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June 7 th , 2014 Time: 2:00pm – 8:30pm. 华夏南部中文学 校 Huaxia South Chinese School. 2014 毕 业联 欢 会 2014 Chinese School Graduation Celebration Please Join Us. Date: June 7 th , 2014 Time: 2:00pm – 8:30 pm Location: Marlboro High School. 节 目 单 Program List
June 7th, 2014 Time: 2:00pm – 8:30pm 华夏南部中文学校 Huaxia South Chinese School 2014毕业联欢会 2014 Chinese School Graduation Celebration Please Join Us Date: June 7th, 2014 Time: 2:00pm – 8:30 pm Location: Marlboro High School
节目单 Program List 校长致辞 Principal’s Greeting ………………………………………. 刘健 Jian Liu Principal 来宾致辞 Guest’s Speeches ………………………………..………………………. 来宾 Guests 龟兔赛跑, 表演, The Rabbit and the Turtle ….….…………………. 三年级2班, 刘坤老师 指导3rdGrade Class 2 倍儿爽, 表演唱, Singing ……………………….…….….…………………..二年级1班, 朱洁 老师 指导 2nd Grade Class 1 找朋友, 儿童舞蹈,Child Dance …..…………………...….…少儿民族舞蹈1, 杜康宁 老师 指导 Child Dance Class 数鸭子, Counting Ducks, nursery rhymes performance…….……...… 拼音2班, 李熹 老师 指导 Pinyin Class 2 中国武术和太极,Chinese Martial Arts and Taichi .………….................. 张锦鹏 老师 指导 Martial Arts Class 爵士舞, Jazz Dance,ChildDance …..……..............….…少儿民族舞蹈1, 杜康宁 老师 指导 Child Dance Class 形体舞蹈,(梁祝)表演音乐,Dance ….………….………….…………..……………... 陈小芳,成人形体舞蹈训练班 踏歌, 成人舞, Dance …………................................. 成人民族舞蹈1班, 杜康宁 老师 指导 Adult Dance Class ??? 服饰 Show 中国风 ….……………….…………..…………………………………….……... 陈小芳,成人形体舞蹈训练班