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Chapter 3

Chapter 3. Product and Service Design. 4- 2. Typical Phases of Product Development. Planning Concept Development System-Level design Design Detail Testing and Refinement Production Ramp-up. 4- 3. Economic Analysis of Project Development Costs.

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Chapter 3

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 3 Product and Service Design

  2. 4-2 Typical Phases of Product Development • Planning • Concept Development • System-Level design • Design Detail • Testing and Refinement • Production Ramp-up

  3. 4-3 Economic Analysis of Project Development Costs • Using measurable factors to help determine: • Operational design and development decisions • Go/no-go milestones • Building a Base-Case Financial Model • A financial model consisting of major cash flows • Sensitivity Analysis for “what if” questions

  4. 4-4 Value Analysis/ Value Engineering Quality Function Deployment Designing for the Customer House of Quality Ideal Customer Product

  5. 4-5 Designing for the Customer: Quality Function Deployment • Interfunctional teams from marketing, design engineering, and manufacturing • Voice of the customer • House of Quality

  6. 6 Correlation: Strong positive X Positive X X Negative X X X Strong negative * Engineering Characteristics Competitive evaluation Energy needed to close door Door seal resistance Check force on level ground Energy needed to open door Accoust. Trans. Window X = Us Water resistance A = Comp. A Importance to Cust. B = Comp. B Customer Requirements (5 is best) 1 2 3 4 5 AB X Easy to close 7 X AB Stays open on a hill 5 Easy to open 3 XAB A X B Doesn’t leak in rain 3 No road noise 2 X A B Importance weighting Relationships: 10 6 6 9 2 3 Strong = 9 Medium = 3 Reduce energy level to 7.5 ft/lb Reduce energy to 7.5 ft/lb. Target values Reduce force to 9 lb. Maintain current level Maintain current level Maintain current level Small = 1 5 BA BA B B BXA X Technical evaluation (5 is best) B 4 X A X A 3 A X 2 X 1 Designing for the Customer: The House of Quality Customer requirements information forms the basis for this matrix, used to translate them into operating or engineering goals. • The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2004

  7. 4-7 Designing for the Customer: Value Analysis/Value Engineering • Achieve equivalent or better performance at a lower cost while maintaining all functional requirements defined by the customer • Does the item have any design features that are not necessary? • Can two or more parts be combined into one? • How can we cut down the weight? • Are there nonstandard parts that can be eliminated?

  8. 4-8 Design for Manufacturability • Traditional Approach • “We design it, you build it” or “Over the wall” • Concurrent Engineering • “Let’s work together simultaneously”

  9. 4-9 Measuring Product Development Performance Measures Performance Dimension • Freq. Of new products introduced • Time to market introduction • Number stated and number completed • Actual versus plan • Percentage of sales from new products Time-to-market • Engineering hours per project • Cost of materials and tooling per project • Actual versus plan Productivity • Conformance-reliability in use • Design-performance and customer satisfaction • Yield-factory and field Quality

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