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World War I

World War I. How could this happen?. Long term causes of wwi …. Remember M.A.I.N. - M ilitarism A lliances I mperialism N ationalism. Militarism. Nations were building up standing armies. Some nations also began to ‘race’ Ger & GB both trying to build the best navies

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World War I

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Presentation Transcript

  1. World War I How could this happen?

  2. Long term causes of wwi… • Remember M.A.I.N. - • Militarism • Alliances • Imperialism • Nationalism

  3. Militarism • Nations were building up standing armies. • Some nations also began to ‘race’ • Ger & GB both trying to build the best navies • RU & A-H both trying to build the largest armies • Nations were READY to fight! • Video

  4. Alliances Oh what a tangled web we weave…

  5. European Powers had been competing for land and markets all over the world… Imperialism ASIA


  7. British empire in 1914 -

  8. NATIONALISM Balkans - 1914 • Austrian-Hungarian Empire, nicknamed the “Powder keg of Europe” • So many nationalities under the control of 1 empire – many want out! • Ex: Bosnia • Video

  9. All it will take is spark… • June 28, 1914 – GavriloPrincip, member of the Black Hand, Serbian terrorist group that wanted Bosnia to unite with Serbia assassinated A-H Archduke Francis Ferdinand • This started a domino effect of nations involved WWI • Video

  10. EUROPE TUMBLES INTO WAR • A-H wants to declare war on Serbia • BUT afraid RU will help Serbia • SO Ger offers A-H a “blank check” to … • July 28 – A-H declares war on Serbia • July 28 & 29 RU mobilizes • Germany has a problem: When RU enters FR will help • Ger will be surrounded by enemies!!

  11. The schlieffen plan • To avoid a 2 Front War – Germany plans to QUICKLY invade & defeat France (Western Front) • When they have won on that front they will then move to the Eastern Front and confront Russia • This plan allows Germany to fight one front at a time

  12. Europe at war… • August 3 – Ger declared war on FR • Schlieffen Plan – surprise attack through neural Belgium (if attacked, BR will defend) • August 4 – BR declares war (Belgium invaded) • Now all major European powers at war: • Russia • France • Britain • Germany • Austria-Hungary

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