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Explore the post-Civil War era in Georgia, focusing on the influential Bourbon Triumvirate led by Joseph E. Brown, Alfred H. Colquitt, and John B. Gordon. Learn about their impact on the state's reconstruction, the rise of Atlanta from ashes, and the controversial Convict Lease System. Discover how these historical figures shaped Georgia’s political and economic landscape, with a particular emphasis on the challenges faced by marginalized groups.
Target • African Americas, Native Americans, and women had almost no rights during many time periods. What are some of the reasons why the government might have prevented these groups from buying land, voting, starting a business, or signing a contract?
Georgia’s Redemption Years According to the World Book, redemption can mean buying back, paying off a debt, or a state of being rescued, or delivered from some great evil… How does Redemption fit Georgia after the Reconstruction Period?
What played an important part in the rebirth of Atlanta after the Civil War?
A City Rises from the Ashes • Atlanta was burned by Northern Troops • By 1861, Atlanta was 4th largest city • During the 1860’s center for communication and supplies • By 2000 there is more than 4 million population in Atlanta • Atlanta is state capital in 1868
The Bourbon Triumvirate • Three Democrats that tried to help Georgia rebuild after Reconstruction • Wanted stronger economic ties with the industrial North • Wanted to protect White Supremacy • Active in Georgia Politics from 1862-1890 • Influenced Georgia Politics well into the 20th century • Bourbon – a line of kings from France who ruled for over 200 years • Triumvirate – a ruling body of three
Joseph E. Brown • The oldest member of the triumvirate • Born in South Carolina, grew up in Union County • Graduated from Yale Law School • State Senator, Blue Ridge Judicial Circuit Judge • Georgia Governor in 1857 (served 3 terms) • Asked Georgians to go along with Radical Reconstructionists • Chief Justice of Georgia Supreme Court • Worked for company that leased Western and Atlantic Railroad • US Senator until 1891, when Gordon resigned(1880) • Trustee for University of Georgia • President of Atlanta Board of Education
Alfred H. Colquitt • Born in Walton County, son of US Senator (Colquitt County is named for his father) • Princeton University • Fought in the Mexican War • State Senator with Brown in 1849, became a close friend with Brown • Major General in Civil War • Elected Governor in 1876 • He was tried for corruption, but found innocent • Reduced state debt and a new state constitution was approved 1877, the next one would be 1945 • Served in the US Senate1883 and 1888, died 1894
John B. Gordon • Son of a minister, born in Upson County • Attended the University of Georgia • Worked as a newspaper correspondent • Manager of a coal mine in Dade County at beginning of Civil War • Lt. General in Civil War, wrote a book about it • In 1872, he became a US Senator • In 1880, he resigned the senate and worked with railroads • In 1886, he became Georgia Governor • Reduced debt and brought industry into the state • Returned to US Senate in 1891-1897 • Gordon College in Barnesville, is named after him.
5W’s and H • Create a chart using the following words, who, what, when, where, why, and how to describe the following terms: Bourbon Triumvirate, Joseph Brown, Alfred Colquitt, and John B. Gordon
Which man has a statue at the state capital? The only statue there of a man on horseback… Joseph E. Brown Alfred H. Colquitt What happened to cause the decline of the Bourbon Triumvirate? John B. Gordon
The Decline of the B. T. • Not all Georgians were satisfied with the accomplishments of the Bourbon Triumvirate and other Democrats who sought to reconstruct the economy of the south • They did not help the poor, or education, no reforms for factory working conditions, or improvements in mental hospitals • Not only did they not improve the lives of convicts (prisoners) in the state, most profited personally from their labors.
The Feltons Challenge the Bourbons • New Group Independent Democrats • Started in Cartersville, GA • Leaders were William and Rebecca Latimer Felton – William was a doctor, Methodist preacher, farmer, and public speaker. • Their family owned The Carterville Courant, a newspaper. • Rebecca was a leader in Women’s Suffrage and Temperance Movements • In 1889, Hoke Smith asked her to be a columnist for the Atlanta Journal. • She remained with the Journal for 41 years.
