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Introduction What Are the Parts of Speech? . HELP! Sara can’t remember what the parts of speech are. Can you help Sara by finding out what they are and completing an internet based project on them? Click on the Task button to get started! Click on Sara at any time to go back to this page.
Introduction What Are the Parts of Speech? HELP! Sara can’t remember what the parts of speech are. Can you help Sara by finding out what they are and completing an internet based project on them? Click on the Task button to get started! Click on Sara at any time to go back to this page. Task Process Evaluation Conclusion
Task Help Sara figure out what the parts of speech are. You will go on an internet search to learn about this important grammar concept and will create a cartoon to explain 6 of the 8 parts of speech to her (you will leave out any 2 you find tricky). Go to the process page for directions, the evaluation page for the guidelines, and the conclusion page for more learning when you are ready! On to Process Click! Ahead to Evaluation Conclusion
Follow the steps below to learn about the parts of speech. Each step will ask you to take notes so that you can complete your cartoon to help Sara. Click on each step for directions and follow them in order. Process Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Conclusion Back to Task Ahead to Evaluation
Evaluation Task Click here to view the rubric for your work. This is how you will be graded. You will be graded on your neatness & effort, following each step, how well you use the websites, and how well your final Step (the comic) shows what you have learned. Remember, your comic should help Sara (and other students) understand the parts of speech! Process Conclusion
Congratulations! Sara now understand s the parts of speech thanks to your hard work in making your cartoon to show them! The Parts of Speech become important when you are writing and speaking, especially for formal projects and papers. If you want to learn more, go back to the game and interactive websites. You can also practice on your own at home. Be sure to turn in all of today’s work before you do any extra work. Conclusion Teacher Page Task Process Evaluation
Step 1. • Go to this site to read and learn about the 8 parts of speech • Open up a WORD document and take notes on the 8 terms. Write down their definitions. • Label your notes from this site STEP 1 Process For Step # 2 Task Evaluation
Step 2. • Go here to learn even more • Take notes again and label these notes STEP 2. You can add on underneath the notes from step 1. Add to your same document. Save it before you forget! • You already wrote the definitions, now write examples of the terms. Process for Step # 3 Task Evaluation
Step 3. • Enjoy a song about the parts of speech. • Listen a few times to help you remember. When you feel like you remember, write down 2 facts or examples from the song. Label them STEP 3. Process For Step # 4 Task Evaluation
Step 4. • Go here and here do some practice questions to see if you can identify the parts of speech in use. • Do at least 20 practice questions before you move on to step 5. On your notes page write STEP 4 and say how many of 20 you got correct. Process for Step # 5 Task Evaluation
Step 5. • Go here and play some mad libs to see if you’ve got it down! • Do several mad libs to practice using • the parts of speech correctly. • On your notes page write down the funniest sentence (or sentences) you created. Process for Step # 6 Evaluation Task
Step 6. • Go here to finish your quest. Read the instructions below so you know what to do. • Create a 6 panel comic strip at this website. The comic should show 6 of the 8 parts of speech (you may leave out any 2 you feel you don’t know as well). • In each block create a picture that uses the part of speech or shows what it means. The caption should show how that picture uses the part of speech. • For example a picture of a boy jumping would be captioned as “The Boy Jumped. Jump is a verb.” Be much more creative than that with your comic…that is basic! • Print comic when done. Hand in along with your notes from all steps. • This is to show you learned on your web quest today! • See the evaluation page for what to turn in and how it is scored. Process to go back to any Step # 1-6 Task Evaluation
Webquest Rubric Back to Evaluation Page
Teacher Page This Webquest was designed for use in a 6th grade language arts classroom. According to core content, Language Standard 6.1, students should be able to demonstrate conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking, For more on this standard go to the Common Core Website. The language standards for 6th grade focus heavily on Pronouns. I have found though that it is useless to cover pronouns without touching the other parts of speech. Usually after a reminder lesson many 6th grade students remember learning them, and some don’t. This lesson addresses review of elementary skills and get students to apply that knowledge on a more rigorous middle school level. By the end of this lesson they should remember the parts of speech and most definitely know pronouns. This Webquest meets KYTS standard 6 and NETST because it is designed to incorporate technology into instruction. It uses technology to assess and communicate student learning and facilitates student learning. It puts the information at the students level and requires them to use technology to absorb and create. This lesson is entirely student centered and inquiry based. Students are told to write down what they are learning, to practice as they feel the need, and the final cartoon product is using technology and imagination. It allows for a digital-age learning experience and assessment.