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WE ARE WHAT WE EAT. “There’s the only way to be happy - it is to be healthy”. DIETING. Many Americans believe that “you can never be too rich or too thin”. The key to weight loss is a balanced diet combined with regular exercise. Dr.G.A.Sheehan said,”Man was not made to remain at rest”.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WE ARE WHAT WE EAT “There’s the only way to be happy - it is to be healthy”

  2. DIETING • Many Americans believe that “you can never be too rich or too thin”. • The key to weight loss is a balanced diet combined with regular exercise. • Dr.G.A.Sheehan said,”Man was not made to remain at rest”.

  3. A PIECE OF FRIENDLY ADVICE • You don’t kill rare species of animals like baby-pandas or “otis tarda” and eat them, whereas cows and chickens are rather fertile and not likely to disappear from the earth’s surface. • Eat whatever you like, not too much and not too little. • Remember the Chinese or Japanese – they eat even snakes and live happily for ages.

  4. BONAPPETITE ! • Dear fellow, make your choice as quickly as possible , because if you follow a saying “we are what we eat” , and you choose vegetables, you take a strong risk of becoming a house-plant . So you’d better make a vegetable salad and eat it with meat.

  5. Из жизни знаменитых вегетарианцев • Однажды Бернарда Шоу спросили, как он себя чувствует. «Прекрасно, - ответил 70-летний писатель, -только мне докучают врачи, утверждающие, что я умру, если не буду есть мяса». Прошло 20 лет. И у 90-летнего писателя опять спросили о самочувствии. «Прекрасно,- последовал ответ.-Больше меня никто не беспокоит: врачи, которые ругали меня за то, что я не ем мяса, ужедавно все умерли».

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