The Convict Lease System • During the Civil War prisons were destroyed • After the War, lack of jobs led to crime • What was the state to do with increase of prison population? (90% were black) • One solution was the Convict Lease System • Began in 1866 • Prisoners were leased to people who provide them with food, clothing, and housing in exchange for labor • Began with the use of prisoners to do public work
By 1879… • Injustices began to show in the Convict Lease Program • Most of the prisoners went to three main companies, 2 owned by Brown and Gordon • Companies agreed to pay the state $25,000 in return for the use of however many prisoners they could get • They were to give the prisoners housing, clothing, medicine, rest on Sundays • The companies ignored the rights of the prisoners and in some cases worked them to death
In the 1880’s… • Legislative committees met to study the problem of prisoners • Not only were prisoners hurt, but paid laborers who were already poor, were not able to find work because the prisoners took all the jobs. • The Feltons worked tirelessly to change the laws • The Convict Lease System was changed in 1897
The Populists Movement Dr. and Mrs. Felton pushed for: • Improvements in Education • Improvements in Prison reform • Limits on alcohol traffic
The New South • Henry W. Grady • Born in Athens in 1850. • Graduated from UGA • In 1880, he became the managing editor of the Atlanta Constitution. • Henry W. Grady • In 1874, Grady wrote for the Atlanta Daily Herald • He described the need for a “New South”
Grady visited northern cities and spoke frequently about the “New South” Spoke of the growing southern economy, replacing agriculture with industry, textile mills, coal and iron mining, and tobacco factories He wanted the African Americans to become partners in developing the “NEW SOUTH” Henry W. Grady, the South’s Best Salesman Grady died of Pneumonia at the age of 39. He accomplished much in his short life.
Education in the New South Era Outline The Three-Month School Year, met two important needs: • Enabled students to get a public school education • Enabled them to hold jobs in factories/mills • Different times and places in each community
Education in the New South Era • Teacher Training late 1800’s • People who wanted to teach took a test (70, passing) • Most had never been to college • In 1882, 252 teachers went to school in Georgia
Education in the New South Era Education Takes a Giant Step Backward a. In 1877, limited to elementary education b. Segregated schools, until 1960’s c. African Americans were left to be schooled in substandard schools with second hand supplies
Georgia’s best known Populist Concerned about Georgia’s poor and struggling farmers Served in US Congress in 1890, Democrat 1891, switched to Populist Party Introduced the RFD bill, which gave farmers free mail service He began two magazines in Georgia to influence politics Tom Watson
Blamed on several sources Saturday, September 22, local newspapers carried false reports of black assaulting whites By 9 pm, over 5,000 whites and blacks gathered on Decatur Street Rumors of whites with guns caused fear to grow Reality struck, the riots lasted for two days, Martial Law was declared to stop the violence 21 people were killed, 18 black, hundreds were injured 1906 Race Riot A French Newspaper reported on the Race Riots in Atlanta
Frank, born in NY, was superintendent of the National Pencil Company factory in Atlanta Charged with the murder of Mary Phagan, a 14 yr. old employee He was tried and convicted and sentenced to death. Proof was just from one witness who was also a suspect. Frank was Jewish, and many people did not like his religious beliefs. His lawyers appealed to the state supreme court. The governor, Slaton, changed his sentence from death to life in prison The Trial of Leo Frank • The change in his sentence angered KKK members • 25 armed Klan members went to his prison sale, took him and hanged him
The Klan is Reborn In July, 1915, due to the anti-Jewish feelings following the Leo Frank case, the KKK received a charter from the Fulton County Superior Court. On Thanksgiving night 1915, Atlanta preacher and salesman William Simmons and 34 others climbed to the top of Stone Mountain and lit torches as they circled a burning cross. They called their group the Knights of Mary Phagan. Thus they were reborn in Georgia, and in other states.
County Unit System1917 – Neill Primary Act • What is it? • What did those who oppose it think? • What did those who supported it think? • How long was it in effect in Georgia? • Why did it end?
