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Getting the Most out of Life. Mark McKeon. Never underestimate the impact you are having over other people. In the space provided below, please select the behaviours, which most accurately describe how you perceive yourself. Working across the page from left to right ,
Getting the Most out of Life Mark McKeon
Never underestimate the impact you are having over other people.
In the space provided below, please select the behaviours, which most accurately describe how you perceive yourself. Working across the page from left to right, number each 4,3,2 or 1 according to which word describes you the most (4) through to which word describes you the least (1). 3 1 4 2 1 2 3 4
Behavioural Types • D I S C • Dominant Interactive Steady Cautious Director Socialiser Relater Thinker
Seek power and control Logical thinkers Task and results oriented Like to be noticed Conflict tendencies Show them how to win Use reasoned arguments Set a target and duck Compliment if appropriate Factual arguments. Don’t bluff Dominant Director‘Lead, follow, or out the way’
Seek approval Enthusiastic Interact and participate May be disorganised Like change Show them that you like them Display optimism Support if possible Personal assistance Vary their routine Interacting Socialiser..Hey look at me!
Seek stability Logical thinkers Seek facts and proof Like personal involvement Demonstrate low risk Use reasoned arguments Provide data Keep informed Steady Relater‘Appreciate Me and Respect Me’
Seek facts + sequences Logical thinkers Prefer to work alone Dislike change Show them in writing Use reasoned arguments Allow them to check Provide stability Cautious Thinker‘Failure is not an option’
Challenge Results Control Driven Competitive Needs self awareness! Influence Relationship Sensitivity Friendly Verbal Talk to self in mirror! D I S C • Structure • Planning • Procedure • Deliberate • Organised • Hard to take initiative! • Standards • Rules • Cautious • Careful • Perfectionist • Go away and check it!
Too Much Too Fast Too Soon I want control! Anything and Everything. What’s Next? D I S C Everything for Everybody. I’m happy the way things are. Paralysis by Analysis It’s too risky to change.
Positive Closed Open Negative
My Way Solo efforts. No interruptions. No team pretence Individual accountability No empathy, cohesion, camaraderie or group pride. How Teams Function
No Way Lipservice to team output. Group interruption to individual effort. No group culture. No group system. Ineffective negotiations. Chaos reigns. How Teams Function
Our Way Genuine culture supporting group effort. Greater output than My Way or No Way. Positive workplace. Open debate. Some inefficiencies. How Teams Function
The Way Open positive and supporting culture. Clearly defined system, logistics and boundaries. Good, clear communication. Effective and efficient negotiations. How Teams Function
My Way Solo efforts. No interruptions. No team pretence No Way No group culture. No group system. Chaos reigns. Our Way Positive workplace. Open culture and debate. Some inefficiencies. The Way Open positive culture. Clearly defined system. logistics and boundaries. Clear communication. Which Way is Your Team Going?
Clearly Defined Goals Everyone knows and supports exactly what we are here for.
Communication • Everyone knows exactly what they need to know to do their job
Walking the Talk • Everyone takes individual responsibility to actually do what they are supposed to do.
Live the Values Make the Numbers Live the Values Don’t Make the Numbers Don’t Live the Values Make the Numbers Don’t live the Values Don’t make the Numbers The GE Way