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12. CHAPTER. DATABASES. Competencies. Distinguish between the physical and logical view of data Describe how data is organized Describe databases Describe the five data models Distinguish among the different databases Recognize strategic database uses & security concerns. Data.

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  2. Competencies • Distinguish between the physical and logical view of data • Describe how data is organized • Describe databases • Describe the five data models • Distinguish among the different databases • Recognize strategic database uses & security concerns

  3. Data • Facts or observations about people, places, things, and events • Two ways to view data • Physical view • Logical view

  4. Data Organization • Character • Field • Record • File • Database

  5. Key Field • Unique identifier • Common examples • Social security number • Driver’s license • Credit card account

  6. Batch Processing Batch Versus Real-Time Processing • Batch processing -- later • Real-time processing -- now

  7. Real-Time Processing

  8. Databases • Sharing – one department to another • Security – passwords to access • Less data redundancy • Data integrity

  9. Database Management • DBMS engine • Data definition subsystem • Data manipulation subsystem • Query-by-example • Structured query language (SQL) • Application generation subsystem • Data administration subsystem

  10. DBMS Structure • Hierarchical database • Network database • Relational database • Multidimensional database • Object-oriented database

  11. Airlines may use a hierarchical database Hierarchical Database • Fields or records are structured in nodes • Nodes are point connected like branches • One parent per node • Parent has several child nodes

  12. Network Database • Hierarchical node arrangement • Many-to-many relationship

  13. Relational Database • Most flexible • Data stored in table or relation • Tables related via a common data item • Easy to use

  14. Multidimensional Database • A variation and an extension of the relational model • Includes a hyper cube • Good for representing complex relationships • Advantages over relational • Conceptualization • Processing speed

  15. Object-Oriented Database • Works with unstructured data • Photographs • Graphics • Audio • Video • Objects contain both data and instructions

  16. Types of Databases • Individual or microcomputer database • Company or shared • Operational • User • Distributed • Proprietary • Web database

  17. Database Uses and Issues • Strategic uses • Special type of database called data warehouse • Data mining used to search database • Security • Databases are valuable • Protection necessary

  18. A Look to the FutureXperanto • Enhancement to searching for data • Access to structured (relational databases) and unstructured data (word processing and spreadsheet files)

  19. application generation subsystem (334) attribute (329) batch processing (330) CGI (Common Gateway Interface) (341) character (329) child node (335) class (338) common data item (337) common operational database (340) common user database (340) company database (339) data (328) data administration subsystem (334) data bank (340) Key Terms

  20. database (330) database administrator (DBA) (334) database management system (DBMS) (333) data definition subsystem (333) data dictionary (333) data integrity (332) data maintenance (334) data manipulation subsystem (333) data mining (342) data model (334) data redundancy (332) data warehouse (342) DBMS engine (333) Key Terms

  21. distributed database (340) entity (329) field (329) file (330) firewall (343) hierarchical database (335) hyper cube (337) individual database (339) information utility (340) key field (330) logical view (328) many-to-many relationship (335) method (338) microcomputer database (339) Key Terms

  22. multidimensional database (337) network database (335) node (335) object (338) object-oriented database (335) one-to-many relationship (335) online processing (331) parent node (335) physical view (328) pointer (335) primary field (330) processing rights (334) proprietary database (340) query-by-example (334) Key Terms

  23. real-time processing (331) record (330) relation (336) relational database (336) shared database (336) structured query language (SQL) (334) Web database (341) Key Terms

  24. FAQs • What is data? Name the different types of data. • What is the difference between a physical and a logical view? • What is a key field? • What is a relational database? • What are the five classifications of databases? • What is data mining?

  25. Discussion Questions • Explain how data is organized. • Discuss the difference between batch and real-time processing. • Discuss the advantages of using a database. • Describe the five DBMS models.

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