County Unit System1917 – Neill Primary Act • What is it? • A method of counting votes for each county as a unit • The 8 most populated counties had 6 county unit votes each (total 48 votes) • The next 30 had 4 votes each (120 votes) • The remaining 121 counties had 2 votes each (242 votes) • The most populated areas were not represented equally…
County Unit System1917 – Neill Primary Act • What did those who oppose it think? • Men who were elected to office without a majority of the state’s popular vote did not represent the people of Georgia
County Unit System1917 – Neill Primary Act • What did those who supported it think? • This system allows small, less-populated counties to have the same power and influence as large counties • How long was it in effect in Georgia? • Until 1962 • Why did it end? • It was declared UNCONSTITUTIONAL
Denial of Civil Rights • Jim Crow Laws - established separate facilities for blacks and whites • Restrooms, water fountains, dining areas, railroad cars, waiting rooms, hotels • Plessy V. Ferguson – made segregation the law of the land until 1954 • Gave states the right to control social discrimination and to promote segregation of the races • Cummings V. Richmond County Bd. Of Education – again the Supreme Court sided with Georgia against Black parents in Augusta
Denial of Civil Rights • Grandfather Clause: a clause inserted in the Georgia Constitution in 1908 that stated only those men whose fathers or grandfathers had been eligible to vote in 1867 were eligible to vote – it disenfranchised most of Georgia’s African Americans • Poll Tax: a tax to be able to vote, they also had to own property and be able to pass a literacy test. These tests were not standard and could be made up on the spot.
Booker T. Washington • Economic independence is the only road to social and political equality • He gave his most famous speech at the Cotton States and International Exposition • His speech was delivered to a racially mixed crowd • His speech shaped race relations and strongly influenced black leadership for the next 20 years
A ship lost at sea for many days suddenly sighted a friendly vessel. From the mast of the unfortunate vessel was seen a signal, “Water, water; we die of thirst!” • The answer from the friendly vessel at once came back, “Cast down your bucket where you are.” A second time the signal “Water, water; send us water!” ran up from the distressed vessel, and was answered, “Cast down your bucket where you are!” A third and fourth signal for water was answered, “Cast down your bucket where you are.” • DISCUSSION: • What does this mean? • Which Civil Right Leader of the 1950-60’s also used this same idea in his speeches? • Do you think Washington was trying to help the blacks or the whites? Why?
Cotton States and International Exposition, 1895 This exposition was a way to showcase the economic recovery of the south and to show natural resources to attract Northern businesses to the south.
W. E. B. Dubois, Professor of Economics, Atlanta University • Did not agree with Washington • Truth and knowledge would help integrate the races • “Talented 10th” – would be educated and would lead and teach the other 90% of the African American population • He called Washington and his followers the “Tuskegee Machine”
John and Lugenia Hope • John Hope had more in common with Dubois, he was close friends with Dubois and they were both educators in the Atlanta University system • Hope was the President of Atlanta University • Hope brought all the African American Colleges together and formed the Atlanta University Center. • Mrs. Hope organized the Neighborhood Union which offered vocational training, health center, and boys and girls clubs. • Also gave financial aid
Alonzo Herndon • Born a slave on a Walton County Plantation • Learned to be a Barber • Opened a shop in Atlanta • Started to expand businesses as a white barber • Began buying property and ended up owning most of Auburn Avenue • In 1905, he bought a small insurance company and hired African American students to run the company. • It became the largest African American Owned company in the Nation at the time. Today it is still a leader worth over $200 million and does business in 17 states Herndon died in 1927: “Some of us sit and wait for opportunity when it is always with us.”
Rich’s • Famous Atlanta Department Store (now known as Macy’s) • Started in 1867, by Morris Rich • Known as a store “with heart” • took farmers’ produce in payment • took teachers’ scrip as money during the Great Depression • Grew to be a regional shopping chain
Coca-Cola • Invented in Atlanta in 1885, by John S. Pemberton as tonic • Business purchased and expanded by Asa Candler • Sold company in 1919, for $25 million • Robert Woodruff grew company to billions of dollars in sales each year • Woodruff and Candler generous givers to worthy causes Asa Chandler
In 1812, this political cartoon appeared in the Boston Weekly Messenger depicting the odd shape of a voting district created by Massachusetts governor Elbridge Gerry to gain political advantage for his party. The cartoonist called it a “Gerry-mander.”