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“ESTACIÓN TERRAZAS DEPOSIT” Emilio José Rascón Mendoza Abraham Cerón García. 1. INTRODUCTION:
“ESTACIÓN TERRAZAS DEPOSIT”Emilio José Rascón MendozaAbraham Cerón García • 1. INTRODUCTION: • Duetohighdemand in theproduction of metallicmineralsisnecessaryprospectingareas of interest. Wedid a performance in theminingdistrictonmineralization Terrazas toseeifitispossibleexploitation of thisdeposit. And propose a scanforanypossibleextension of themineralization.. • 2. HYPOTHESIS: • Isbasedon a felsicigneousbody, whichintrudesbetweenthelimestone, causing a metamorphic skarn.Themineralizationis in thebody of skarn developed in limestones of theFinlayFormation. • 3. METHODOLOGY • FIELD WORK: • Thefieldstudywasconducted in twodaysonhandsamplesmegascopicdescriptionwith a total of 16. and laboratorysamplesfordescription of thin films with a total of 10.Preparation of geological maps of thefollowingsupported software. SurferAutoCAD 2011 11 9.0 Global Mapper Google Earth DXF to XYZ 7. RESULTS: In laboratorywork can becorroboratedwhatwasseen in thefield, in thevariousthin films isobservedgarnetcrystals, calcite, opaque minerals, quartz, hematite and others. Theseminerals are found in thesamplesmegascopicwell as in thin films. 8. DISCUSSION: The Skarn mineralizationispresent in theform of copper carbonates such as malachite as seen in theoutcrops of skarn, itisnoteworthythatnotall Skarn typedepositshavecopper carbonate mineralization, size, shape and mineralizationtotallydependentonpressure, temperature and composition of theigneousbody. 9. CONCLUTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Weproposeaninducedpolarizationgeophysicalexploration in theeasternpart of theland, onthelimestone. To define and establishthedepth of themineralizedzoneintrusive.Maybethey can findsome ore body at depth. 10. REFERENCES: Servicio Geologico Mexicano Junta Central de Agua y Sanamiento. 11. GRATEFULNESS: Adrian Gonzalez Castañeda fortheirvaluableparticipation in thedevelopment of thisproject. 4. LOCATION: Thequickest and easiestwaytogettotheReservoir, istakingtheroadto Ciudad Juárez, 40 km approx. thereis a rightwardshift. Herewego 3 km toreachthetown of Terracestation. Followingthispathwefind a gap tothe center of thefieldtofurther 3km 5. GEOLOGY: Thelithology visible in theareaconsistsmainly of intrusiveacidcomposition, wealsohavethe skarn and limestone. With a majorfault. Undereachprojectwillbewidelylithologicalsequence.Mineralization Terrazas miningdistrictis in a skarn bodyelongated and approximately 6.5 km long and 1.5 to 3 km wide. 6. ECONOMIC GEOLOGY: Themostimportantdepositis in theminingdistrict of Terrazas. The zinc-copperdepositwasexploitedfrom 1800, butthemainhistoricalperiodwasbetween 1904 and 1916, whereitexploded 250.000 tonnesgrading 2.5% Cu. PSJO #1 PSJO #2 PSJO #3 SJO Laborcita SJO #1 SJO dam