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Introspection on the APRM: Achievements, Challenges and Way Forward. Ms. Hodane Aden Youssouf APRM Focal Point Capacity Development Division- UNECA 26 February 2014 Maseru, Kingdom of Lesotho. Introduction.
Introspection on the APRM: Achievements, Challenges and Way Forward Ms. Hodane Aden Youssouf APRM Focal Point Capacity Development Division- UNECA 26 February 2014 Maseru, Kingdom of Lesotho
Introduction • The origins of NEPAD signaled Africa’s dissatisfaction with past development models, which were largely externally generated, designed and directed; • NEPAD sought to articulate the tenants of a new development paradigm for Africa based on home grown ideas; • The APRM provided an important means towards realizing NEPAD’s goals; • APRM has underscored the resolve of African ownership of their destiny; • Country reviews provided avenues for national dialogue; • Reviews transcended the narrowness of the donor-imposed PRSPs- more robust participatory and consultative dimensions to national policymaking formulation
APRM- A Paradigm Shift in Africa’s development process • Peer review through a comprehensive self-assessment • Inclusive policy dialogues between state and society, and among African leaders – unprecedented in the history of development in Africa. • Empowering of civil society to actively engage in the policy process • Promoting of long-term development planning and setting of priorities; • Institutionalizing participatory monitoring and evaluation of policy implementation. • Transferring of country specific best practices from one country to another, thereby encouraging intra-regional cooperation and intra-technical assistance. • Early warning of impending conflicts and collective efforts at solving problems.
The shift in Paradigm from external to domestic accountability in Policy Making • A shift away from satisfying the conditions and preferences of external actors (IMF/WB) to internal constituencies of citizens. • A shift away from dependency on external ideas to more internally driven policy making and setting of priorities. • More regional orientation of policies – comparing progress with each other rather than with other regions of the world – South-South cooperation rather than North-South unequal interaction with a psychological boost of self-confidence. • This inward looking approach to policy research, formulation and accountability to domestic rather than external constituents has led to institutional capacity development that is organic rather than superimposed from outside
The identification and legitimization of systemic and structural issues affecting Africa’s Development • Diversity Management – ethnicity, gender, youth, regionalism, race, xenophobia; these are challenges of nation-building which even advanced democracies cannot hide away and pretend do not exist • Structural issues like unemployment, poverty and corruption and how they are interlinked and how they affect development have been debated and analyzed by stakeholders • The links between elections and violence and the structural underpinnings of these issues have been elevated to a level of policy debate and not just a matter of technical solutions • Issues of natural resource governance and management, land ownership and population growth, resource-based conflicts, climate change have all been highlighted in the APRM reports and collective solutions are being explored
Challenges Confronting the APRM Organizational, institutional and structural Challenges • The governance framework of the APRM process at the continental level has not been as smooth, cohesive and collective as expected – accountability among the Forum, the APR Panel/Secretariat and the national Focal Points need strengthening. • The organizational capacities do not match the responsibilities assign to some of the structures, e.g. Secretariat, NGCs, Focal Points- (i) lack human and financial and institutional resources to undertake their roles and functions effectively; (ii) disconnection between NGC, MDA and Ministry/Finance/Planning after the peer-review • The tri-partite partnership between the State, civil society and the private sector should be strengthened. This partnership must go beyond the self-assessment phase to involve CSOs and private sector in monitoring implementation of the NPoA after the peer review.
Challenges Confronting the APRM • The original momentum that greeted the APRM appears to have waned due to the absence of ‘continental champions” on the political scene. Only 17 countries completed in 10 years! • The process of setting up national level structures takes an inordinate amount of time and resources, undermining the timeframe for implementation of the self-assessment and the Country Review Report. The process needs to be shortened and made efficient • Institutionalization of the National Governing Council after the peer review • Timeframe mismatch between NPoA and the existing strategic Plans cycles • Financing of the NPoAs – in some countries self financing is only around 10% • The quality of progress reports submitted has been uneven
The Way Forward • The issue is how to muster the political will to completely implement the outcomes of the APRM process. • The APRM Strategic Partners should do their part to rekindle the lost momentum and make this a truly African success story. • The emerging new generation of political leadership on the continent should find such collective governance effort like the APRM inspiring and necessary for the nascent political and economic transformation taking place on the continent