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SEO Content Writing Tips

It is rightfully said that content is the king, when it comes to SEO. Here we discuss on how SEO is dependent solely on content. To know more visit http://www.content-writing-india.com/

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SEO Content Writing Tips

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  1. SEO Content Writing Tips Published By : Content Writing India

  2. Know Your Audience First and foremost thing that every website content writer needs to do is identify their target audience. Find out their demographics like age, gender, level of education, careers, needs, dislikes and interests.

  3. Choose Latest Topics Most people these days love knowing and keeping up with the latest trends. This will make content more relevant and interesting for the reader

  4. Keep It Simple Content writer in India always remember to keep your content short and simple. Provide as much information as possible without being too wordy and long. Just communicate your ideas in short yet very effective words.

  5. Choosing Right Keywords Discover the best keywords or key phrases to use. You can get all this accurate information with just a keyword research and analysis. There are many reliable resources that can be used that are available online.

  6. Using Keywords Properly It is crucial to not overuse keywords or phrases. Keyword density should not be more than 2%. Put a few here and there throughout your article especially at the start of the article and end.

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