop • ACJ-1 Twin-Engine Very Light Jet • ACJ-2Twin-Engine Light Jet • crew • configuration • weight • size • propulsion system • performance • control • equipment • avionics • modular construction • etc.
ATM issues • Airspace structure • Flow regulations • Safety • Flexible use of airspace • Controlled or not controlled • Mix with regulated airlines traffic
Conclusions • Small aircraft transport system in Europe is a chance to improve transport infrastructure (accessibility) at relatively low costs • GA revitalization in EU-27 needs cooperation and support from ACARE, SESAR, FP7 funding • EPATS – CESAR synergy is needed
EPATS offer • CESAR - EPATS • Synergy Proposals • Joint CESAR/EPATS small aircraft requirements (Input for future SRA) • Research Programmes Proposal to EU Framework Programme • Cooperation within European Personal Air Transport Platforms - including ESPON(European Spatial Planning and Observatory Network), VIP (Very Light Jet Integration Platform), EGAMA, etc.